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Example sentences for "clerk"

Lexicographically close words:
clerici; clerico; clericorum; clerics; clericus; clerked; clerkes; clerking; clerkis; clerkly
  1. While Clerk Maxwell was at the Edinburgh Academy, Professor J.

  2. Perhaps no better idea of the importance of the discovery thus made by Faraday can be given than will be found in Clerk Maxwell's compendious paragraph on this subject, in his sketch of Faraday, in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

  3. Indeed, as Clerk Maxwell re-states it, this is such a commonplace that one wonders why the problem of pain should have seemed so hard to understand.

  4. Clerk Maxwell came at this most opportune moment for science.

  5. Clerk Maxwell says: "This was of course a great triumph, and nobody appreciated this fact better than Faraday himself, who had been working at its problems for many years.

  6. Clerk Maxwell was known and esteemed by all the great physical scientists of the world.

  7. On one occasion, while his re-election as clerk of the General Assembly was pending, a certain member made a long speech against him.

  8. Ulick was striding along in front; the clerk of the course gesticulating furiously at Ben, who took no notice whatever of him.

  9. Ben pointed solemnly to the clock, and said-- "They are always behind time when you are clerk of the course.

  10. The clerk glanced at him with a slow smile, and pondered.

  11. The clerk glanced up, caught Webster's eye and nodded to indicate that he would attend him directly.

  12. He was looking straight into the malevolent orbs of Pucker-eye, who was standing just behind the clerk at the foot of the gangplank.

  13. When I purchased both berths in this stateroom and the ticket clerk knew I held a firstclass ticket for a valet that was not, he decided to saw off on me a valet that was.

  14. Central America, I take it," the clerk answered.

  15. This clerk was waiting on two well-dressed and palpably low-bred sons of the tropics, to whom he had just displayed a passenger list which the two were scanning critically.

  16. Hence I take it that your presence in the capital of your native country is a matter of extreme importance and that the clerk in the ticket office of the Caribbean Mail Line is a friend of yours.

  17. At the gangplank the purser's clerk halted him, examined his tickets and punched them.

  18. His collar irked him slightly, but he had been assured by the clerk who sold it to him "that it was strictly in vogue.

  19. Webster arrived there during the luncheon hour, due to which fact he found but one clerk on duty at the ticket counter when he entered.

  20. I will--provided I have one empty cabin," and the clerk turned from the counter to consult his record of berths already sold and others reserved but not paid for.

  21. True to his promise, at precisely a quarter after two, the ticket clerk telephoned Webster at his hotel that the berth in No.

  22. She had just nervously cleared her throat to question the clerk when the sudden cry, "Oh, Nathalie!

  23. And the clerk of the hotel--Well, he informed me this morning that the Profile House had sent word that they did not care to have Philip speak to their guests, as people were tired of hearing about the war.

  24. The nervousness of the long fingers increased while the clerk prepared the note and George wrote the check.

  25. George pressed a button, and directed the clerk who responded to draw up a note.

  26. Had they registered his own death sentence, the deacon would have counted them straight, and needed no town clerk to verify his figures.

  27. He did not seem a promising customer for expensive jewellery, and the literary clerk did not rise, but merely closed his book with his thumb in it.

  28. The clerk stared at the uneven lettering on the scrip with disdain.

  29. One morning as we sat down to breakfast, Mr. Ripley's clerk brought in a letter for Dorothy.

  30. At last, without any change of emphasis in his droning voice, the clerk announced the recommendation of the Committee on Judiciary that House Bill 709 ought to pass.

  31. Some were autobiographical, such as those of a trained nurse, a stenographer, a hardware clerk who had sat up late Sunday night to summarize what that sermon had meant to him, how a gray and hopeless existence had taken on a new colour.

  32. The nimble clerk had begun on the roll almost before the Speaker was through, and checked off the name.

  33. With a sinking heart the clerk realized that he should have to make good to Mr. Judson the seven odd dollars of difference, and then he lost his head.

  34. The clerk scratched off the names with lightning rapidity, scarce waiting for the answers.

  35. But he ordered the motor at half-past nine, and at ten o'clock precisely the clerk at the Ripton House was bowing to him and handing him, deferentially, a dripping pen.

  36. The clerk made it out and handed it over in silence.

  37. Kid looking for you," the clerk called to the cowpuncher.

  38. The hotel clerk would not swear positively that the prisoner was the man he had seen with the other rustlers.

  39. A key slid out of a slot and the clerk handed it to Malone with a rather strained smile.

  40. The clerk gave Malone a large laugh, which made him uncomfortable and a little angry.

  41. The clerk looked at him politely and blankly.

  42. Hales is often confused with another John Hales, who was clerk of the hanaper under Henry VIII.

  43. At an early age he became clerk in a store at Guilford, and in 1811 he entered a banking-house in New York.

  44. He may do well in such a business; he will do detestably ill as a clerk in my office.

  45. To find a man and wife, both of whom would suit us, would be very difficult; and I think it right, also, to offer to my clerk to keep him in my service.

  46. When the affair was settled, the clerk leaned back in his chair, saying half-aloud to himself, "By George!

  47. A hundred times it was in the mind of the wretched clerk to resign his post and seek to better himself elsewhere.

  48. A clerk standing beside him was cutting open the envelopes of the morning's post, and placing the letters one by one before his master.

