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Example sentences for "hug"

Lexicographically close words:
huff; huffed; huffing; huffs; huffy; huge; hugely; hugeness; hugenesse; hugeous
  1. Danny, with another hug that came near doing for teacup completely.

  2. Nobody else," said Dan, as he caught her in a bearish hug and kissed the withered cheek again and again.

  3. He gave her a good old-fashioned hug in conclusion to save himself the embarrassment of words.

  4. Marian understood at a glance, and dropping to the ground beside her, drew her into her lap and chafed the cold hands while she bade Jilly hug poor Gertie.

  5. Before Ernest could answer, Chicken Little reached up both arms and gave the speaker a hug and a kiss that were warm enough to satisfy the loneliest heart.

  6. And how to hug thee for thy private service!

  7. Ole Mr. Wildcat hug Brer Rabbit up close en w'isper in he year.

  8. Mr. Wildcat hug 'im right up at 'im, en laugh en w'isper in he year.

  9. He des tuck'n gallop off in de woods, en he laff en laff twel he hatter hug a tree fer ter keep fum drappin' on de groun'.

  10. Cadwallader, promptly responding to the appeal; and holding Harry in a hug that threatens to crush in his ribs.

  11. A steamer would hug the shore, keeping the brown barren mountains of Lower California in view.

  12. Let me but get him in my embrace again, and he'll have a hug that'll squeeze the last breath out of his body!

  13. An enemy coming from the eastward could, he said, hug the coast of Martinique, and slip into Fort Royal in spite of him.

  14. Christie astonished him with a cordial kiss; then bestowing another warm hug on Aunt Niobe, as she called the old lady in a tearful joke, she ran into the carriage, taking with her all the sunshine of the place.

  15. Mrs. Wilkins, with a hospitable hug and a beaming smile.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hug" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    huge black; huge blocks; huge mass