So the poor silly thing laid her head down, and Buttercup took an axe and chopped her head off, just as if she had been a chicken.
Heaven better and help you', he said; 'you who have chopped our mother's head off.
Yes, she did that, and in a little while came Big Peter with an axe in his hand, and crept up to the bedside, and at one blow chopped off his mother's head.
A hole a foot wide, two feet deep, and two feet long, is dug, and sage-brush chopped up and burned in it till it is full to the brim with glowing coals.
There he would sit, blinking, and carrying on the while an undercurrent of protests and rumblings, while Miss Virginia and other young ladies mixed and chopped and boiled and baked and gossiped.
Vicksburg taken, this vast Confederacy would be choppedin two.
The slate-coloured waves chopped softly, and the light wind blowing their foam hither and thither spotted them with white rents.
When the echoing chariot had entered through the narrow gateway it stopped beneath a broad shed in which there were shackled horses eating from heaps of chopped grass.
Later on the uniform was choppedup and re-made, becoming wearable, but never smart.
Sir Thomas only received a slight scratch, and he consoled himself for the trifling misfortune by the conviction he had only lost a drop of blood for every limb he had chopped off.
All of them begin to spread the chopped spruce over the floor.
All day long the laden wagons creaked and rumbled along the roads, bringing in the solid logs, and in the wood-yards the shining axes rang, making the white chips fly, as the great logs were chopped down to the requisite length.
The voice chopped away Brion's memories and he let awareness seep back into his body.
Did the mighty brains on Nyjord bother to tell you that they have chopped another day off the deadline?
Egg and ham: Three eggs hard boiled and chopped fine or ground An equal amount of chopped or boiled ham Salad dressing Mix and spread.
Raisin filling: One cup of raisins ground or chopped One half-cup of water One half-cup of sugar One tablespoonful of flour into the same quantity of vinegar Juice and grated rind of one lemon Cook in a double boiler until thick.
Poached eggs are attractive when covered with white sauce to which chopped parsley has been added.
Add hard-boiled eggs cut in halves, sliced, or chopped and, when hot, serve on toast.
Bruised oats are far more economical than the whole grains: and if the animals eat too rapidly, that habit is easily overcome by mixing chopped straw or hay with the grain.
He picked it up, chopped off the husk, punched in one of the little eyes, and whispered inside: "Ongloc of the mountains!
He was not afraid of ladrones, but he needed the bolo because it is not easy to open a cocoanut, and it takes some time, even with a bolo, to get the husk chopped from the fruit.
He then chopped it in halves and buried one piece, and, running to the other tree, buried the remaining piece.
Mix one pound of self-raising flour with four ounces of chopped suet, preferably vegetable, and a pinch of salt.
Then wipe it dry and fill with a stuffing of bread-crumbs, chopped parsley, a small chopped onion, some grated suet, and a beaten egg.
Make a nice suet crust with finely chopped or shredded suet, self-raising flour, and water.
Beat half a pound of butter to a cream, add six ounces of sugar and the yolks of three eggs, and beat well; then put in three ounces of choppedorange peel and one pound of self-raising flour.
Remove the lobster from the tin and cut it into nice pieces; add an ounce of butter, a finely chopped onion, a dessertspoonful of curry powder, and a small teacupful of stock already browned and thickened.
Svantevit was dragged out of the town and chopped into bits.
One cup chopped peanuts and 1 cup of cut dates may be added.
Their blood was up, poor fellows; so they just pulled Parminter down in the boat, and chopped off his head on the gunwale!
It seemed to have beenchopped out with an Axe, and was meant to hold up Members of the Rhinoceros Family.
Pete chopped and broke clods, and muttered to himself in a way which suggested that he was by no means satisfied with his investigations.
A few fried onions in the remaining fat, with the addition of a little flour to the onion, a quarter of a pint of water, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a few chopped pickles or piccalilly, will be very relishing.
Light melted butter with a chopped girkin makes a good variation for such as veal, pork, and broiled fowls, pigeons, and also for devilled poultry.
Chop fine some cold dressed ham--say about a quarter of a pound, put it in a basin with a tablespoonful of chopped gherkins and a teaspoonful of mustard, a little pepper or cayenne; put about 6oz.
Take half a pound of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter teaspoonful of pepper, a quarter of a pound of chopped fat pork or beef suet, eight tablespoonfuls of water, mixed well together.
Chopped tongue may be introduced instead of ham, in thin slices.
The clay was further bound together by being mixed with chopped reeds, though the use of the latter was not universal, at all events in the earlier times.
After the way you raved at him, if he had drawn his samurai sword and chopped off your thick head, I could have understood.
But where do you get thatchopped off your thick head stuff, huh?
They may be built up into different forms, and garnished with candied or maraschino cherries, or chopped nuts.
Remove the bacon, add a tablespoonful of chopped onion.
Spanish sauce should also be flavored with mushrooms, or if you can afford it, a truffle, a little chopped ham, a tablespoonful of chives, shallot and garlic.
Add a tablespoonful of parsley, a tablespoonful of finely chopped onion, and, if you have it, a little of the green tops of celery.
For those who like spices it is very nice cooked as number three for meat or fish, adding to that receipt chopped parsley, an onion, or a clove of garlic, chopped fine, with a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chopped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: dentate; incised; indented; jagged; lacerated; nicked; notched; scalloped; scored; serrate; toothed