The impression is deepened by the feeling ofhostility to American institutions, and by the special dislike of the North, which the past four years have betrayed.
The history of ethics teaches that the most determined hostilityagainst the best is the good, not the bad.
But he did not show his hostility in the same way.
The hostility to this amendment was not so much owing to an objection to the phrase, as to its being introduced upon the motion of so extreme a partisan as Giddings.
The Indians soon gave proof of hostility by attacking and murdering one of the assistants.
I think their hostility towards us is much more deeply rooted at present, than during the war.
The spirit of hostility to us has always existed in the mind of the King, but it has now extended itself through the whole mass of the people, and the majority in the public councils.
Several symptoms show themselves, of friendly dispositions between Russia and France, unfriendly ones between Russia and England, and such as are barely short of hostility between England and France.
A spirit of hostility, since that event, led them to seek Russian rather than American supplies; a new spirit of hostility has driven them back from Russia, and they are now making contracts for American timber.
His obstinacy of character we know; his hostility we have known, and it is embittered by ill success.
He says that he does not mind the hostility of the white man, but it is his hospitality that makes him tired.
Sometimes there is, even in Utah, a manifestation of such irreverence and open hostility to the church that it makes us shudder.
He described why education had been taken from the control of the Catholic clergy, not out of hostility to the Church, but in order not to prejudice the religious scruples of non-clericals and non-Catholics.
Of course, a candidate who by word or action has shown prejudice against or hostility toward the Jews could not expect their suffrage; but beyond that the Jews are not controllable as a group at the polls.
Aside from registering confidence or the lack of it in the ministry, the vote against confirmation would also have been interpreted as an act of hostilitytoward England.
All this hostility toward the missionaries and their work might be construed to be founded upon an objection by the Government to having its subjects converted to Christianity.
Lord Brooke, notorious for his hostility to the church, came against it, but was killed by a deflected bullet on St Chad's day, an accident welcomed as a miracle by the Royalists.
The first conquests of the Arabians, as we have already seen, threatened hostility to literature.
From month to month the hostility increased, and from being concealed it became patent.
It would be useless to discuss now, what you elect to call my hostility in past days.
Let that, therefore, be dismissed; and let us come at once to the special hostility you complain of in me, since the troublesome arrival of Aunt Rose and her wards.
The controversy raged loudly between them; and in the vehemence of his hostility to the doctrine of Erasmus, Luther was led into various assertions of a very questionable kind, besides indulging in the wild abuse of his opponent's character.
A fresh source of hostility broke out on the death of the young Dauphin of France, who was said to have been poisoned, and the king accused Charles V.
Owing to hostility toward him among the English employees of the company, he could not go back to the bay.
It has seemed to be the policy of the legislature of Utah to evade all responsibility to the Government of the United States, and even to hold a position in hostility to it.
A portion of the Indians of the eastern part of California have always manifested their hostility to the whites, and have taken numerous occasions to wreak their vengeance upon those whom they consider the invaders of their country.
The dangers which the adventurers are subjected to encounter are often increased by the hostility of the Indians.
It is inhabited by numerous tribes of savages, who manifest the most decided hostility towards the whites, and have hitherto prevented any explorations of their country, and do not permit emigrants to pass through it.
The Indians upon the route are friendly and very few acts of hostility have been committed.
It might as fairly be regarded as proceeding from a jealousy of the merits of Plautus, as from hostility to the innovating tendency of Ennius.
The diabolic hostility is open and avowed and He hears the howls and shrieks of the infernals.
I profess no hostility to either, but as educational instruments I believe them to be useless.
Opposition hostility reached such a pitch that in 1899 there was hardly an act of the cabinet during the negotiations with President Kruger which was not attributed to the personal malignity and unscrupulousness of the colonial secretary.
A vehement hostility to the Union was spreading through all parts of the country and all classes of the people.
But what he lacked in personal devotion he made up (as some have done since his day) by furious hostility to spiritual and religious enthusiasm in others.
The revival of the old, appeared like the introduction of a new religion; and the hostility it excited was less sanguinary, but scarcely less virulent, than that which signalized the first publication of Christianity.
These greetings partook of the nature of pleasantries and the only note of frank hostility came from the throats of the hounds.
He summonses me to answer in his own court, for meeting with hostility the attack of his own assassins.
People ceased to treat her with the hostility that the happy feel for the unhappy.
If she did not go home at once she would begin to meet the village lovers, who would not understand how well she wished them, and would look at her with the hostility that the lucky feel for the unlucky.
I felt that Doña Orosia's eyes were upon me, and I believed that she liked me none the less for my hostility to the man.