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Example sentences for "gander"

Lexicographically close words:
gamosepalous; gamut; gamy; gan; ganado; ganders; gandher; gane; gang; ganger
  1. Goose and gander have lost their primitive conception of an individual and independent career, and are never happy unless they are permitted to go in pairs.

  2. Viewing the goose as the type of woman, and the gander as the type of man, no adage could be more preposterous or untenable.

  3. No doubt, when they are dead, goose and gander are alike, even in the way they are dressed, and there is no superiority on the part of either.

  4. To which the gander replied: “Look at the soft white down on my breast, and compare it with the frowsy black stubble on yours.

  5. There is a great lack of amusement in Louisville; the only one I saw was called 'Gander Pulling,' which is thus conducted.

  6. Tie a live gander to a tree or pole and grease its neck, then ride past at full gallop, and he who succeeds in pulling off the head of the victim, receives the victory, the reward of which is the body of the gander.

  7. There was the wolf safely fastened behind the iron bars, but the gander flew out over the top of the cage and alighted on the floor at Ellen's side.

  8. So the dwarfs all put on their caps, and, shouldering their drills and picks, off they started, leaving the white gander sitting in the chair.

  9. The gander made no answer except to ask Ellen if she were ready to go.

  10. Then up rose the great white gander with a hiss.

  11. Oh no, Mistress," the gander interrupted, "they might rub it and tell the genie to bring us back and keep us prisoners.

  12. The gander looked up doubtfully at the narrow slit where he had just come in.

  13. Ellen thanked the kindly dwarfs, and she and her gander started briskly off toward the right.

  14. Ellen and the gander let him make all the noise he chose, but they left him there.

  15. Up, up rose the gander as smoothly as a bubble rises through the air and then away he flew toward the dark line of forest that Ellen saw in the distance.

  16. Ellen, however, was too eager to heed what the gander said.

  17. They set it in a chair and moved the chair in front of the window, so that when you look at it from the outside it was exactly as though it were the gander itself sitting there.

  18. When she could look about her she saw that she and the gander were standing on a grassy plain some distance from the castle.

  19. There was a loud noise as of thunder that made the gander cower behind Ellen, while the gatekeeper and the Queerbody trembled and turned pale.

  20. As the gander hovered above them from a knoll a little way beyond there suddenly sounded a shrill and piteous squeaking.

  21. All the dwarfs rushed pell-mell toward the chair where the gander sat, dressed in Ellen's hat and shoes and with a veil over its face.

  22. The old gander won't let you," said Nurse.

  23. Nurse picked Tommy up and shut the door so the gander could not get in.

  24. But the mother-goose hissed and the gander heard her and flew out of the goose-house after Tommy.

  25. Just as Tommy went up the steps the gander bit both his red stockings.

  26. The old goose screamed, and Tommy ran and screamed, and the gander ran and screamed and whipped.

  27. Tommy saw the gander stretch his long neck down into the hole and lift out a little gosling, and put it carefully on the grass.

  28. Nurse had gone down cellar and the gander was in the goose-house.

  29. And I want that old gander shut up in the barn.

  30. Tommy ran, but the gander caught hold of his clothes and began to beat Tommy's legs with his wings.

  31. O Nurse, Nurse, that gander is good for something.

  32. He did not dare to go out for fear the gander would bite him again.

  33. The gander hisses at him and Tommy does not like that.

  34. The goose and gander heard it too, and ran and looked down into a deep hole.

  35. I was certain that he was the gander I had raised, and that Nathaniel had lifted into the air when he gave me his last recognition from the top of the hill.

  36. The strange gander came hobbling over the crib-stone and went to the corn-bin.

  37. I was thinking of Nathaniel, and I wondered if he would indeed have the gander for his Thanksgiving dinner: if it would be cooked as well as I would have cooked it, and if he would think of me that day.

  38. That gander knows something he could tell me if he could talk.

  39. I watched him as he went down the walk with the gander struggling under his arms.

  40. While I was resting and taking my lunch, I could hear the gander discussing the affairs of the farm-yard with the geese.

  41. The young gander was a noble bird, the handsomest of the lot; and I resolved to keep the geese to kill for my own use and to give him to Nathaniel.

  42. The fact is, there is a story about that gander that I do not like to speak of to every one--something that makes me feel tender toward him; so that if he needs a whipping, I would rather do it.

  43. The gander seemed to be telling his admiring audience all about it: how a strange girl with many bundles had attempted to cross the yard; how he had driven her back, and had captured her bundles, and now was monarch of the field.

  44. The third goose looked like the very gander I had given Nathaniel.

  45. Aunt Targood's gander had been the terror of many well-meaning people, and of some evildoers, for many years.

  46. She always corrected the gander with her broom.

  47. He and his gander were both of the same age.

  48. Farmer Ady of Segary had a gander that was fifty yeares old, which the soldiers killed.

  49. The goose passed through many lives, till it became gander at last, and sported with the geese in the lake.

  50. Here it came to bear, the name of the gander that served as the vehicle of Brahma, and thenceforth fostered the idea of his being so, as the yolk of an egg fosters a feathered fowl in it.

  51. They all grew quite uneasy, and the gander became very angry.

  52. I will ask the gander what this beautiful song means," she said.

  53. The gander said gruffly: "It is the nightingale.

  54. So she awoke the gander and asked him who was singing the beautiful song, and what it meant.

  55. He looks a dale livelier now," remarked Ted, uncloaking the gander and setting it on its legs on Margaret's immaculate table.

