I was going to have chicken croquettes and creamed peas, with lettuce salad and fruit jello.
We won't have much to-night, just steak and salad and ice-cream.
Probably all thesalad leaves could be cooked to advantage.
In others, like lettuce and all the salad plants, transplanting gives new life and energy and develops the individual plants in a way that will astonish those not familiar with what free development means.
How would you like to grow this dainty salad right in your living room and cut several crops from a single planting lasting nearly three months?
Taft, in the Technical World Magazine, presents the following wild menu for the dinner table: Jujube Soup Brisket of Antelope Boiled Petsai Dasheen au Gratin Creamed Udo Soy Bean and Lichee Nut Salad Yang Taw Pie Mangoes Kaki Sake.
In former years this salad had to be imported and you had to pay dear for a portion of it, a good reason why so few people know it.
You must raise all sorts of vegetables and salad plants in quantities sufficiently large to justify you in giving your whole time to the work.
You had a fine morning for your ride," she replied, looking down at the saladand mixing the ingredients with the most scrupulous exactitude.
He was a variation of the breed who devote their lives to producing a perfect salad dressing; and you must know what sad affairs those persons are when not engaged in following their lone talent.
Take them off ofsalad dressings and they are just naturally null and void.
Serve this potpie with a salad of dandelion leaves, dressed with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
Cream salad dressing: Stir thoroughly together 1 teaspoon sugar, six tablespoons thick sweet cream and 2 tablespoons vinegar, salt and pepper or mustard to taste.
They may be corned with the hams and boiled and skinned and hot vinegar seasoned with salt and pepper poured over them; or are nice sliced with cold potatoes, garnished with cress or lettuce and a cream salad dressing poured over them.
David’s acquaintance of the morning, who had made fifteen out of the twenty runs already scored, proved himself as distinguished at table as he was at the wickets, and ate lobster-salad in perfectly incredible quantities.
Line the saladbowl with crisp lettuce leaves; add the salad and cover with a mayonnaise dressing.
Put on crisp lettuce leaves in a salad bowl and cover with a mayonnaise dressing Garnish with thin shreds of red beets, and serve.
Put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper, sugar and lemon-juice and pour over a salad-dressing.
Put on crisp lettuce leaves in the salad bowl; cover with a mayonnaise dressing.
Line the salad bowl with lettuce leaves; add the salad.
Pour the sauce over the salad and garnish with olives and sliced lemon.
Add vinegar mixed with sugar, to taste, and salad oil.
Add to the salad with 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar.
Lettuce and other concomitants of a salad should also be placed on the table or platter.
When quite cold, whip in the oil or butter, pepper, mustard and salt; if the salad is ready, add vinegar and pour at once over it.
Serve with the following dressing: Reduce the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs to a smooth paste with two tablespoonfuls good salad oil; stir in half a teaspoon English mustard, and add pepper and vinegar to taste.
Salad dressing should be kept in a separate bowl in a cold, place, and not mixed with the salad until the moment it is to be served, or it may lose its crispness and freshness.
But Raggles would awake to a sense of shivering cold and a haunting impression of ideals lost in a depressing aura of potato salad and fish.
Bright among withdrawn blessings now appeared to him the ghosts of pot roasts and the salad with tan polish dressing.
For dinner there would be pot roast, a salad flavored with a dressing warranted not to crack or injure the leather, stewed rhubarb and the bottle of strawberry marmalade blushing at the certificate of chemical purity on its label.
In case the chimneys cannot be found get some slender bottles like salad oil bottles or wine bottles and cut the bottoms off with a hot rod.
Then pour on top of the boiled water about a quarter of an inch of oil--lard oil or cotton-seed oil or salad oil.
Salad Basket": so called because prisoners are locked up in tight compartments, and are rudely shaken like salad in the baskets used by French cooks to shake the water off after washing it.
The salad bowl and kettles not being large enough, they season and mix a huge salad in tubs and washboilers.
And she proceeded with the salad on her own account, using the two bowls that had but recently served them for soup.
Reaching the Rue St. Jacques, there were the salad and the cheese to add to the necessary part of the French meal; and the bit of beef and the inevitable onions brought up the rear of purchases.
The moth is out in June and July; it is partial to blossoms of salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba), and only flies in the sunshine.
In most of them the salad beds are made upon the floor, and the pathways are sunken a little so as to give headroom in walking and working.
Why one should not cut one's salad in small pieces if one wants to, makes little sense, unless one wants to cut up a whole plateful and make the plate messy!
When two plates are made necessary by the serving of game or broiled chicken or squab, for which the plate should be very hot, at the same time as the salad which is cold, the crescent-shaped plate is convenient in that it takes little room.
The crescent-shaped salad plate, made to fit at the side of the place plate, is seen rarely in fashionable houses.
If a plan is made to picnic, she likes picnics above everything and proves her liking by enthusiastically making the sandwiches or the salad dressing or whatever she thinks she makes best.
A steel knife must not be used forsalad or fruit, because it turns black.
If there is an entrée, the fork for this course is placed between the fish fork and that for the roast and the salad fork is left to be brought in later.
And a ring of aspic with salad in the center does not require accompanying crackers as immediately as plain lettuce.
The best way of all, perhaps, is to vary the "honor" by serving the entrée and salad courses first to the lady on the left instead of to the lady on the right and continue the service of these two courses to the left.
The salad fork, which will usually be the third used, is thus laid nearest to the plate.
At the end of his troubled day he almost cursed the salad as it crinkled in the dish just slightly rubbed with garlic.
He sighed as he looked at the marrow bones which, as a rule, gave him joy when their turn came in the weekly menu; he eyed askance the baked potatoes; and the salad waiting for his skilled hand only gave him an extra feeling of fatigue.
Ann Veronica picked among her salad with a judicial expression of face.
The only remaining Item before Dessert was a tempting Salad of Water Cress.
A lobstersalad may be made as above; also a salad of minced prawns or crabs.
Lay them in a deep dish, and cover them with salad oil.
Moisten the mixture well with cream, or fresh butter, or salad oil.
Persons who have no dislike to a very slight flavour of garlic, will find this chicken-salad improved, by a clove of garlic being lightly rubbed over the dish while empty.
This salad should be prepared immediately before dinner or supper, as standing long will injure it.
Just before the salad is to be eaten, pour the dressing over the lettuce and strew the surface with tarragon.
To be decorated in this manner, the salad should be placed in a dish rather than a bowl.