It is therefore better economy to hash or spiceyour cold meat, and buy fresh for soup.
Beat the eggs, and add the drained curd, also the sugar and butter, which must have been beaten to a cream, then the spice and fruit.
When they are green take them out, drain them and put them in jars; pour hot vinegar over them, with any kind of spice you may like best, and a small piece of alum in each jar.
Beat the eggs light and stir into it, with the rose-water; add the spice and flour.
Some prefer spice in hogs-head cheese; in that case, add a small quantity of ground cloves and mace.
Add the flour and fruit gradually; beat the batter till the fruit is thoroughly mixed with it, then add slowly the spice and liquor.
This cake is very good, but the spice gives it a dark color.
In the mean time throw the oysters in cold water and then drain them; strain the spice from the liquor, put it into a sauce-pan with the oysters, with two ounces of butter rolled in flour, and a gill of rich milk or cream.
Some stick in a few cloves, and those who are fond of spice add allspice.
Add the liquor and spice gradually, and lastly the fruit, which must be well floured.
Any spice may be added, and the grating of a lemon, but many prefer the dressing without spice.
Cut up the butter in the flour, add the sugar, and spice by degrees.
Stir in the spice and liquor, and beat the whole very hard for ten or fifteen minutes.
Add the spice and liquor very gradually, then the fruit, which must be floured before it is put in, or it will settle at the bottom of the cake and burn.
Do you blame the fly because it remembers the wine and spice of life?
He perceived that though the pepper and ginger which was taken on board in the Malabar ports was grown in India, the cinnamon purchased there chiefly came from Ceylon, and the spices from the Malay Peninsula and the Spice Islands.
It gave the Portuguese the complete command of the spice trade, and eventually of the Chinese and Japanese trade.
Antonio Moniz Barreto was to govern from Bengal to the {200} furthest East, with his headquarters at Malacca, and was charged with the control of the spice trade.
And finally they found it necessary to build up, much against the will of their employers at home, the Dutch Empire in Java, Sumatra, and the Spice Islands, and the English Empire in India.
They had to break the Muhammadan connection with the whole of the East, with Persia and the Spice Islands as well as with India.
Of equal importance was Albuquerque's despatch of three ships, under the command of Antonio de Abreu, to explore the Moluccas and the Spice Islands.
But the irregularity of these proceedings lent a certain spice of surreptitiousness to their intercourse which was not without its charm.
An explanation is never the worse for a spice of truth.
They are brought in considerable quantities from Canton, and used as a spice and in confectionery.
When ground as a spice it is difficult to distinguish cassia from cinnamon (q.
Potter came to New York from the Potter-Parlin Spice Mills in Cincinnati.
Left to right, English decorated tin pot; coffee and spice mill from Lexington, Mass.
But Mr. Burns had continued regularly in the employ of coffee and spice firms, and at one time he was bookkeeper for Thomas Reid's Globe Mills.
Smyser was superintendent at the plant of the Weikel & Smith Spice Company, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, is granted his first United States patent on a spice box used also for coffee.
United States patents on an improved coffee and spice mill.
True humor, it should be remembered, is neither scathing nor insolent; it is simply that bright repartee that someone aptly calls the "spice of conversation.
He touched at the Philippines, visited the Spice Islands, and slowly worked his way around the Cape of Good Hope.
This voyage was unsuccessful, but other fleets followed, until soon the Dutch had almost driven the Portuguese, now subjects of the king of Spain, from the Spice Islands.
Such savages bore little resemblance to the people whom Marco Polo said inhabited the Spice Islands.
His imagination was also fired by Marco Polo's description of the marvelous riches of China, Japan, and the Spice Islands.
In 1498 John Cabot and his son Sebastian, while in search of the Spice Islands, sailed along the coast from Newfoundland to what is now South Carolina.
He touched at the Philippines, visited the Spice Islands, came home by way of the Cape of Good Hope, and won the glory of being the first Englishman to sail around the globe.
Two of the ships then went southward to the Spice Islands, where they loaded with spices.
Some came in search of China or the Spice Islands; some were in quest of gold and pearls.
The Portuguese meantime, by sailing around Africa, had reached the Spice Islands.
Modern innovation has, however, added a sprinkle of spice to the hashes of the above-named school.
It had in it a spiceof recklessness which pleased me.
Both Leaders: You shall bring spice and ore slow long-armed gestures indicating the entire horizon line.
Spices should be bought whole and ground in a spice mill as needed; if this is done, there need be little fear of their impurity, for whole spices are difficult to simulate or adulterate.
Tea, coffee, whole spices, and the like may be ground or crushed in a mortar or in a spice mill.
We need a dash of him on these autumn days, as we need a dash of spice in our food.
The Italian cities established trading stations in the East and carried on a direct traffic with the caravans which brought to the shores of the Mediterranean the products of Arabia, Persia, India, and the Spice Islands.
They accordingly expelled the Portuguese from a number of their settlements in India and the Spice Islands and brought Java, Sumatra, and other tropical regions under Dutch control.
Illustration: The Voyages of Discovery] [Sidenote: Idea of reaching the spiceislands by sailing westward.
Moreover, spice served to make even spoiled food more palatable than it would otherwise have been.
The coast of North America was explored principally by English navigators, who for over a century pressed north, still in the vain hope of finding a northwest passage to the spice islands.
Hitherto the Mohammedans had had the monopoly of the spice trade between the Moluccas and the eastern ports of the Mediterranean, where the products were handed over to Italian merchants.
These adventurers were looked upon with natural suspicion by the Mohammedan spice merchants, who knew very well that their object was to establish a direct trade between the spice islands and western Europe.
Nothing stimulated the interest of the West more than his fabulous description of the golden island of Zipangu (Japan) and of the spice markets of the Moluccas and Ceylon.
They simply condense the news as given by the morning journals, while some of them spice the abstract with an original remark or two for the convenience of a peculiar class of readers.
He does it in such a good-natured, amiable manner, and with a spice of roguishness which is all the more interesting, since in Germany Dr.
He told the Spaniards that the spice islands were so far east that they were in the Spanish hemisphere, and he undertook to occupy them for Spain.
But now that you have become a Lorillard girl, what spice is there in tempting you?
They'd ommost getten to th' taan hall, when they coom to a spiceshop an th' door wor oppen, an in it popt.
Cary knew better what I cared for, and told me about the harvest and the crops, and the state of the potatoes, with now and then a spice of the foreign news, whenever there was anything remarkable.
Everybody among them may be anybody, and each is expected to have a spice of everything.
The perfume waxes even stronger, but it is not the same; it is musty and heavy, like spice or drugs--a mummy of the old sweet breath of flowers.
I maintained my meek air as I said: "I could do without the spice if I could be sure of bread and butter.
Having a spice of mischievous fun in her she resolved to be beforehand, and, being active as a kitten, while the sisters were only what we may style lumberingly vigorous, she succeeded.
There was a spice of chaff as well as jollity in the big Eskimo's tone and manner; but he was such a gushing fellow, and withal so powerful, that the wizard deemed it wise not to take offence.
That and the rhyme of "Abou Ben Adhem and the Angel" are spice enough to embalm a man's memory.