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Example sentences for "sauage"

Lexicographically close words:
saturdaie; saturnine; satyric; satyrical; satyrs; sauce; sauced; saucepan; saucepans; saucer
  1. To the left wing, he assigned sir Iohn Sauage who had brought thither with him a crue of right able personages, clad in white coats and hoods, which mustered in the eies of their aduersaries right brimlie.

  2. Rice, was brought to his death by the manfull meanes and politike order of earle Harold, & all the sauage people of Wales reduced into the forme of good order vnder the subiection of king Edward.

  3. Scots and Picts, which are wild and sauage people, the frontiers of the countrie were wasted, and feare oppressed the prouinces wearied with the heape of passed losses.

  4. But both these sauage cretures are now not heard of, or at the least wise the later scarselie known in the south parts.

  5. They were as the same Herodianus writeth, a people giuen much to war, and delighted in slaughter and bloudshed, vsing none other weapons or [Sidenote: The furniture of the sauage Britains.

  6. Wherfore I will omit to saie anie more of wild and sauage beasts at this time, thinking my selfe to haue spoken alreadie sufficientlie of this matter, if not too much in the iudgement of the curious.

  7. After him succeeded Thomas Sauage bishop of London, a man of great honour and worthinesse: in whose place succeeded William Worham, of whome before is made mention.

  8. This yeare that worthie prelate Thomas Sauage archbishop of Yorke departed this life at his castell of Cawood: a man beside the worthinesse of his birth highlie esteemed with his prince for his fast fidelitie and great wisedome.

  9. The Lethargie must haue his quyet course: If not, he foames at mouth: and by and by Breakes out to sauage madnesse.

  10. Well, as time shall trie: In time the sauage Bull doth beare the yoake Bene.

  11. Or else were this a sauage Spectacle: Our Reasons are so full of good regard, That were you Antony, the Sonne of Caesar, You should be satisfied Ant.

  12. Sauage Islanders Pompey the Great, and Suffolke dyes by Pyrats.

  13. Pardon me I pray you, I thought that all things had bin sauage heere, And therefore put I on the countenance Of sterne command'ment.

  14. But when shall we set the sauage Bulls hornes on the sensible Benedicks head?

  15. Neuer durst Poet touch a pen to write, Vntill his Inke were tempred with Loues sighes: O then his lines would rauish sauage eares, And plant in Tyrants milde humilitie.

  16. But what fauour would ye of these men looke to haue: Who beastly sauage people be, farre worse then any slaue?

  17. They were as the same Herodianus writeth, a people giuen much to war, [Sidenote: The furniture of the sauage Britains.

  18. North from Iapan, three hundred leagues out of Meaco, lieth a great countrey of sauage men clothed in beasts skinnes, rough bodied, with huge beards and monstrous muchaches, the which they hold vp with litle forkes as they drinke.

  19. First from Muritania or Barbary toward the South is Getulia, a rough and sauage region, whose inhabitants are wilde and wandering people.

  20. A dieu friend Parker, if thou list, to know the Russes well, To Sigismundus booke repaire, who all the trueth can tell: For he long earst in message went vnto that sauage King.

  21. Which way the Sauage may bee made able to purchase our cloth and other their wants.

  22. In such a sauage soile, weere lawes do beare no sway, But all is at the king his will, to saue or else to slay.

  23. They liue in a manner a wilde and sauage life, rouing still from one place of the countrey to another, without any property of house or land more to one then to another.

  24. They of Weopomeiok should be inuited to a certaine kind of moneths minde which they doe vse to solemnise in their Sauage maner for any great personage dead, and should haue bene for Ensenore.

  25. The 13 of August our Sauage Manteo, by the commandement of Sir Walter Ralegh, was christened in Roanoak, and called Lord thereof, and of Dasamonguepeuk, in reward of his faithfull seruices.

  26. M582) In the meane while the Gouernour sent a Spanyard disguised like a Sauage to spie out the state of the French.

  27. First the Committies are well perswaded, that the Countrey whereunto this action is intended, is very fruitfull, inhabited with sauage people of a milde and tractable disposition.

  28. Moreouer, they tolde me, that euery yeere in the time of haruest, this Sauage king sacrificed one man, which was kept expresly for this purpose, and taken out of the number of the Spanyards which by tempest were cast away vpon that coast.

  29. And our Sauage declared vnto vs the vse of all those things.

  30. Our Sauage aboord vs kept himselfe close, and made shew that he would faine haue another companion.

  31. Sidenote: A signe set vp by the sauage captiue, and the meaning thereof.

  32. Sidenote: The sauage captiue amazed at his countreimans picture.

  33. Sidenote: The shamefastess and chastity of those Sauage captiues.

  34. These are to be couered with doubles of course linnen artificially wrought, to defend the arrow or the dart of the sauage from the rower.

  35. Who sees the heauenly Rosaline, That (like a rude and sauage man of Inde.

  36. How the wilde and sauage people vsed a naturall Poesie in versicte and time as our vulgar is.

  37. Trulye he is worse then a cruel enemie, naye he is rather more fierce and vnnatural then a sauage beast, that at such moderate behauiour as my sonne vseth, wil not take compassion.

  38. He did not herein reprehende the birth of Achilles, but the nature of the cruell and sauage beaste that broughte him vp; for he added this of his owne.

  39. Insomuch that in his second voyage, one of the sauage kings of the countrey of Brasil, was contented to take ship with him, and to be transported hither into England: whereunto M.

  40. I make no doubt but these seuerities were vsed against them, vpon some sauage outrages which they had done; wherein the lesse compassion was borne to their calamities, for the cowardise which they shewed in their owne defence.

  41. The stormes of exile and penury, I haue already suffred: for beinge driuen out of my kingdome many times, I haue repayred to obscure dens and caues, where I haue hidden my selfe, and liued in the Wildernesse among the sauage Beasts.

  42. Right well knew hee that some taste of egrenesse would rest in sutch sauage fruite, and therefore made a law, that the issue of them should not haue like liberty and preheminence, as other had, which agreeably did couple.

  43. With the report of a great discouery for a Conquest, some two or three Sauage men, were brought in, together with this Sauage custome.

  44. Truely I confesse, that with great paynes they please sutch Venerial Gentlewomen as you be, who doe not perceyue (like sauage Beastes) what heapes of euill doe lurke vnder the forme of fayre apparance.

  45. In this sort by the space of three daies they trauersed the Countrey vntill they arriued to the foote of a mountayne, not frequented almost but by Wilde and sauage Beasts.

  46. Cupid to Thracia went to heare a Song of Orpheus, to whome euen Tygers came, And left their sauage Nature, if there long they did with his sweet Melodie remaine.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sauage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.