Put sugar, glucose and water in kettle, stir until it boils, wash down sides of the kettle with a damp cloth, put in thermometer and cook to 260.
One cup sour milk, half cup of sour cream, small teaspoon soda dissolved in water and stirred in the milk; half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking powder mixed with flour enough to make thin batter.
When all are fried fill the cases with any delicate meat, game, fish or oysters, cut small and warmed in a rich cream sauce.
Stir until smooth, then add a teaspoonful of curry powder, bring to a boil, add salt.
Take out the steak and sift 1 tablespoonful of flour into the butter, stir until browned.
Stir until smooth, then add 25 oysters that have been washed and drained.
Stir until it begins to harden, then stir in quickly the whipped cream, and when nearly stiff enough to drop, pour into moulds wet in cold water.
When the custard is cold, stir the cream in it, continuing to stir untilit begins to harden; then pour into bowl.
Make a white sauce by melting half the shortening, add flour and when well mixed slowly add milk; stir until creamy, add salt and pepper.
Milligan One pint milk; three tablespoonfuls flour; stir until smooth; cook and remove from fire; add one-half cup butter.
Season with salt and pepper, stir until smooth, and then add the beans.
Put butter and flour in a saucepan, stir until smooth; add stock little by little; just before taking from the fire add the cream and egg well beaten together.
Pour over the boiling stock and stir until it boils; boil slowly for an hour, then rub through a sieve.
Pour over the water and boil for an hour, rub through a sieve and return to the saucepan, with the milk and a seasoning of salt and pepper; stir until it boils, then pour into a warm tureen and sprinkle some chopped parsley on top.
Set a small saucepan on the stove with the yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup Madeira and 2 tablespoonfuls sugar; stir until it comes to a boil; then remove from fire and add by degrees 4 tablespoonfuls sweet cream, stirring constantly, and serve.
Stir until it thickens; take out a cupful and pour it over two beaten eggs.
So soon as this is dissolved, put in the sugar, stir until melted, and take the saucepan from the fire.
Put into a saucepan; stir until it begins to smoke throughout.
Stir until it boils, and lastly, put in, carefully, the butter, after which take from the range.
A good way is to stir until it begins to cream, then add the nuts, and stir until the meats are well mixed with the creamy mass.
Stir until creamy, but be careful not to break the nut meats.
Boil until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water; flavor with almond extract and add one cupful of the browned almonds; stir until creamy, then pour into pans and mark off into squares.
Stir until creamy, pour into buttered pan, and when cold cut into squares.
Stir one-third a cup of flour and a teaspoonful of salt with milk to make a smooth batter; dilute with a little of the hot milk, stir until smooth, then stir into the rest of the hot milk.
Melt one-fourth a cup of butter; in it cook one-fourth a cup of flour; stir until frothy, then add one quart of milk and stir until boiling.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stir until" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.