  49. I did not drop down the chimney," said De Bac with a grin; "your clerk announced me in the ordinary way, but you were so absorbed you did not hear.

  50. When the bent figure of the clerk had passed out of the room, Brown looked at the envelope carefully.

  51. I'll explain, Mr. Collingwood," said the clerk presently.

  52. And with him was a young man whom the clerk at once set down as Mr. Bartle Collingwood, and looked at with considerable interest and curiosity.

  53. He came to us as office-boy, and was head-clerk when he left us.

  54. Eldrick silently motioned his clerk to open the door; together they walked into the room.

  55. Now, at Pratt's question, and under his searching eye, she turned very pale, and the clerk saw her fingers tighten on the arms of her chair.

  56. What on earth has that clerk of yours, Pratt, got to do with Mrs. Mallathorpe?

  57. You know--this affair of an old clerk of his--Parrawhite?

  58. And the clerk moved forward quickly and looked round the high back of the easy chair.

  59. First, to thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness at the time of my brother's death, in sending your clerk to help in making the arrangements.

  60. He looked at the dead man, asked the clerk a few questions, and was apparently satisfied.

  61. It had not taken much to convince her that the clerk knew what he was talking about.

  62. Eldrick and his clerk both shook their heads.

  63. Collingwood was not sure if the clerk was fishing for information.

  64. In the same year, Sir John Clerk plumply refused to serve as a commissioner on trials for witchcraft, alleging, by way of excuse, "that he was not himself good conjuror enough to be duly qualified.

  65. It was ascertained at the Restoration, that the whole was the work of Giles Sharp, the trusty clerk of the commissioners.

  66. Some difference arose betwixt them, and Mr. Kent left the house, and instituted legal proceedings against the parish-clerk for the recovery of his money.

  67. In one case--that of the Osgoods--we cautioned the wife to say nothing whatever about the matter, and then ordered every clerk in the post office to look out for letters in that handwriting which might be slipped through the slot.

  68. Except for a sudden start, the clerk appeared the picture of innocence.

  69. After that he went to the newspaper office, where he conferred with the clerk whose business it was to receive the lost and found advertisements, finally securing a copy of the original notice in Thurene's handwriting.

  70. The postal clerk had, in some manner, disposed of the envelope supposed to contain thirty-five thousand dollars and he was going about his work in precisely the same way as before.

  71. The clerk had no objection to do this to oblige the poor young woman, and they toled Andrey into the tower, and the clerk locked 'em both up straightway, and then went home, to return at the end of the two hours.

  72. They were very glad of the offer, and went out of the churchyard by one path while the pa'son and clerk went out by the other, and so did not attract notice, it being still early.

  73. Next morning when Pa'son Toogood was at breakfast, thinking of the glorious sport he'd had the day before, the clerk came in a hurry to the door and asked to see him.

  74. The clerk loved going to cover as frantical as the pa'son, so much so that whenever he saw or heard the pack he could no more rule his feelings than if they were the winds of heaven.

  75. Then it was broken by the footsteps of the clerk going towards the west door to open it in the usual manner for the exit of the assembly.

  76. Theirs was a queerer experience of a pa'son and clerk than some folks get, and may cheer 'ee up a little after this dampness that's been flung over yer soul.

  77. They were altogether so crusty that the clerk said there was no difficulty in their doing as they wished.

  78. The clerk stepped aside, the sailor closed the door gently behind him, and advanced up the nave till he stood at the chancel-step.

  79. Though as it has more to do with the pa'son and clerk than with Andrey himself, it ought to be told by a better churchman than I.

  80. Andrey gave way about the victuals, and the clerk called in a second witness who wouldn't be likely to gossip about it, and soon the knot was tied, and the bride looked smiling and calm forthwith, and Andrey limper than ever.

  81. At all events, the clerk cannot now find them.

  82. The title of the cause I do not now recollect; but Abraham Smith, a clerk in my store, was one of the parties, and I think the period was during the winter of 1805.

  83. This was at a time when the secretary of Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives were empowered to publish the laws.

  84. The latter at the time being a clerk in the store of Matthew L.

  85. He was a leader in the "Little War"; then, enjoying the respect and friendship of Martinez Campos, he went back to Spain and for a time was a bank clerk at Madrid.

  86. A convenient uncle found him a berth as clerk to a trading firm in West Africa, and with a cheap Colonial outfit and 10 pounds in his pocket, Cosgrave set out for the particular swamp which was to be the scene of his future career.

  87. I feel I can stick anything--even being a Government clerk all my life.

  88. Beginning life as a clerk at Manchester, he decided, in 1846, to take up literature as a career.

  89. At seventeen years of age she was a very good scholar and had such a remarkable knowledge of current literature and authors that she was made the second clerk in the Public Library.

  90. A clerk at the Club told him he "believed Mr. Bradley had gone to Downham Market in Norfolk," and Dick fretfully wondered what had taken Harry to Norfolk?

  91. Being clerk of the district school board and her brother the chairman, when he came over, they talked over some business matters and other affairs that evening.

  92. The clerk of the school board (who with his family were professors of religion) went over to Bro.

  93. The family of the school board clerk lost their salvation and two of their sons, who had previously professed salvation, became bootleggers.

  94. So I left the vessel and hired out in the store to act as clerk during the payment time.

  95. The Vestry Clerk acquainted the Vestry that he had wrote to Mr. Purcell the Organist agreeable to the Resolution of the last Vestry.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clerk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.