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Example sentences for "casuistry"

Lexicographically close words:
casuarina; casuarinas; casuist; casuistic; casuistical; casuists; casus; cat; cata; cataclysm
  1. Were these the signs of conscious rectitude, or were they the evidence of a spirit seeking rest in casuistry and self-deception.

  2. It was with a firm step that Deans sought his daughter's apartment, determined to leave her to the light of her own conscience in the dubious point of casuistry in which he supposed her to be placed.

  3. Perhaps enough has been said to illustrate the subtle casuistry that had gradually arisen out of the old problem of procuring the smallpox by artifice.

  4. And yet, after all, these are but objections to casuistry as treated by a particular church.

  5. But the main purpose, for which I have reported the circumstances of these two cases, relates to the casuistry of duelling.

  6. They push casuistry into a general and unlimited application; we, if at all, into a very narrow one.

  7. But this is otherwise estimated in the policy of papal Rome: and casuistry usurps a place in her spiritual economy, to which our Protestant feelings demur.

  8. Polonius, in his superstitious respect for ranks and degrees, provides four forms of address applying to four separate cases: such is the ponderous casuistry which the solemn courtier brings to bear upon the most trivial of cases.

  9. But it does strike me, that the present casuistry of society upon the question of duelling, is profoundly wrong, and wrong by manifest injustice.

  10. The great Jesuit theologian, Bellarmin, did indeed try to deny the reality of this baptism; but this can only be regarded as a piece of casuistry suited to Protestant hardness of heart, or as strategy in the warfare against heretics.

  11. At the same period in France, the great Protestant jurist Dumoulin brought all his legal learning and skill in casuistry to bear on the same side.

  12. Like the casuistry of Boscovich in using the Copernican theory for "convenience in argument," while acquiescing in its condemnation by the Church authorities, this encyclical of Pope Benedict broke the spell.

  13. In the Latin countries this sort of casuistry eased the relations of the Church with the bankers, and it was full time; for now there came arguments of a different kind.

  14. In spite, then, of all casuistry and special pleading, this sturdy honesty ended the controversy among Catholics themselves, so far as fair-minded men are concerned.

  15. A skill in theology and casuistry so exquisite as to contrive such assertions, and a faith so robust as to accept them, certainly leave nothing to be desired.

  16. On the other hand, Casuistry borrows little from Roman law, and the views of morality contended for have nothing whatever in common with the undertaking of Grotius.

  17. Much that bears on the subject of international law may probably be latent in the writings of the jurists, Baldus, Covarruvias, Vasquez, especially the two latter, who seem to have combined the science of casuistry with that of the civil law.

  18. Sir Walter Scott likened this piece of casuistry to that of Fielding’s Newgate chaplain, who preferred punch to wine because the former was a liquor nowhere spoken against in Scripture.

  19. There would be no moral casuistry if there were no casuistry of advantage.

  20. Moral theology degenerated into fruitless casuistry and abstruse discussion on subtly devised cases where there appeared a collision of duties.

  21. Seeing the need of infusing new life into the corrupt scholasticism, he sought to rescue it from utter formalism and fruitless casuistry by a return to simple, clear, and rational thinking.

  22. The following are the principal points upon which their quibbling casuistry has been exercised in such a manner as to bring the morality of the Jesuits into thorough disrepute: 1.

  23. Gilli; besides, it gives a strength and momentum to my charges against Popery, which no Popish casuistry can check.

  24. Iphigenie, 1674, has much more liveliness and variety, the deep pathos and terror of the situation making even Racine's interminable love casuistry natural and interesting.

  25. It may be urged that confession and direction, as adopted by the Catholic Church, bring the abominations of casuistry logically in their train.

  26. Its hostility to heretics and its new-fangled doctrine of Papal almightiness encouraged the spread of a pernicious casuistry which favored assassination.

  27. But the Company of Jesus took pains in their casuistry to provide attenuating circumstances for every sin in detail.

  28. Even among the roses and raptures of the most voluptuous poem of the century their presence makes itself felt, as though to hint that the Adone is capable of being used according to Jesuitical rules of casuistry A.

  29. After the irony of Pascal, the condensed rage of La Chalotais, and the grave verdict of the Parlement of Paris (1762), it is not necessary now to refute the errors or to expose the abominations of this casuistry in detail.

  30. He loved to play with distinctions, hyperboles, parodoxes, the very casuistry and dialectics of love or devotion.

  31. His curious scholarship is seen in his articles on the Toilet of a Hebrew Lady, and the Casuistry of Roman Meals; his ironical and somewhat elaborate humor in his essay on Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts.

  32. He called none of his accustomed casuistry to aid him in softening down his fault; he saw it in all the breadth of its enormity, as a foul blot upon that system of deceit in which years of practice had made him so perfect.

  33. Yet I do not clearly understand the casuistry which prohibits our repairing the damage which we have unlawfully committed.

  34. But passing by the question of casuistry here involved, we repeat that the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch is entirely abandoned.

  35. He cites a few of the very worst passages, black with hatred and red with blood, and asks: "Can the casuistry be anything but gross which would palm off such passages as the very utterance of God?

  36. Casuistry is the application of general moral rules to given cases, especially to doubtful ones.

  37. To enable the reader to form some sort of an independent judgment on this question, it is necessary to say a few words on the subject of casuistry and the doctrine of probabilism.

  38. Hardly were the results achieved before a casuistry was developed to justify them.

  39. This represents the German War Book in its most disagreeable light, and is casuistry of the worst kind.

  40. Propriety in posturing in worship, casuistry in the interpretation of law, and abstinence from common enjoyments, came in Pharisaic times.

  41. The dim recognition that God spoke in His fiery words had drawn the crowds, weary of teachers in whose endless jangle and jargon of casuistry was no inspiration.

  42. Their questions were cunningly contrived to entangle Him in the cobwebs of casuistry and theological hair-splitting, but He walked through the fine-spun snares as a lion might stalk away with the nooses set for him dangling behind him.

  43. Their casuistry was from the first addressed to the corrupt and disordered state of society occasioned by long religious warfare.

  44. Casuistry was an art that had its masters, doctors, and cunning men.

  45. From that time there is very little of a dogmatical character, and still less of sacred history; an instruction which would be void, if ancient casuistry did not assist in filling up the vacuum with immoral subtilties.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casuistry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aesthetics; apologetics; apology; argument; bickering; casuistry; circularity; contention; controversy; cosmology; deception; defense; delusion; dispute; distortion; empiricism; emptiness; epistemology; equivocation; ethics; fallacy; falsity; hassle; hedonism; hubbub; hypocrisy; insincerity; litigation; logic; metaphysics; misapplication; mockery; mystification; ontology; perversion; phenomenology; plausibility; polemic; rationalization; rhubarb; sophism; sophistication; sophistry; speciousness; subtlety; rhubarb; sophism; sophistication; sophistry; speciousness; subtlety