But it seems to me he's putting me in the cart altogether.
He soon returned, with another boy to help carry our baggage, (there was not a cart or wagon of any sort in the place) and with the information that he had engaged a house for our use.
The Borneo pennies are about as big as cart wheels so this bag was not so out of proportion as it might seem.
Moss tried to stifle his sobs, while his mother put more straw into the cart for him, and cautioned Allan to be careful of him, for it really seemed as if the child was tender all over.
There is not a place where we ever have to take the cart or the barrow that is not all mire and ruts; not a path in the whole garden that I call a decent one.
His hope, when he bought his pony and cart, was to dispatch by railway to the town the best of his produce, and sell the commoner part in the country neighborhood, sending his cart round within the reach of a few miles.
Two minutes later the spring-cart reached level ground above the sea, then, whipping up his horse, Uncle Chirgwin increased the pace, and very quickly Joan found herself at the door of home.
But the girl kept her promise and drove in the market-cart to Sancreed with her uncle and cousin when Sunday came.
Then Tom informed Uncle Chirgwin that his cart with a full load of oar-weed was waiting at the door.
It happened that a load of oar-weed was wanted on the farm, and Mr. Chirgwin, instead of sending one of the hands with horse and cart to Newlyn according to his custom when seaweed was needed, went himself.
Not always; he has taken possession of that dilapidated cottage upon the Hanger, which used to be occupied by Lord Pontifex's gamekeeper, and I believe he oscillates between the cart and the cottage.
Vernie dear, a man who goes about the country in a cart selling things can't be a gentleman!
In another minute the dog-cart was rattling along the lane, Brian driving, and the groom sitting behind with Ida's luggage, which was more important by one neat black trunk than it had been a year ago.
The boy had run riot here, had built his bricks in one corner, had stabled a headless wooden horse and cart in another, and had scattered traces of his existence everywhere.
The dog-cart was at the gate for at least ten minutes, and Brian had looked at his watch at least ten times before Ida appeared at the glass door.
Getting out of the cart I nearly hung myself; and the colt was away again before I could say "Thank you.
One colored horseman hitched forward on the plank of his breaking-cart and gave me his seat.
I guess anybody't drives a seed-cart or peddles stuff along the road knows enough o' women to keep clear of 'em.
Last of all, when harvesting was over, Brother Ansel would mount the newly painted seed-cart and leave on his driving trip through the country.
He watched her for a time in silence, seemed to draw courage from a still longer inspection of his boots, and then said, "So the cart is clean over, Betty?
After many minutes a loaded cart appeared on the road followed by another.
They had left the railway at Eregli, and, taking to cart transport, were making for Mersina.
It was very sad parting from many good friends, and when the last cart disappeared round the spur of the hill, one turned away wondering if one would ever see them again.
Would you be so good as to take me in your cart only as far as the center of the city?
The two came out together, and out of the straw in the cart they pulled--a monk!
You saw, Bridget, the picture on the transparency of the cart that these monks surrounded.
He was content, therefore, to allow the peasant woman to drive her cart and all its contents unimpeded through the dust of the roadway.
He heard a cart roll by on the other side of the wall, and then everything was quiet again.
The mule seemed to think that he had the right of way over the old cart track and headed directly for our tent.
So at least it impressed my surveying gang just about to breakfast under a big mess tent pitched across a faded cart track along the bank of a winding creek.
On four feet again the maddened mule, still feeling himself to be the injured party, kicked viciously with both hind feet at his owner, then started straight across our wrecked home at break-neck speed down the faded cart track.
Breakfast was hardly over in the morning before a peasant dragged up to the door the rude hand-cart which was to convey my few personal belongings to my new dwelling.
And then a man with an ingratiating brogue asked me to take him and his cart and almost before I knew it I had taken a sow that weighed all of five hundred pounds, and my snapshooting was over for the day.
She sent it in a farmer's cart to St. Columb, and the farmer's man who took it for her brought back a great big bag of flour and some more wool to spin.
A half dozen of them followed a horse- cart containing their nets, all done up in a round ball, like a bladder of snuff, with the number of their boat marked upon it.
I'll go and see if the dog-cart is ready, and drive it to the end of the lane.
Pyke resisted the summons for a second or two, then he slouched up to the dog-cart with his hands in his pockets.
The dog carthe and Blair had engaged was waiting, and he dismissed the boy who was holding the horse.
Bucket after bucket of water she tugged from the well to pour on their thirsty roots, and load after load of fertilizer she dragged in Allee's littlecart to spread over the ground in her eager desire to increase their size.
If only we hadn't sold Black Prince," she mourned, "we could just cart these melons into Martindale and make a whole lot on them.
We'll have to leave Allee's cart outside the fence," said Peace, climbing the high rails with astonishing agility and dropping nimbly down on the other side.
They will trace us to Orleans, and you may be sure that there will be a hot hue and cry, and it may be that the fact of a horse and cart having been sold would come out.
In a moment the dog-cart had rattled off, with a parting curse from the squire to the servants, who were unharnessing the horses.
In a moment more the colonel hailed them from the dog-cart and behind him came the britschka with a relay of servants.
But this I say, he must needs be a tuneable man, that shall be able in those days to sing this song to himself at all seasons: for this is to drive reason backward, and to set the cart before the horse.
Even the convalescent British soldiers facing each other in the clumsy drab cart drawn by humped bullocks, and marked Garrison Dispensary, stared at the black skirts so near the powder of the road.
A conservancy cart lumbered past, creaking, the far shrill whistle of an awakening factory cut the air from Howrah, the first solitary foot smote through the dawn upon the nearest pavement.
On a certain Saturday night they went out with a tumbrie cart to procure subjects for the college to be dissected.