At the London Reform Club Laver is provided every day in a silver saucepan at dinner, garnished with lemons, to flank the roast leg of mutton.
For [39] cooking the stalks should be cut of equal lengths, and boiled standing upwards in a deep saucepan with nearly two inches of the heads out of the water.
A very old test as to the safety of Mushrooms is to stew with them in the saucepan a small carefully-peeled onion.
To the saucepan containing the indigo (100 per cent) add 7 fluid ozs.
Dissolve tin in separate saucepan and mix half of it with 1/4 oz.
But no: with a certain spasmodic frugality which has often been my bane, I shook the saucepan vehemently, in order to dislodge some more of its contents into my already full dish.
My saucepan (the little one I have carried in all my walking and many other tours, and that I bought in beloved Muenchen and made jam in) has also become proverbial.
The food was such that my saucepan worked wonders with it, and converted stony chicken, hard rice, and half-cooked green pickle into a very tasty stew.
Cut onions and garlic fine and put in saucepan to fry with butter a light brown.
Put into a saucepan two and one-half cupfuls powdered sugar and a tablespoonful lemon juice.
Place saucepan in another of hot water; beat eggs, salt, mustard, add vinegar and stir into boiling mixture.
Put into a saucepan with one cupful of sugar, one and one-half cups of water and five cents worth of red cinnamon drops.
To caramelize sugar: Put in a smooth granite saucepanor omelet pan, place over hot part of stove and stir constantly until melted and of the color of maple syrup.
In another saucepan melt the other half of shortening, when hot, fry onion and pepper, minced, for ten minutes.
Place the saucepan in a second pan containing boiling water; stir until the mixture becomes thick and white.
Put the dissolved gum arabic into a saucepanwith half a pound of powdered sugar.
In meantime put one cup of vinegar, one teaspoonful red pepper, one teaspoonful black pepper, one teaspoonful salt in saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cut cold boiled potatoes in round slices, not too thick, put in a saucepan with some melted butter, pepper and salt.
Put a good half cupful of spaghettina, broken in bits, into a saucepan of boiling water with an even tablespoonful of salt, boil three-quarters of an hour, turn into a colander and let it drain while the sauce is being made.
Drain and put the points into a saucepan with butter, salt and pepper and a few spoonfuls of cream or Hollandaise sauce, mix well and do not let it cook after the sauce is added.
Cook them in salted boiling water for five minutes, drain them from the water, also the asparagus points from the stock, put them together in a saucepan to keep hot while making a gravy.
Melt in a saucepan a heaping tablespoonful of butter and add to it a heaping teaspoonful of flour, an even teaspoonful of curry powder, stir well and add milk until of the consistency of cream sauce.
Set the saucepan on the fire and stew gently until nearly dry, then add water almost to cover them, salt and pepper to taste, and let them cook fifteen minutes.
Put them into a saucepan over the fire, cover with boiling water, cook until they can be pierced with a broom straw--from two to three hours, according to size.
Put half a cup of granulated sugar in a saucepan with one cup of boiling water, add the banana pulp to it, let it come to a boil, and skim if necessary.
In the morning drain off the water, put the beans into a saucepan with cold water to cover them, and cook until tender--a little more than an hour.
And Betty, who hated Uncle Ben, because he never gave her a groat, and she was not allowed to dine with him, I am sorry to say that Betty Muxworthy grinned all across, and poked me again with the greasy saucepan cover.
But there instead of my finding him with his quaint dry face pulled out at me, and then shut up sharp not to be cheated--who should run out but Betty Muxworthy, and poke me with a saucepan lid.
Paul returned the saucepan to the fire, after piecing out its contents with water, and retired out of his patient's sight.
The saucepan staggered upon the coals and they both sprang to save the broth, and pouring it she burnt her thumb a little, and he behaved quite like any ordinary young man.
Boil and carefully squeeze them to extract the water, then put the gourds into a saucepanwith vinegar and gravy; when it begins to simmer, thicken with fine flour, sprinkle lightly with pepper, and serve.
When it begins to colour, put into a saucepan some cooked wine, pepper, wine and a bunch of rue, the half of which is then poured on the ham.
Place a quarter of lamb in a saucepan with onions and coriander, chopped very small.
Cook it; then put it in a saucepan with some honey and garum; make several incisions in the bird; baste it with its own gravy, and sprinkle with pepper previously to its being served.
Cook in a saucepan carrots, alisander, with pepper and parsley seed.
There was no other person in the room but the old Jew, who was boiling some coffee in a saucepan for breakfast, and whistling softly to himself as he stirred it round and round with an iron spoon.
Remove saucepan from fire, place in a saucepan of hot water, put chestnuts on a dipping needle or long pin, and dip in sirup until thoroughly coated; place on an oiled platter.
The saucepan is then placed either near the fire (not on it), or in a slow oven, for the rice to swell.
Place the jar in a saucepan of boiling water, and let it remain till the mixture is very hot, but not boiling.
Remove the saucepan from the hottest part of the fire, and let the tripe keep just on the boil for an hour and a half.
Put the beards and the strained liquor into a saucepan with half a blade of mace, half a dozen peppercorns ground, a little grated lemon rind, and a pinch of cayenne.
Pour into a saucepan three pints of mild ale, one tablespoonful of sifted sugar, a blade of mace, a clove, and a small piece of butter; and bring the liquor to a boil.
