An end had to be put to this, for some unforeseen accident might lead to a misunderstanding followed by hostilities.
In regard to the misunderstanding of it, let it be said, if we suppose a mind inspired by God to see far deeper and further than its contemporaries, it must be liable to be misunderstood in proportion to the poverty of the vernacular language.
Quite to the contrary, the whole history of Christianity--from the death on the cross onward--is the history of a progressively clumsier misunderstanding of an original symbolism.
And what a tremendous misunderstanding appears in the word "genius"!
The result was a great deal of misrepresentation and misunderstanding of him.
We others, who have the courage for health and likewise for contempt,--we may well despise a religion that teaches misunderstandingof the body!
If theirmisunderstanding had arisen from business conditions alone, Bannon would have talked out plainly.
For Peterson's spirits had risen with a leap, once the misunderstanding that had been weighing on him had been removed, and now he was working as he had never worked before.
And as Bannon was not in the habit of giving his reasons, the misunderstanding grew.
The misunderstanding of the subject begins with the attempt to apply the precepts as specific rules for the direct mechanical management of the voice.
Much of the prevailing confusion about the voice is due to a misunderstanding of this point.
That this analysis involves a complete misunderstanding of the laws of acoustics need hardly be said.
It is like the misunderstanding which saw an angry mob in every town meeting of the people of Boston, and characterized as a "riot" every deliberate expression of public opinion.
Perhaps it might be their interest to foment the misunderstanding betwixt us; but really they give themselves no trouble about our affairs; and, so far as I know them, are a very good sort of people.
This mutualmisunderstanding could not fail of animosities.
I am sure you have humanity enough to espouse my cause, did you but know the justice of it; and I flatter myself that by your kind interposition I may be able to rectify that fatal misunderstanding which hath made me wretched.
Accordingly, a misunderstanding soon happened among them, which was fomented by the malice of one of her sisters-in-law.
Then Sally recalled Mrs. Burton's suggestion that the Camp Fire girls try to become an influence for peace if they observed a misunderstanding between Allied soldiers.
In the past few weeks it had appeared as if the peace o' the world, which was to be wrought out in France was again endangered, not only by Germany's bluster, but by a misunderstanding between France and the United States.
The cause of this little misunderstanding was not far to seek.
He must know certainly whether a misunderstanding or an irreparable breach separated Ethne from Feversham before he took the steps he had in mind.
But was there really more misunderstandingthan wrong?
But is it--can it be--possible that I ammisunderstanding Count Raymond?
Since other people are always misunderstanding me, can it be possible that I am constantly misunderstanding other people?
It had come only after many days of misunderstanding and doubt.
I sent for you this afternoon for the purpose of clearing up any misunderstanding you may have in regard to your authority here at Overton.
Some misunderstandingtook place between Professor Seixas and some of his scholars respecting the sale of his Bibles.
This latter interpretation may be due to a misunderstanding of the old custom.
Excepting a husband, my dear,' rejoined the archdeacon's widow, determined that there should be no misunderstanding this time.
But it would be a complete misunderstanding of the time if we inferred that it meant a decline of humane feeling.
From a misunderstanding of this has arisen 'metaphysical jargon' and 'false morality.
From a misunderstanding of this arise all the fallacies of scholastic ontology, 'the most idle and absurd speculation that ever employed the human faculties.
And that was where the mutual misunderstanding between the two ladies came in.
So the two brothers bade good-by to each other for the summer in misunderstanding and mistrust, though their outward behavior was cordial and brotherly enough.
But the Greeks through a misunderstanding converted the title of honour into a proper name.
The volume would have been forgotten in a month, had not a misunderstanding about a manuscript arisen between the young editor and the greatest scholar that had appeared in Europe since the revival of letters, Richard Bentley.
With Prior he had a close intimacy, which somemisunderstanding about public affairs at last dissolved.
Thomas Davis and his friends, at the risk of misunderstanding and misrepresentation, did their utmost to promote union on the basis of a common pride in Ireland's past and a common hope for Ireland's future.
One great source of misunderstanding has now disappeared: it has become clear within the last few years that the Orangeman is no more loyal to England than we are.
Through a misunderstanding of orders the Ohio regiments fell back a short distance, but soon retook the crest and were again fiercely engaged, though under an enfilading fire of artillery and a galling fire of musketry.