Yet during all this time, there was food in some parts of the South, but poor transportation facilities made it unavailable.
Burgoyne’s men under the convention signed by the British leader and General Gates were promised transportation to England on parole, and first were marched to the vicinity of Boston.
Dartmoor is one of the best illustrations of the English convict system which was introduced after the failure of transportation beyond seas.
Four of the men had already received transportation on the steamboat Kate Adams, to leave on the next day for Walnut Bend, where they were to labor on the government works riprapping the river banks with willows.
Because they had no transportation they were compelled to work or beat their way to their destination.
Those boys had been creating dividends for that railroad, and they knew it; and every one of them should have received free transportation to Denver, Salt Lake, or to some source of labor, instead of abuse and persecution.
And after the job at which they have been employed has been completed, they are left stranded whereever they have finished their work, instead of being given transportation to the nearest city or place where other work can be obtained.
Good roads are as important to the motor truck operator as the railroad is to the transportation of logs by rail.
The long bridges are, of course, constructed of bents or piling but are very seldom used in connection with motor truck transportation on account of the expensive construction and because they are usually unnecessary.
Suffice it to say that this method of transportation has found a place in the industry and is here to stay.
With two or more transportation units, a telephone line is a handy if not well nigh indispensable accessory.
It is certain, however, that the advent of motor truck transportation will have a marked effect upon the science of forestry and will bring about a closer utilization of our timber resources.
A medical corps officer told him to find anytransportation he could; and he, too, was able to get aboard a train.
Crossing the swollen Moselle on a military bridge, twisting in and out of valleys and speeding through villages, one saw who were guarding the army's secrets, but little of the army itself and few signs of transportation on a bleak, snowy day.
The harvests of grain and cotton produced in the region bordering upon the Mississippi are so vast as to be of national importance, and the project now being executed for their cheap transportation should be sufficiently provided for.
The campaign in the West had been followed in the East by a great effort under McClellan to advance on Richmond up the peninsula of the James river and using Chesapeake Bay as a means of water transportation and supply.
The consul went, according to request, and the General contracted with him for the transportation of Gen.
Their only mode of transportation is on the back of mules, which are made to carry 300 lbs.
They were equipped in about the same manner as they would have been in campaigning in Florida, their only transportation being heavy wheeled army wagons, drawn by six mules.
With the increase of trade and business naturally came the need of greater transportation facilities, and the men to furnish them were not wanting.
We arrived at the house, and finding no opposition, we politely informed the family of our mission, and offered them comfortable transportation to any point they would name for themselves and their portable belongings, which they accepted.
St. Cloud then became the terminus of the traffic, until the increase of freight lines and the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the Red river drove these most primitive of all transportation vehicles out of business.
This food was especially adapted to extreme northern countries, where in the winter it was sometimes impossible to make fires to cook with, and the means of transportation was by dog-trains, as it was equally good for man and beast.
These routes were insecure, the transportation over them difficult and expensive.
Somewhat later, transportation to the colonies to labor for a fixed number of years became a familiar form of commutation of the death penalty, and after 1662 it was made the statutory penalty for certain offences.
Well, all our transportation facilities seem to be out of order these days.
LANE The Pacific Coast, in 1904, still suffered from transportation problems of great complexity.
It was able to help only by supervision, transportation of teachers and occupation of buildings in possession of the Freedmen's Bureau.
Soon afterwards I got a sickness from drinking Red River water and when I was sent back to Hurricane I found my parents had gone to Cincinnati and when I got word of this to Admiral Porter he secured transportation there for me.
The salaries of these persons were to be paid by their respective societies, while transportation and military protection were afforded by the United States Government.
The length of the period of service will perhaps become still shorter because of the increasing opportunities in trade and transportation and in manufacturing and mechanical pursuits.
The fact is also evident that Negroes are gradually entering trade and transportation and manufacturing and mechanical pursuits.
Stage drivers refused them transportation in the common carriers of the town.
The details of transportation were not thought out beforehand by anyone, nor time given to their perfection.
The transportation proved utterly insufficient for moving the troops with any reasonable degree of rapidity.
Proper means of transportation not having been provided our troops outnumbered five to one could not be reinforced.
Transportation of Young Females of both species transported their young either by dragging them collectively while the young were attached to mammae, or by carrying them one at a time in the mouth.
The prosperity of many a business and community is largely dependent upon relations with transportation companies.
Transportation and Terminal Facilities Graduate of Yale University; after graduation spent one year teaching at Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.
