This heavy charge on the treasury was distasteful to the people, while so large an assemblage of colonial troops necessarily withdrew multitudes from agricultural and commercial pursuits, and greatly interfered with the business of New Spain.
Account of anAssemblage of Fossil Teeth and Bones of Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, &c.
The whole forms the finest assemblage of feudal ruins in Poitou.
Such an assemblage of diversified excellence no other poet has hitherto afforded.
By the general consent of criticks, the first praise of genius is due to the writer of an epick poem, as it requires an assemblage of all the powers which are singly sufficient for other compositions.
Eventually it will be seen how bright its candles will burn in the assemblage of man.
But Thierry thinks that the extreme severity of the Forest Laws was chiefly enforced to prevent the assemblage of Saxons in those vast wooded spaces which were now included in the royal demesnes.
The best account that could possibly be given, is that of a respectable committee, selected from among the best characters in this large assemblage of American prisoners.
He must be aware of our extreme impatience to leave this dreary spot, whose brown and grassless surface renders it a place more proper for convicts, than an assemblage of patriots.
In that vast assemblage those three, thus wordlessly, no one marking them, fought a tragic battle of hopeless love with their eyes.
That assemblage was staring wide-eyed at Archer Converse, the law's best-grounded man in the state.
Part of it was protest, part hysterical demonstration of excitement in an assemblage which did not in the least understand.
He walked out upon the platform and waited for the wild tumult of greeting to subside, and while he waited he searched the assemblage with stern scrutiny to find the face of Walker Farr.
Walker Farr was oppressed by the lugubrious conviction that he was the only man in that great assemblage who felt enough of the zealot's fire to be willing to put all his hopes to the test.
The first assemblage at Wapakoneta, was later followed by a series of pilgrimages to Greenville, which shortly spread alarm among the white settlers.
Even at that assemblage there were present only eleven hundred and thirty.
May we not confidently hope that the discussions of such an assemblage will prove pregnant of a future for science which shall outshine even its brilliant past.
Therefore be it Resolved by this vast assemblageof comrades and sympathizing friends: 1.
In Geology he was clearly the pioneer in the subdivision of formations into zones each characterised by an assemblage of fossils--Ammonites playing the most important part.
Such a body as a parliament is in his eyes an assemblage of speakers and dilettanti, which naturally does not prevent him from cherishing esteem for individual members of parliaments as such.
As soon as his presence at a public assemblage is an established fact, thousands of peasants stream together to hear him.
Nowhere in the world can there be found another such assemblage of snow-clad peaks, several of which are active volcanoes.
I raised the window, and there, as of old, right opposite me, on the north end of that long shed, was an assemblage of all the cats in that part of the town.
The echoes of the firing had scarcely died away, when that whole assemblage was broken up and dispersed.
By using our right of assemblage and petition, by making the Convention hear the voice of the people, of Paris, and of all France.
Lucien Bonaparte, on the other hand, surrounded by his escort of soldiers, marched rapidly from the hall of the Five Hundred towards a large assemblage of troops drawn up in the middle of the park of St. Cloud.
Accordingly they rode towards the place ofassemblage late at night, but they did not arrive until the meeting had been dissolved.
The majestic, snow-capped Monte Viso towers up on the right, at the head of the valley, amidst anassemblage of other great mountain masses.
After the meeting was over the assemblage dispersed in different directions, and Brousson immediately left for another district, travelling mostly by night, so as to avoid detection.
That same night Seguier and his companions went round amongst the neighbouring hamlets to summon an assemblage of their sworn followers for the evening of the following day.
The persons who poured into the place formed an assemblage less pleasing than picturesque, for the group comprised all sorts--except the right sort--of characters.
Into the midst of this assemblage swooped l'L Majuscule, his flaxen wig awry, his wings bobbing wildly on his shoulders, and his white tunic fluttering in the wind.
This at the present day is effected by means of centreing an assemblage of timbers framed together, with its upper surface of the same form as the arch required; the voussoirs are laid on the centreing till the ring of the arch is completed.
Nevertheless there are large tracts, both in the Old World and in the New, in which a subdivision of this assemblage of ancient rocks is not only possible but desirable.
The ’castle’ consisted of an irregular assemblage of cliffs and rocks—one of the latter being quite remarkable for its height as well as for its insulated and artificial appearance.
The Jains also believed that changes were produced by the assemblageof conditions, but they did not carry this doctrine to its logical extreme.
Our perception of a thing is thus the perception of the assemblage of these sensations.
By the assemblage of conditions, old qualities in things disappeared, new qualities came in, and a part remained permanent.
Thus we see that Buddhism regarded all production and destruction as being due to the assemblage of conditions, and defined truth as that which could produce any effect.
Public curiosity was at length set at rest, by the arrival of a proclamation from the Governor General, directing the assemblage of an army for service across the Indus, and explaining at length the intentions of Government.
He bore in one hand an instrument composed of an assemblage of steel rings, and shook them vigorously as he ran.
Navigators have agreed in calling an assemblageof such encampments a rookery.