That there should be public functionaries independent of the nation, whatever may be their demerit, is a solecism in a republic, of the first order of absurdity and inconsistency.
This solecism may be called any thing but republican, and ought undoubtedly to be corrected.
In his eagerness to invalidate the statement of Mr. Pierce, Mr. Calhoun had overlooked a solecism of action in which it involved him.
The former loses money by it; the latter makes money by it; and a tax that becomes a money-making business is a solecism of the highest order of absurdity.
Professor Masson has not been able to avoid in history the solecism in geography of the renowned minister of the lesser Cumbrae.
Black Prince, it narrates the strangesolecism of English rule in France, and ends in 1435 with the still more romantic mission of the Maid of Orleans, and the Congress of Arras, and the extinction of the English cause in France.
It would have been ill-bred on the part of my host to ask me what I wanted, and I should have been guilty of an equal solecismin entering on my business until I had partaken of the customary refreshment.
In rhetoric, a solecism is defined as an offense against the rules of grammar by the use of words in a wrong construction; false syntax.
Cæsar, by dismissing his guards and retaining his power, committed a dangerous solecism in politics.
A barbarism may be in one word; a solecism must be of more.
The idea of having committed the slightest solecism in politeness was agony to him.
When very young he deals with the matter in a straightforward fashion, and trounces the author for every unwitting solecism and willing falsification that is discovered.
We critics hardly know; and it may be a solecism to suggest that the same applies to the studies of the Faubourg St Germain.
When the brains are out, why does not a Solecism die!
Such Ready-Reckoner is a Solecismin Eastcheap; and must, whatever be the press of business, and will and shall be rectified a little.
Tcheque is a better synonym for the solecism Bohemian.
On the whole, these precepts are not materially different from those laid out in the Topica for Dialectic; except that he gives greater prominence to Solecism and Tautology, as thrusts practised by the sophistical questioner.
The examples given by Aristotle do not admit of being translated into a modern language, so as to preserve the solecism that constitutes their peculiarity.
Mr. Reuel Williams, of Maine, exposed this solecismin a few pertinent remarks.
But one should not make the mistake of justifying a solecism by saying “Mrs. So-and-so says it!
It is hardly to be supposed that any person who reads this book will be guilty of the outrageous solecism of signing his or her name to an invitation written in the third person.
And he goes on to repudiate, it will be observed, not so much the moral offence of corruption, in receiving money to spare Warburton, as the intellectual solecism of selecting him for ridicule.
Here there can be no suspicion of designed defiance of rules; and more than one solecism of rather a serious kind in his use of English words and phrases affords confirmatory testimony to the same point.
If he commits this solecism he must not be surprised to find that she does not return his salutation.
It must be observed, however, that this remark applies only to the intellectual workers, who, if they do occasionally commit a minor solecism in dress or manners, are forgiven on account of their fame and talents.
Doomed mortal;--for is it not a doom to be Solecism incarnate!
We will notice one other philosophical absurdity involved in the doctrine of the divine incarnation--one other solecism comprehended in the childish notion which invests the infinite God with finite attributes.
But, why women in health should be more familiar with each other than men are, when they boast of their superiour delicacy, is a solecism in manners which I could never solve.
And that tribes of men, like flocks of sheep, should quietly follow such a leader, is a solecism that only a desire of present enjoyment and narrowness of understanding can solve.