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Example sentences for "feud"

Lexicographically close words:
fettle; fettled; fetus; fetuses; feu; feudal; feudalism; feudalistic; feudality; feudatories
  1. This long standing feud between the Baillies and the Faas is notorious.

  2. As a preacher he was eloquent and popular, but his writings were gross, and kindled a violent feud between his order and the Jansenists.

  3. A border feud at Reedsquair, between the English and Scottish marchmen, in which the former were completely beaten.

  4. THE WAY OUT= A romance of the feud district of the Cumberland country.

  5. Thence was the feud begun between the Centaurs and mankind; but first for himself gat he hurt, being heavy with wine.

  6. There is no grudge and hatred borne my by the whole people, neither have I cause to blame my brethren, in whose battle a man puts trust, even if a great feud arise.

  7. But, ye wooers, refrain your minds from rebukes and your hands from buffets, that no strife and feud may arise.

  8. Or hast thou cause to blame thy brethren, in whose battle a man puts trust, even if a great feud arise?

  9. But they did not come easily, for there was an old-time feud between the two families.

  10. No Sicilian feud was ever bitterer or more relentlessly pursued, as the boy increased in size and confidence.

  11. However, the atmosphere was rendered all the more romantic thereby, and I lay back in my chair making believe to myself that I was staying with a Lord Warden of the Marches in the days of the ancient feud between England and Scotland.

  12. Spirited action, a range feud between two families, and a Romeo and Juliet courtship make this a bright, jolly story.

  13. Occasional friendships bridge the feud between our alien races, but the feud remains.

  14. Even as the chief, the Black Partridge, said: there is a feud which can never be overcome, for it is of the Great Spirit's own planting.

  15. A lover who is at feud with his mistress' clan ventures into his foemen's castle while a revel is going on, penetrates by the aid of her nurse to his lady's bower, and carries her off while all the household are sunk in drunken sleep.

  16. The feud of the Scotts and Carrs furnished him with a historic background; with this he enwove a love story of the Romeo and Juliet pattern.

  17. Meanwhile, all too flushed with energy, the energy of movement, to think of the feud between Hugo and Pilzer, Fracasse's men had sped along the castle road.

  18. There was a kind of challenge in their glances; the challenge of an ancient feud of their peoples; of the professional rivalry of polite duellists.

  19. The hillman wanted it clearly understood that the feud he cherished was only temporarily abandoned.

  20. But on the day he had avenged the death of his brother Anson, the feud between him and the sheriff had degenerated to murder.

  21. Do you think he would have asked you to give up your happiness to carry on a feud that ought never to have been?

  22. All this was publicly known, and it would satisfactorily account for the feud and the ill-feeling, but not for the murder; even Moplahs do not usually murder because they are legal opponents.

  23. When there is a race feud over here it seems never to die out.

  24. Specially he spoke with thankfulness of the present friendship of Auchendrayne, of the young Bargany who should for long be under tutors and governors, and of our own Earl, now tired of the feud and eager for a lasting peace.

  25. In our country of Carrick he has an auld friendship with Auchendrayne, and a good-going feud with the Earl, his brother; but recently he has taken up with the Lord of Garthland in Galloway and married his sister.

  26. And much more now when the feud had waxed so hot and high.

  27. Then she that had been Marjorie Kennedy turned to him, and said, 'And will ye indeed consent to staunch the feud for John Mure's sake, that would not do it for mine?

  28. The feud is staunched indeed, when I see Bargany once more in peace at the house of Culzean, even as my good friend the Laird of Auchendrayne said it would be.

  29. That will be just at the darkening,' I said, for I thought it a strange time to be setting forth, when the country was so unsettled with the great feud between the Kennedies of Cassilis and the young Laird of Bargany and his party.

  30. And I thought that the old feud was at last come to an end.

  31. The re-conquest of Italy was so brilliant and easy as to arouse disputes about the spoils; and when the Imperialists began to treat Suvóroff and his heroes cavalierly, the feud became acute.

  32. An equally serious complication was the feud between the British army and navy.

  33. Victor in the long feud against the Bonapartes, whom he expelled at midsummer, Paoli now resolved to root out the Jacobins, and his Anglophil leanings induced him to offer the crown of Corsica to George III.

  34. Neither of them knew that a time of feud was at hand.

  35. Obdurate at first, he would have yielded had not Kriemhild advised him to pursue the feud to the bitter end, unless her brothers consented to surrender Hagen to her tender mercies.

  36. Aigolandus being slain, and the feud against him thus successfully ended, Charlemagne carried the war into Navarre, where he was challenged by the giant Ferracute (Ferragus) to meet him in single combat.

  37. The old feud was renewed, and Abélard, being now better armed than before, compelled his master openly to withdraw from his extreme realistic position with regard to universals, and assume one more nearly approaching that of Aristotle.

  38. If war or blood-feud chance to close one line, the general interests of the interior open another.

  39. But in this section of Africa there is no way except from village to village, and a blood-feud may shut it for months.

  40. The next year the T’ang Emperor conferred the title of royalty upon all the three kings of the peninsula which, instead of settling the deadly feud between them, simply opened a new and final scene of the fratricidal struggle.

  41. This unprovoked insult aroused the slumbering giant of the Middle Kingdom and the hereditary feud that had existed for many years between Ko-gu-ryŭ and China was intensified.

  42. Mrs. Lear got the deed to her property back, but the feud will be worse than ever now.

  43. The Huntley Dam feud was none of their concern.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feud" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acrimony; altercation; animosity; animus; argument; battle; bicker; bitterness; box; brawl; broil; claim; clash; close; collide; colony; combat; conflict; contend; contention; contest; controversy; copyhold; differ; dispute; duel; embroilment; fee; fence; feud; fief; fight; fracas; freehold; fuss; grapple; hold; holding; imbroglio; jostle; joust; lease; leasehold; mandate; occupancy; occupation; polemic; preoccupation; prepossession; prescription; property; quarrel; rancor; remainder; reprisal; retaliation; reversion; riot; rivalry; scramble; scuffle; skirmish; snarl; soreness; sourness; spar; spat; squabble; squall; squatting; strife; strive; struggle; tenancy; tenure; tiff; tilt; title; tourney; tussle; vendetta; vengeance; venom; villenage; virulence; vitriol; war; wrangle; wrestle

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    feudal lord; feudal lords; feudal system; feudal tenure; feudal times