Faustus of Marlow (sic);" and from this contention Jeffrey dissented.
Theresa of the poem with the Countess Guiccioli, but from this contention the late Professor Kölbing (see Englische Studien, 1898, vol.
But my contention and my fear is," she said, "that he will make mincemeat of her before he is done with her.
But no reader of Haeckel's Riddle would have anticipated that such a contention could be made by any devout disciple; and I wonder whether Mr M'Cabe can adduce any passage adequate to support so estimable a position.
As Caius Gracchus had foreseen the control of the law courts proved a standing bone of contention between the two orders.
The control of the law courts became a standing bone of contention between the Senate and the equestrian order.
That opposition between the most sacred relations, which often occurs in life as a problem not to be solved by man, is here represented as a contention in the world of the gods.
He was able to cite the authority of Lord Althorp, Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Morley and of the Prime Minister himself in support of the contention that circumstances might justify morally, if not technically, violent resistance or even civil war.
Lord Randolph dealt with this contention in his most polished Parliamentary style.
Time was offered to the waverer and the weakling--and among all the plain men jostled and buffeted in this fierce contention there were many such--to put off the evil and momentous hour of decision and to cling for a while to a middle course.
So long as power and opportunity were based not upon public confidence but upon mere advantage of position, the contention of party leaders turned upon questions of appointment to office and the control of party machinery.
The controversy had so far followed the ordinary lines of partisan contention in Congress, which public opinion was accustomed to regard with contemptuous indifference as mere sparring for points in the electioneering game.
The contention over official patronage, always strong and ardent upon the accession of every new President, was aggravated in Garfield's case by the factional war of which his own nomination was a phase.
The contrast is a symbol of the contentionbetween the two ideals, into which William was immediately to enter.
Marston Moor was fought in that year, and all England was taking sides in the contention between the Parliament and the king.
The two proprietors had already discussed the question without settlement; indeed, it remained a cause of contention for some seventy years.
In the long contention which had been going on within him between the world and the other world, the world had been getting the mastery.
There had been a hot contention between the council and the assembly, and another between the province and the territory.
May 14 the houses of Lord Lansdowne and Sir Edward Carson were picketed by suffragists to emphasise the contention that the Ulster leaders should also be treated as in revolt.
Thousands of instances might be compiled in support of the contention of Professor Giddings, equally as pertinent as these.
He recognized the absurdity of the contention that the value of commodities is determined by the amount of labor, either individual or social, actually embodied in them.
This is not the place to enter into the elaborate discussion which this contention involves.
Thus reduced, the increase of small industries and retail establishments affects the contention that there is a general tendency to concentration very little.
The latter contention would be absurd, and the former would involve the abandonment of the initial premises of the Marxian theory, contained in his definition of a commodity.
Their contention was that wages being determined by the cost of living, it mattered nothing how much or how little the workers got in wages, the cost of living and wages adjusted themselves to each other.
After judicially balancing the testimony furnished by world-renowned authorities upon the effect of race crossing, the author espouses one side of the contention with all the ardor of a retained advocate.
The spirit and manner of contention is out of place.
At the close of Senator Thurston's speech on intervention in behalf of Cuba, there is picturesque language for impressing the contention that force is justified in a worthy cause.
Two days of ineffective contention over the legitimacy of the elections of the lucky two, Messrs.
Minnesota state railroad adjustment bonds,” to a sufficient amount, was passed after some contention as to details.
The contention was that the light tackle specified was too light.
There seemed to be contention or rivalry, for when the white-headed bird alighted the others swooped down upon him.
The contention between the father of Zimri and Eleazar whether he ought to have slain his son without law; next the ambassadors of the Moabites expostulating about Cosbi, a stranger and a noblewoman, slain by Phineas.
It is no longer contended that the national religion should be changed, the contention is that no religion should be national, but that all should be placed on an impartial footing.
Thereupon a spirit of contentionstirred each chieftain, who should be the last to leave his oar.
And the heroes delighted in the jest and attacked them with taunting words; and merry railing and contention flung to and fro were kindled among them.
Certainly we must object to Boehm-Bawerk's contention that the solving of the price problem ipso facto solves the value problem.
Surely Professor Davenport's contention is an impossible abstraction from the rich facts of social control.
The contention is that value is absolute only in this sense: its amount is not determined by the particular exchange ratio in which it happens to be put, and is not changed eo ipso every time a new comparison is made.
Gabriel Tarde, criticizing Mill's contention that all values cannot rise or fall, instances the general fall in all values which an epidemic occasions, and the recovery of values after the epidemic.
Professor Davenport's contention that, from the standpoint of the entrepreneur, the whole thing may be looked at in pecuniary terms, is true of many problems.
Simmel's contention is that, even for an isolated economy, value arises from exchange, and that exchange is essential to it.
Between these two a controuersie did arise at the time of their consecration, for prioritie in place: but this contention was quieted by the King, and Thomas for the time subscribed obedience to the Archb.
In this contention few of the Bishops did openly take part with Anselme; but some, and especially the Bishop of Durhame, did directly declare against him.
And thus was the contentionfor this first time taken vp; but in succeeding times it was often renued, and much busied the Clergie of the Realme.
Thus was the contention on both sides obstinately maintained; and for a long time Anselme was commanded to attend the Court.
And thus ended the contention betweene these brethren; who vntill this time had continued like the waues of the Sea, alwayes in motion, and one beating against the other.
The seedes of this contention were cast, when Anselme was first receiued to his Sea.
The contention appears to be altogether too preposterous.
It may be urged in opposition to this view that in those days there was a form in which dedications and prefaces were written, and that this was more or less followed by many writers, but this contention will not stand investigation.
It is proposed now only to mention some evidence connected with the "Argenis" which supports the contention that the 1625 English edition contains the original composition, and that its author was young Francis Bacon.
The notes are also accompanied by scrolls, marks, and brackets, which support the contention that they are the work of one man.
Contention over issues in the moral realm could never be harder pressed.
Into this supremecontention Lincoln was compelled to enter.
In his contention and defense his being is completely unified.
To the men on either side of this contention it seemed as though their antagonists were bent upon uprooting and removing the very hills.
So momentous and grave seemed to him the meaning and weight of the contention that drove the Nation into war.
Messiahs of all ranks, from the highest to the lowest, he regarded as mere bones of contention along interminable sectaries, all ready to fang each other, but kept in check by Scotland Yard.
In short, the episode of the Riverside Franchise is a triumphant proof of the contention that business men are the best fitted to conduct the politics of their country.