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Example sentences for "potpourri"

Lexicographically close words:
potius; potlatch; potlatches; potman; potpie; potrebbe; potro; potry; pots; potsherd
  1. An observing urchin and a rogue, he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris.

  2. No one minds Bishop writing a potpourri overture and calling it "Shakespeariana," but why call it "The Comedy of Errors"?

  3. The overture is a potpourri of so-called Shakespearian songs, simply harmonised and roughly hung together.

  4. Suppose we creep into the jar of perfumes, the potpourri vase which stands in the corner.

  5. Besides, I know that the old mandarin and the potpourri vase were once betrothed; and no doubt some slight friendship still exists between them.

  6. Each flower may be made into potpourri by itself, or the different flowers may be mixed in any variety and proportion that pleases the maker.

  7. Potpourri should be made before the season of outdoor flowers passes.

  8. Now the potpourri is ready to put in the jars that are sold for that purpose.

  9. My mother made the best potpourri in the county, and it was very much like this.

  10. It was of that drawer, with its lavender and potpourri bags, that the scented smoke had reminded her.

  11. I first wrote a Potpourri for the violin with orchestral accompaniment (Op.

  12. Potpourri upon chosen themes (published also by the same, as Op.

  13. Adagio and Potpourri of mine for the clarinet, played by Herr Hermstedt, likewise very favorably received.

  14. The best rules gave ambergris as one of the ingredients; this is not really a perfume, but gives the potpourri its staying power.

  15. Recipes for making potpourri exist in great number; I have seen several in manuscript in old recipe books, one dated 1690.

  16. The making of potpourri was common in my childhood.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "potpourri" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assemblage; assortment; atomizer; brew; caprice; censer; conglomeration; divertissement; hash; hotchpotch; jumble; magpie; mash; medley; melange; melee; mess; miscellany; mix; olio; patchwork; perfumer; pomander; porridge; potpourri; romance; rummage; sachet; salad; sauce; scramble; spray; stew