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Example sentences for "discussing"

Lexicographically close words:
discus; discuss; discusse; discussed; discusses; discussion; discussions; discust; discutient; disdain
  1. Within five minutes he had returned to Lucie and Jachin Fell, who were discussing the condition of Mrs. Maillard.

  2. You were just now discussing the majesty of the law.

  3. Osterberg thanked him for his kind words, and the trio fell to discussing their journey from Varna to Constantinople.

  4. Most of the women and children of the crowd of Mexicans had gone to their homes, but men yet remained before the court house and in the street, discussing and arguing the exciting events of the night.

  5. The crowd began to stir and disintegrate and break into groups, gesticulating, talking, discussing all the astonishing items of news given by the engineer, from the particulars of the Sorensons' depravity to announcement of renewed hire.

  6. Mr. Weir has never mentioned your daughter's name in my hearing; I think him incapable of discussing any one maliciously.

  7. Yet she was calmly discussing his situation without animus or even unfriendliness.

  8. The superintendent had overheard a scrap of gossip among the staff one evening before Weir's arrival when they were discussing the advent of the new chief.

  9. When he entered the camp he found the men gathered in knots, discussing the news they had just received of a coming engagement.

  10. After discussing the proposal with the Cabinet, President McKinley notified the French ambassador of his ultimatum.

  11. Groups were gathered on every street corner discussing the war and their hopes of its probable early ending.

  12. After discussing the situation among themselves for more than an hour they separated, one body making off as though they intended to leave, but I understood too well to allow the soldiers to be deceived.

  13. It corresponds exactly with the view that I have taken in discussing the utility of the Syllogism.

  14. He added to the confusion by trying to devise forms of Syllogism based on connotation, and by discussing the Axiom of the Syllogism from this point of view.

  15. Bain uses the word with an approach to this width of application in discussing all that is now most commonly called Immediate Inference under the title of Equivalent Forms.

  16. It is not worth while discussing what historical justification Whately had for his view of Induction.

  17. We had an example of this in discussing whether the inference in the Hypothetical Syllogism is Immediate.

  18. We are discussing my age, and I tell you that I have something better than even the specialist's word to stand on: I have the knowledge of my own careful, healthy, abstemious life.

  19. Do you happen to know, William, what these distinguished gentlemen are discussing with such interest and gravity?

  20. He was foremost in the politics of the time as in everything else, and he and William Pressley had been discussing this subject at the moment of Ruth's appearance, which had interrupted their conversation.

  21. In no instance that I can recall was a direct reference made to the nature of my recent illness, until I had first made some remark indicating that I was not averse to discussing it.

  22. One day, while discussing the business situation with me, he informed me that my work had convinced him that he had made no mistake in re-employing me when he did.

  23. On the evening before the party the girls were at the Great House, having come up nominally with the intention of discussing the expediency of dancing on the lawn.

  24. It may be said that she could not have been justified in discussing the matter even within her own bosom, unless authorised to do so by Dr Crofts himself.

  25. They were standing discussing this when a cry caused them to turn.

  26. Do you see, then, the mistake that people have been making in discussing what is meant by Heaven?

  27. There is less need of discussing the subject here, since we have already dealt with the question of Recognition in the Intermediate Life (Part I, Chapter VII).

  28. I never thought of that," Lambert said, leading the way out of the building and to the office, discussing the case further on the way.

  29. The lads went out and along the street to another place equally attractive and there they ate unsparingly, the while discussing their latest experience, though Tony was silent on that.

  30. He and Adrian, and Lady Blandish, took tea in the library, and sat till a late hour discussing casuistries relating mostly to the Apple-disease.

  31. Your old servant heard him and your uncle discussing it.

  32. Many also have Essay or Literary societies, for reading papers and discussing the books and writers treated of, which involve a considerable amount of previous reading.

  33. But it is certain that in discussing education we ought constantly to envisage the actual individuals to be educated.

  34. They have had the advantage of hearing their father and his friends discussing topics which are outside the range of school life.

  35. Because the Chamber of Representatives found it proper to claim the right of discussing the Budget!

  36. It will determine wisely the responsibility of the Ministers before the Chamber, as well as the mode of discussing the laws.

  37. Often, when hot-headed young Egyptians were discussing Malet and Colvin's death, I endeavoured to convince them of their folly, and that no possible good result could come of it to the National cause.

  38. We are here discussing his intellect, not his life.

  39. While we were discussing the roast pig, and washing it down with fragrant mead, Fritz described the day's expedition.

  40. No doubt they had been discussing this hardship, for little Franz came to me with a brilliant proposal of his own.

  41. Some fisher boys were lying asleep, like dogs basking in the heat; and a knot of lads, sitting under the shade of a boat, were discussing with some warmth the question of smuggling.

  42. The two women walked to the barnyard, discussing Naomi in undertones as they went.

  43. Infallibility; but he declares that the Council will be left entirely free in discussing and deciding on it, and that it will only be raised to a dogma if a large majority pronounce for it.

  44. The first impression made on the minority by the violent closing of the general debate led many of them, in discussing it directly after the sitting, to say they would take no further part in the debates.

  45. So they waited in the taverns, in the cafes, and at street corners for their leaders, who were discussing the final plans with Pierre Briant at the Cheval Noir.

  46. First with Herrick alone, and then with Father Bertrand, who joined them, Jean sat through the night discussing revolution and the fighting spirit that was in the people of Vayenne.

  47. So I let him alone as to all this, discussing with him most other things good and evil in the world, and being convinced of much further innocence; for Scipio's twenty odd years were indeed a library of life.

  48. I remember quite seriously discussing the pros and cons of it with myself.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discussing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.