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Example sentences for "sit"

Lexicographically close words:
sisterly; sisters; sisther; sistra; sistrum; sitar; sitch; site; sited; sites
  1. It is remarked that when actors have an off night they go and sit in front at the play.

  2. They have made a sweet sylvan seclusion, in which they sit and smile at the eloquence of Urbs, who pities their exile and depicts the charm of streets.

  3. I wish, she says, that mankind might sit at a sumptuous table, but I shall not scoff at the wooden spoon that feeds its hunger.

  4. And now the pilgrims came from Athens, and Rome, and the Islands of the Sea to sit at the feet of Hypatia.

  5. And so the hearers sit steeped in mist and wrapped in placidity, returning to their work rested and refreshed, without being influenced in any way, save by the soothing calm of forceful fog and mental vacuity.

  6. At other times they would sit and just talk about what their work happened to suggest.

  7. The little girl awoke out of this slumber to hear the unfamiliar London sounds, and to sit up in bed and rub her sleepy eyes.

  8. Behind, like a dream, were the joyous, merry days spent at Garden Vale and Wilderham, with no care for the future, and no want for the present.

  9. There are plenty of swells who began like that.

  10. Father wanted you to go to Oxford in a couple of years, and she is sure not to change his plan.

  11. If the gentlemen will please sit down in the parlor, I will tell M.

  12. At all hours of the day, and on the most trivial pretexts, she would come up, sit down, and for entire hours entertain her with her intolerable speeches.

  13. At times he would sit for hours in an arm-chair, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, his brow knit, and his thoughts apparently bent upon some grave question.

  14. I should sit still and smile when such dishonor and such ruin are coming to a house over which my mother has presided!

  15. To sit still all day long, a needle in her hand, appeared to her harder than death itself.

  16. We sit down; and I, fearing nothing, would not have changed places with the pope.

  17. Well, let us sit up then," said the good widow.

  18. He once told Boswell not to think of his health, but to sit up all night listening to Johnson; for "one had better be palsied at eighteen than not keep company with such a man.

  19. He never wanted to go to bed, and if any one would stay with him, would sit talking and drinking tea till four in the morning.

  20. But Reynolds says that he could sit still for his portrait to be taken, and that when his mind was engaged by a conversation the convulsions ceased.

  21. Pray sit down on the sofa, for I am sure you are tired; and if you like to listen, I shall sing you a little ballad I have composed to-day.

  22. And so is mine," quoth the landlord; "so, sit you down and make yourself comfortable.

  23. Ranged round the room, with their thin, meagre portions of meat and bread, their pale decanter of water before them, sit the students, whom a youth of poverty and privation is preparing for a life of energy or science.

  24. At Rodolphe's Wednesdays in the Rue de la Tour d'Auvergne, it was said, one could only sit down morally and was forced to drink badly filtered water in eclectic earthenware.

  25. He preferred, as ever, to wander at his will and at his own hours, or to sit reading at the dead of night by the light of a brass chandelier balanced on his head.

  26. When the Three Happy Children reached the top of the hill the Toyman cried: "I'll sit in front to steer and hold little Hepzebiah.

  27. You boys sit in back, Jehosophat at the end, and hold on to the grips.

  28. They thought he must be very wonderful to make the earthquake that killed Choo Choo Choo, and they wanted him to sit on the great stone throne of the Billiken.

  29. It was Mother telling him to sit up in bed!

  30. Gaillefontaine, drawing up her swan-like throat, with a bitter smile.

  31. A face to make a woman miscarry better than all the drugs and medicines!

  32. From the cloister, his reputation as a learned man had passed to the people, among whom it had changed a little, a frequent occurrence at that time, into reputation as a sorcerer.

  33. We'd have to appoint a commission to catch her and sit on her, and then if she was put in the insane asylum, I guess Susan Clegg would be mad.

  34. Then every night he could sit in a box and at a certain sign give a yell and shoot out.

  35. He's been down cellar hammering on the wall wherever the wind blew him to listeth to hammer, and I had to sit up-stairs and listen without no chance to blow myself.

  36. When Yahya had arrived at his house he made the beggar sit down at the door, and calling an attendant said to him: 'Every day give this man 1,000 dinars, and for his food give him his part in the provisions consumed in your house.

  37. He called the book the Crown of Kings because "every king who read and followed its precepts would be a perfect king, and thus only would his crown sit well on his head, and the book itself will be for him a true crown.

  38. Thou shalt sit beside The Queen, and live in happiness complete.

  39. She thought, "So cruel was the Queen to me When she but feared a rival, what would come If I should sit beside her on the throne?

  40. Sometimes, as we sit at home, we can see the calamity coming at a distance.

  41. And as a fagot sparkles on the hearth Not less if unattended and alone Than when both young and old sit gathered round, And take delight in its activity,-- Even so this happy creature of herself Was all-sufficient.

  42. Betwixt the king and queen should sit my little Annie, the prettiest fairy of them all.

  43. I will sit on it a little longer," said the Duck.

  44. Meanwhile, the kittens would sit up and look at her with the most provoking indifference, just out of arm's length, until some of us would take pity on the young lady, and toss her furry playthings back to her again.

  45. One day Karine saw her old friend sit on a leaf, as if tired and worn out, and when it flew away the child found a little gray egg lying on the very spot where it had rested, whereupon she made a mark on the nettle and the leaf.

  46. I shall sit here," said Oeyvind, quickly, taking a tub and seating himself at her side.

  47. I don't know how they squash it, but I should say that they sit upon it; I daresay, if we were to inquire, we should find that they kept a fat feller on purpose.

  48. Here, sit in this chair the biggest one; so--beside the fire.

  49. They sit in their apartments at night with a glass of water at their elbow reading the encyclopaedia.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breed; brood; carry; clock; convene; cover; hatch; land; meet; open; perch; pose; posture; roost; seat; settle; sit; summon

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sit down; sits down; sitting alone; sitting down; sitting here; sitting position; sitting posture; sitting room; situated about; situated above; situated between; situated close; situated near; situated upon