Rail rates had assumed a new importance, labor and other costs had increased and both shipper and carrier were called upon to considertransportation in an entirely different light than before the war.
Intimately associated with this subject is that of shipping; the transportation problems involved in foreign trade, questions of routes, rates, registry and the like are given particular attention.
So suburban grocers and provision men are wont to buy in the city markets, and add the cost of transportation back from the city, and an additional profit for the transaction, to the price to the consumer.
Uncle Mignon was ordered to attend to the transportation of the boxes, so that his nieces' dresses might not receive too much of a shaking.
It is certain," said Madame de Hautmont, playing with her bouquet, "that someone ought to invent a different method of transportation from these carriages.
If prosperity should attend the enterprise of its transportation across the Atlantic, its erection in a conspicuous position in the chief commercial city of the nation will soon be accomplished.
These great waterways comprise a system of inland transportation spread like network over a large portion of the United States, and navigable to the extent of many thousands of miles.
Controlling all means of transportation between planets as he did, because he held all the basic patents, Snyder was able to enforce that ruling.
Now he could legally bring this to the public, and soon homes, public transportation and industry were using his power method.
And there is no expense of package or of safe transportation which I will not gladly reimburse, to procure them safely.
The future charges of transportation shall be carried into the next bill.
The counties above tide water, in the middle and southern and western parts of the country, are not accessible to calls for either of those purposes, but at such an expense of transportation as the article would not bear.
They really deserve the whole, and I wish we had means of transportation for much greater quantities, which we have on hand and cannot convey.
He said he had decided to send me to La Paz to make arrangements with a freighter for thetransportation of the supplies from the company's landing to Fort Whipple.
In due time Brenda recovered sufficiently to bear transportation to Prescott, where she joined her uncle and cousins.
Government owns and operates the railroad with a fair degree of liberality, though the prices charged for transportation are much higher than with us in America.
Lee and the Secretary of War were responsible for the precarious state of affairs, in not taking all the means of transportation for the use of the army; and that our fate was suspended by a hair.
He also writes that, unless the railroads be repaired, so as to admit of speedier transportation of supplies, he cannot maintain his present position much longer.
The speculators and extortioners, in great measure, will be circumvented, for the new conscription will take them from their occupations, and they will not findtransportation for their wares.
Johnson (on their way home) informs the Secretary that from the delay in the transportation of troops over the Piedmont Railroad, there must be either criminal neglect or treachery concerned in it.
The government has forbidden the transportation of freight, etc.
Mr. Benjamin asks a passport and transportation for Mrs. Jane L.
I mean those who have allowed transportation to forestallers and extortioners.
The city is in some commotion on a rumor that the non combating population will be required to leave, to avoid transportation of food to the city.
I had a protracted and interesting interview to-day with a gaudily dressed and rather diminutive lieutenant, who applied for a passport to the Mississippi River, via Chattanooga, and insisted upon my giving him transportation also.
Vance has written to know why the government wants the track of the North Carolina Railroad altered to the width of those in Virginia, and has been answered: 1st, to facilitate the transportation of supplies to Gen.
The Quartermaster-General now recommends that no furloughs be given, so as to devote the railroads to the transportation of grain to Virginia.
The vagabond was acquitted of the murder, but condemned to death for the robbery, and London, who took some interest in the trial, considered him fortunate when his sentence was commuted to transportation for life.
Transportation: Copy of a communication upon the subject of Transportation addressed to Earl Grey by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania.
The timber thus obtained was made into rafts, and floated to the sheds, or arranged fortransportation to Hobart Town.
Here were 4000 barrels of pork, that had been collected from the country and a good many barrels of whiskey, for which there was no transportation and they were burned.
Despite the shelling, every passing confederate took time to fill his haversack with hard-tack, sugar or anything that came handy and to secure as big a slab of bacon as he could find transportation for.
These are commodities where economy oftransportation is a prime essential to production.
And it is evident that, in consequence of these grants, the country was more speedily settled and the settlers afforded transportation facilities at a much earlier period than otherwise would have been done.
Each stage of the world's history that has witnessed some pronounced advance in transportation methods has been swiftly followed by a more than proportionate advance in progress, in wealth, and in happiness of the people affected.
Steam has provided transportation for the great bulk of world life; electricity opened the way for relatively lighter and cheaper transport, thus opening sections otherwise not accessible for economic reasons.
The developed stream affords water for transportation when the stream is navigable, which affects both the producer and consumer from the remotest section to the heart of the Nation.