Put a bottle of port in a saucepan over the fire, add the spiced infusion, and a lemon stuck with six cloves.
Put it all on the side of the fire, cover the saucepan and let it cook gently for an hour and a half.
Mince them finely, then put them into a saucepan with a lump of butter, pepper and salt.
In another saucepanboil some white haricot beans, salt, and pepper, until they are tender, when they must be added to the stew with a small quantity of the liquor that they have been boiled in.
Take a pound of good steak, shred it in small pieces, and put it in an enameled saucepan with a quart of cold water and a sprinkle of salt.
Put in a very clean enamel saucepan over the fire and stir in powdered sugar to your taste.
Press it into a mold and cook it in a double saucepan for quarter of an hour.
Fill a large saucepan three-quarters full of boiling water and place the mold in this; let it cook for one hour in this way over the fire; turn it out and pour a spinach sauce over it.
Leave it for three quarters of an hour in the oven, or for an hour and a half in the double saucepan of boiling water.
If you have neither, keep it in a large cup placed in a saucepan of hot water.
In a double saucepanmelt a lump of butter, flavor it with salt, pepper, some minced parsley that you had first rubbed on a raw slice of onion, and some lemon-juice.
Let it cook in a saucepan of boiling water for an hour and a half.
This made her tremble so violently that she could not take the saucepan off the fire; and later when they were all at work, she went up into her room and cried, burying her head in her bolster, so that she might not be heard.
He lifted the saucepan from the top of the "gas burner" and tested the water with his finger.
Break eggs into basin, add sugar to them, and beat over saucepan of hot water until mixture is consistency of thick cream.
Now sprinkle curry over meat, and stir contents of saucepan over fire for another 5 minutes.
For boiled puddings, care should be taken that the saucepan be kept boiling or the water will get into the pudding and spoil it.
Place in small saucepan over fire until Crisco melts, then stir in well beaten yolks of 2 eggs, stirring constantly until thick.
Then add flour and stand saucepan where it will stew gently 2 hours.
Put in saucepan with salt, pepper, nutmeg, celery salt, and a glass of dry sherry.
Put in saucepan one-half onion, a little leek, a piece of butter the size of two eggs, and let simmer slowly.
Put in a saucepan a fat hen with all of its fat, cover with hot water, season with salt, and when it comes to a boil, skim off the foam but leave the fat.
Mix in saucepan the yolks of sixteen eggs, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, and the juice and rinds of six lemons, and cook over a slow fire until it thickens.
Place them in a saucepan with a few carrots, two or three onions, some whole peppers, salt, white wine, and good white broth.
Put piece of butter in saucepan with one chopped onion and simmer until brown.
Then put in saucepan with a piece of fresh butter, a little salt and a pinch of sugar, and allow to simmer for a few seconds.
Place the saucepan in pot containing very hot water, on range.
In a saucepan put a piece of butter the size of an egg, and the veal, and simmer for three-quarters of an hour, basting frequently.
Mix the meat, water, and seasoning all together in a saucepan and let it cook till it gets rather dry, stirring it often.
Put a cupful of shelled almonds into a saucepan of boiling water, enough to well cover them.
Then stand the saucepan in another, half full of very cold water, and beat rapidly till it becomes a cream; stir in the nuts, pour into a shallow pan and cool, cut in squares.
You can have a glass of jelly out of the closet made over for you in this way:" MADE-OVER JELLY A glass of currant jelly warmed in a saucepan till it melts.
Put the potatoes on to cook in a saucepan of boiling salted water.
Cut up small and put in a saucepan with the water; cook gently till they are soft, and then add the sugar.
Put the cream, milk and sugar in a saucepan on the fire, and stir till the sugar is melted and the milk steams, but does not boil.
Shake thesaucepan occasionally so the sugar will not burn.
Put them in a saucepan and cover them with milk; stand them on the back of the stove where they will cook slowly; watch them so they will not burn.
Put the milk in a saucepanafter taking out a small half-cupful and mixing it with the cornstarch; put in the sugar and salt.
When the coffee was done, the Jew drew the saucepanto the hob.
There was no other person in the room but the old Jew, who was boiling some coffee in a saucepan for breakfast, and whistling softly to himself as he stirred it round and round, with an iron spoon.
Pour into a double saucepan and stir over the fire till the custard thickens; flavour with vanilla to taste.
Put the milk into a saucepan and when it boils drop in whites of eggs in small pieces shaped between two dessert spoons.
In the small saucepan make a sauce of the butter, flour, milk and "Emprote.
It is just like the pot in which painters carry their paint, except that it has an ordinary saucepan lid.
One cannot get hot water for a drink without a kettle or a small saucepan and a gas ring, and hot water is often a very comforting and useful drink, especially where an effort is being made to break off the tea and coffee habit.
The saucepan was resting in the coals of an open fire, and smoke and steam together spread out in a murky, foul-smelling fog.
When it had cleared, they saw the Banshee tilting the saucepan over a small bottle.
What we desire--" At this instant the contents of the saucepanbegan to hiss and bubble.
Put a saucepan containing 1/2 pint of water over the fire, add 2 tablespoons of butter, and when the water boils, stir in 1 heaping tablespoonful of flour.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saucepan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.