  56. He were as good a gander as a body need wish for; wonderful good breed he were, an' as knowin'!

  57. At this juncture the invalid gander made a frantic struggle, and, freeing one wing from Ted's encircling coat, began to flap it wildly.

  58. On the grassy border of this lane a flock of geese were tranquilly basking, and, as Ted approached, a vigilant and pugnacious gander rushed towards him, flapping its wings and extending its long neck with portentous hisses.

  59. Ted, again encircling the gander with his arm, forced open its beak.

  60. Ted, hoisting the gander a little higher up under his arm.

  61. And Grandpa Goosey Gander loaned Mr. Twistytail a loaf of bread for supper.

  62. Then they are not from the village on Gander Lake.

  63. Yes, we are on friendly terms with the people from Gander Lake," he replied, presently.

  64. It takes roughly three and a half hours to get to Gander from Idlewild.

  65. It takes roughly seven and a half hours from Gander to Shannon and I spent that time dreaming up material I could put into my reports to Mr. Oyster.

  66. Therefore my judgment is that Crafticus did know that Awkwardibus the gander was mine, for it was green and nothing else all the time.

  67. I did not know that the gander was the king's," replied the fox in a humble tone.

  68. The gander went up to him and stood in an expectant attitude.

  69. Kashtanka began whining resentfully, while the gander craned his neck and began saying something rapidly, excitedly, distinctly, but quite unintelligibly.

  70. After exhausting the gander and himself, the stranger wiped the sweat from his brow and cried: "Marya, fetch Havronya Ivanovna here!

  71. A grey gander came straight towards her, hissing, with its neck bowed down to the floor and its wings outspread.

  72. For a whole hour afterwards the stranger drove the gander round him on a cord, cracking a whip, and the gander had to jump over barriers and through hoops; he had to rear, that is, sit on his tail and wave his legs in the air.

  73. Kashtanka jumped back, squatted on all four paws, and craning her nose towards the cat, went off into loud, shrill barks; meanwhile the gander came up behind and gave her a painful peck in the back.

  74. And turning to the gander he shouted: "Ivan Ivanitch, go home!

  75. The gander was not at all offended that the strange dog was eating his food, but, on the contrary, talked even more excitedly, and to show his confidence went to the trough and ate a few peas himself.

  76. The gander lay on his back and stuck his legs in the air.

  77. The gander did not scream, but again she fancied that there was some stranger in the room.

  78. The gander took the other string in his beak and pulled it, and at once a deafening report was heard.

  79. The master took a saucer, poured some water from his wash-stand into it, and went to the gander again.

  80. His master bent his head down to the saucer and dipped his beak into the water, but the gander did not drink, he spread his wings wider than ever, and his head remained lying in the saucer.

  81. The gander was sitting in the same attitude as before, with his beak open, and his wings spread out, his eyes were closed.

  82. But when de time come dat long neck gander out fit de whole 'Federate army.

  83. De bull reared an' snorted an' kicked, but dat gander held on.

  84. Everywhare I went 'roun' de place dat gander wuz right at my heels.

  85. When de other sojers come up an' try to pull him off, dat gander let out a wing an' near about slap dem down.

  86. He took me to a little enclosure where a one-winged gander was held.

  87. The geese "had him" when he first carried forth the corn, but it was a year or two afterward before a daring young gander and pair made a hasty drop.

  88. From that time until the young were hatched the gander never once wandered from his post.

  89. However, for eating the gander is not very good.

  90. The gander is very energetic and courageous in defending his mate on the nest.

  91. The gander is not such a goose as he looks; for in his constant watch over mate, nest, and young he shows both courage and sagacity.

  92. At that moment the gander turned pale at hearing the gate slam loudly and the bar thrown into place.

  93. This was precisely what the gander had been expecting.

  94. But I am not a mad goose," hissed the gander angrily.

  95. The gander nodded violently as she went on with her explanation, and when she had finished, was speechless with amazement, for a few moments.

  96. The bedroom door had blown open in the night, and there lay a young man sound asleep, instead of the greybeard whom the gander called his master.

  97. The girl was so frightened that she could not move, and the gander trembled violently as he saw the change that had come over his master.

  98. In Germany a Gander was in the habit of leading an old blind woman to church every Sunday.

  99. I hurried on, and, when I got to the corner of the field, I found a fox jumping at the old gander as he was walking back and forth in front of the geese and goslings.

  100. When I got out on the hill by the graveyard, I heard the gander making an awful noise.

  101. If the gander be in company, which he almost uniformly is, the crow has his labour in vain.

  102. Nothing could exceed the cool impudence and pertinacity of the crow, who, perfectly regardless of my shouting, continued to worry the poor gander for an hour, by his efforts to obtain a nice gosling for his next meal.

  103. Instead of going to their relief, he shouted back to me, to ask if the gander was not there too; and as soon as he was answered in the affirmative, he bid me be under no uneasiness, as the crow would find his match.

  104. A gander was seen, which the natives said had been left by Wallis ten years previously; several goats and a bull left by the Spaniards were also seen, so Cook landed three cows as company for the last.

  105. As soon as the nest was finished and the eggs laid therein, the goose took her place upon the collection, and the gander mounted guard.

  106. If the intruder failed to register respect, and came on, the gander would seize the offender with his beak, and furiously wing-beat him into flight.

  107. That gander was afraid of nothing, and his courage and readiness to fight all comers, all day long, caused visitors to accord him full recognition as a belligerent power.

  108. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gander" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.