The Government, wishing to avoid the possibility of embroilment with a foreign nation, unfortunately felt constrained to impose such restrictions upon the concessionaire as to render his enterprise valueless.
Poins had been so small a tool in the past embroilment of Katharine's letter that, had he gone straight back to his post in the yeomanry of the King's guard, no man would have noticed him.
In the mysterious embroilment in which formerly he had taken part, his sister had told him that he was carrying letters between the King and Kat Howard.
The lively temperament of the Dandy would here probably have involved him in an inconvenient embroilment had not some one at this moment touched him on the shoulder, and looking round he recognised Mr Morley.
To the chartists indeed the factious embroilment at first was of no great moment, except as the breaking up and formation of cabinets might delay the presentation of the National Petition.
But far more admirable is their foresight to save their country from any embroilment with other nations with whom they want to live in peace.
Believing that an early dissipation of your embroilmentwould conduce to your quick and complete recovery he arranged for me to meet you as I have.
Victoria threw herself into the seething embroilment with the vigour of inspiration.
The Duchess knew only too well that in this horrid embroilmenther daughter was against her.