Therefore they filled the basin between the two dikes by siphon and by pumping, a process which required the drawing in of billions of gallons of water.
He next wanted to know how many million cubic feet they were able to pump and siphon in, and how much the Rio Grande was bringing in per day.
JJ, the horizontal iron tube; K, the descending branch mentioned above, for producing a certain amount of suction by means of the gas-siphon thus formed.
This arrangement, by which the gas was cooled down by the action of the air, acted as a gas-siphon for drawing the gas out of the producer, but it has various drawbacks and has been abandoned in all modern constructions.
He carried a siphon to which he had become greatly attached, and made heavy going of the observation room, but reached the door in fairly good order.
He decided that the poor little woman was on fire and he poised the siphon like a fire extinguisher, with the noble intention of putting her out.
Wellington was about to play thesiphon at her again when he saw her take from her lips a toy cigar and emit a stream of cough-shaken smoke.
In this model water passed out from beneath the rubber through the glass tube attached to the siphon and passed in by the opposite glass tube, and at the sides of it.
The long rubber tube was set in action as a siphon and the sheet of rubber placed against the glass.
As long as water was running through the siphon the sheet of rubber remained pressed against the glass and supported.
Atlantic cables, the original form of the Siphon Recorder is that still chiefly used.
With the electro-magnets of the original form of Siphon Recorder as in ordinary use a magnetic field of about or over 5000 C.
In the Siphon Recorder (a view of which is shown in Fig.
The latest form of receiving instrument for long submarine cables, is that of the Siphon Recorder, for which Sir William Thomson obtained his first patent in 1867.
The univalves which possess a siphon are, for the most part, carnivorous, and are often most voracious creatures.
The osphradia are not always present, but whenever found they are placed in close conjunction with the gills, in order, probably, that the animal may best determine the quality of the water brought by the siphon to the breathing-organs.
Note thesiphon protruding forward from a notch in the shell.
It is a busybody, always on the move, and its long siphon is constantly vibrating.
The branchial or incurrent siphon thus pours its current of water into the /lower/ mantle cavity, to bathe the gills and feed the mouth, while the fresh water is not contaminated by any open and wide connection with the excretory processes.
When the siphon is in its normal position [pg467] the animal swims backward; but it can be turned back over the edge of the mantle, giving a forward movement.
In some genera the siphon is exceedingly long--in fact, longer than the body of the animal.
Univalves not possessed of a siphon may generally be considered herbivorous; they pass most of their time peacefully browsing upon algae.
The mantle covers the body of the animal, and is a cup-shaped or conical envelope, open only at the anterior end, through which project the head and siphon or funnel.
Through the end of this the fleshy siphon projects in life.
They have a large siphonand a fairly large and extensible proboscis.
I was in the act of reaching for the siphon of seltzer when we heard the dog scream in pain and a shout from Evan.
He clapped his hands and one of the house servants came out with a siphon and bottle of gin.
The first is an application of the old principle of the siphon to the purifying of sewage.
Into a tank containing the sewage dips a siphon pipe some thirty feet high, of which the shorter leg is many times larger than the longer.
We can siphon enough from your tank into mine to get me home.
Well, Daddy, if you'll pull alongside we'll siphon the gas.
Between the labial palpi is the mouth, which leads into the stomach by a short, wide tube, and then into a convoluted tube which finally passes through the heart, and terminates near the exhalent siphon as above described.
When circumstances make it possible the stomach pump or india rubber siphon tube should be at once employed.
Nux Vomica and strychnine have no reliable chemical antidote; emetics should first be given, or the stomach washed out with a siphon tube or stomach pump.
Ctesibius introduced the siphon principle into his clocks, and also employed gear wheels and even a cord and pulley.
In order to furnish a permanent conduit it was decided to carry the water in an inverted siphon bored through solid rock.
When the twenty-fourth hour was reached, a siphon came into play, which suddenly emptied the cylinder, permitting the pointer to drop.
The siphon discharged its water into a small water wheel, which, by means of the system of gears, turned the column slightly to bring the hour lines in proper positions for measuring the time intervals of the next day.
The higher forms, as the cuttlefishes, squids, and octopi, swim rapidly by ejecting a jet of water from the tubular siphon beneath the head.
They have a sack of inklike fluid which they discharge from the siphon tube, when pursued or alarmed, in order to confuse their enemies.
Defn: One of a pair of shelly plates that protect the siphon tubes of certain bivalves, as the Teredo.
Defn: An arrangement of siphon tubes for assisting circulation in a liquid.
Siphon condenser, a condenser for a steam engine, in which the vacuum is maintained by the downward flow of water through a vertical pipe of great height.
Siphon cup, a cup with a siphon attached for carrying off any liquid in it; specifically (Mach.
Defn: A device for vibrating the pen of a siphon recorder to diminish frictional resistance on the paper.
When a siphon is charged with gas it is sufficiently filled with the carbonic acid vapor to make its influence felt; a mind charged with an idea is charged to a degree sufficient to hold it.
Too much charging will make the siphon burst; too much attention to trifles leads to insanity.
The bottle and the siphoninspired him to confidences.
His host placed bottle and siphon on a table with meticulous care.
The reading of a siphon is the distance between the two surfaces of the mercury.
This form of barometer is not so delicate or reliable as Fortin's, or as the siphon barometer, which has a tube of the same shape as the wheel instrument, but of the same diameter from end to end except for a contraction at the bend.
A tank situated in the roof, and fed from the main by a ball-cock valve, communicates with A through the siphon pipe S.
The siphon pipe, A B C D, is in the first instance filled by suction.
The flow and return pipes are continuous, and the cold supply enters the bottom of the cylinder through a pipe with a siphon bend in it.
At the siphon under Kurla Creek the curves on the approaches as originally laid down were sharp, the hydrostatic head being there about 210 ft.
Reflux valves on the ascending leg of a siphon prevent water from flowing back in case of a burst below them; they have doors hung on hinges, opening only in the normal direction of flow.
Other devices, such as changing the level and then modifying the slope, and siphon arrangements of various kinds, were adopted (as in the aqueduct at Aspendus).
Vessels containing minute animals can be placed between these two tanks, receiving their water through a siphon from the upper tank; the water afterwards flows away into the lower tank.
When siphonic action ceases, the water in the short arm of the siphon empties itself into the main receptacle, and by so doing cleanses the screen.
The mouth of the siphonbeing placed above the movable basket, the heavy matters contained in the latter are not in the least disturbed, and the metallic screen placed over the mouth prevents the entrance of any floating matters.
From one side a tube allows the liquid to be discharged, while a siphon placed on the opposite side serves the same purpose under certain circumstances, as will be explained.
During a rain or the washing of the streets, the siphon can work in concurrence with the ordinary discharge-pipe.
It was afterward found better to use a delicate mechanical shaker which throws out the ink in minute drops as the cable current gently sways the siphon back and forth (Fig.
Siphon recorder] At first in operating the Atlantic cable a mirror galvanometer was employed as a receiver.
He drank off a glass of soda, the dregs of one of the siphon bottles, and got up yawning, shivering a little and stretching his arms high above.
Vandover understood, and, ringing for a bell-boy, ordered up three bottles of soda in siphon bottles.
The best trap for this purpose is the siphon or running trap.
The gully and trap should be made of one piece; the trap should be of the siphon type and should be deep enough in the ground to prevent the freezing of seal in winter.
Of these last the Bee has the edges of the labium turned down, so that the siphon becomes ventral; in the Bug and Fly the edges are turned up, and the siphon becomes dorsal.