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Example sentences for "around"

Lexicographically close words:
aromatical; aromatics; aromatized; aroond; arose; aroundt; arousal; arouse; aroused; arouses
  1. He's going to marry Coral next," she laughed out, flashing the joke around the table with all her practiced flippancy.

  2. Susy glanced back at the group around the piano.

  3. She stood up with a sigh, shook out her loosened hair, and glanced around the great frescoed room.

  4. There were trunks in the hall, tennis rackets on the stairs; on the landing, the cook Giulietta had both arms around a slippery hold-all that refused to let itself be strapped.

  5. The next moment the vision of Coral's hopeless suitor had faded, and Nick was once more spinning around on the wheel of his own woes.

  6. On his head he wore a paper cap, surmounted by a human figure, around which played lambent flames of fire, and ghastly demons flitted.

  7. This was a very pleasant story, and Hugh Seymour's thoughts often crept around and about it.

  8. He put his arms around her and held her; he bent down and kissed her, and her small hand went up to his beard in exactly the way that it used to do.

  9. He was left with the blue-flecked sky and the grey houses that stood around the gardens like beasts about a water-pool.

  10. True, Texas had flashed around in his tracks when he had felt the gun leaving its holster, and had made a lightning movement with his hand to prevent such a disgraceful occurrence.

  11. Coming in on the last tack he sighted the portly form of the banker careening with dignified speed around the corner.

  12. A fellow that hangs around a country club when he ain't hangin' around a girl, is always no good.

  13. Knowing Texas less intimately, the sheriff might have been misled by this crude sentiment; but the sheriff's fingers only drew more closely around the ivory handle of his .

  14. One day a war party of Sioux clattered into town and tore around like a storm.

  15. Then he got up and came around the table.

  16. I saw one around the corner as I passed; the same one your brats were pelting from behind a fence last week.

  17. They hung around him sullenly, but as he looked them up and down the sick man's eyes took on a new keenness and a low, throaty laugh that was half a growl escaped him.

  18. She hung around the depot for half an hour, hoping someone would claim the child.

  19. I moistened my lips and glanced shiftily around the office.

  20. I took a deep breath and glanced all around the paneled ceiling of the office before I spoke.

  21. The being closed his eyes and toddled around in a 360-degree rotation, remaining in place.

  22. When he looked around he found that the crevice led northeast and did not run to the ridge, and he swore as he realized that he must go through the enemy's line to gain the position.

  23. I'll shore bend this right around yore face if you don't!

  24. There was only one thing to do and that was to scout around and try to find a clue to the perpetrators--and, perhaps, catch the thieves at work.

  25. Meeker staggered around the corner and leaned against Buck for support.

  26. He can hitch a rope around that an' hang to th' rope.

  27. He heard the intermittent firing around the plateau and knew that Doc and Jack still held the house, and believed they could continue to hold it, since the thick adobe walls were impenetrable to rifle fire.

  28. The herder and the cattle were rapidly growing smaller in the distance but the Mexican rode slowly around the man on foot, following the circumference of a large circle and shooting with calm deliberation.

  29. You allus could find pay-dirt," marvelled Nevada, glancing warningly around him.

  30. I reckoned he was boss around here," Buck apologized, a grim smile playing about his lips.

  31. We'll scout around lively down here an' if we don't find anything he may.

  32. When the noise had subsided he turned around and levelled an unsteady finger at the bartender.

  33. Riding close to the figure so as to be absolutely sure, he knew beyond a hope of mistake and looked around the plain, his expression malevolent and murderous.

  34. Frisco glanced around and his face flashed with a look of recognition, but he held his tongue; not so with Curtis, who stared at him in surprise and stepped forward.

  35. I interceded with him and became the "handy boy" around the shop in which he worked, and picked up much useful information; but there was nothing progressive or directly helpful in the work I was permitted to do.

  36. But besides these, the one aim, thought, or anxiety around which all others revolve is the high honorableness of all kinds of work intelligently done.

  37. And thus it was that my stepfather, and my mother, and the rest of the farmers for miles around existed!

  38. I can not feel that I have accomplished much here in Mississippi, because I see all around me so much to be done--so much that I can not touch because of lack of means.

  39. I had to be careful how I got around on the stage.

  40. My mother, being a hard-working woman and knowing the value of keeping children busy, compelled every one of us to work in some way around the house or on the farm.

  41. As far as possible, I gathered around me men and women who, like myself, were thoroughly imbued with the Tuskegee Idea, and together we pushed ahead with our plans.

  42. And the whole ten of them, sitting around him in their rags and dirt, cheered him and petted him and praised him, even as no polite assemblage had ever worshipped him before.

  43. Then the railroad came around on the other side of the hill, and put a flag-station just at the bottom of what had come to be known as Dodd's Lane.

  44. The roads must be good, uncommonly good; and there must be unusual facilities for getting around and picnicking and finding charming views and all that sort of thing.

  45. There is one little jog in its course to-day, where it went around a tree, the stump of which rotted down into the ground a quarter of a century ago.

  46. They had just met after a long beat, each having described the half of a circle around a piece of open water, and had sunk down in utter weariness on a little patch of dry ground, and for a minute looked at each other in silence.

  47. But they have started a tradition that will survive from generation unto generation; a tradition of delusion so long as the glamour of poetry, romance, and adventure hang around the mysteriously attractive personality of a Bohemian.

  48. Old Pelatiah had a good reason for deviating from his straight line to the town; young Dodd had none, except that it was wiser to go two yards around than to go one yard straight through the bull-brier.

  49. As in many towns of old settlement a road ran around the town, roughly circumscribing it, much as the boulevards of Paris anciently circumscribed the old fortifications of the city.

  50. He lingers as long as he can, in his passage through the throng, and disappears in the printing-house doorway with his head screwed half way around on his shoulders.

  51. This man, though in easy circumstances, dared not eat the bread he had gained by the sweat of his brow, and could escape ruin only by presenting the appearance of the same misery that reigned around him.

  52. The Persian Letters" are a series of epistles purporting to be written by a Persian sojourning in Paris and observing the manners and morals of the people around him.

  53. Assemble around me the numberless throng of my fellow-mortals; let them listen to my confessions, let them blush at my depravities, let them shrink appalled at my miseries.

  54. The cycle revolving around the majestic legend of Charlemagne for its centre was Teutonic, rather than Celtic, in spirit as well as in theme.

  55. The writing, on whatever topic, in whatever vein, always revolves around the writer for its pivot.

  56. I recollect once visiting a house where the scenery around appeared tame and monotonous enough.

  57. Lucy, touched to the heart, casting her arms around him, at the same time, and weeping on his bosom.

  58. I will unfurl my banner on my castle walls, call around me the scattered party of De Montfort, and set Edward at defiance, till, by a soft capitulation, I ensure the past from all inquiries.

  59. No more was said in regard to the sounding of the horn; and the merry jest again went on, around the green table where their viands were spread.

  60. As the last words broke from the lip of Sir John Hardy, the scene around him seemed to disappear from his eyes.

  61. As if next did not mean nearest, and as if any life were nearer than that immediately present one which boils and eddies all around him at the caucus, the ratification meeting, and the polls!

  62. Whereat he looked around him, but could see Naught but the deepening glooms beneath the oak.

  63. There he looked around him with bewildered eyes, gaining no clear impression, save in the negative sense that the city contained nothing to remind him of Spinoza or of the Nazarene.

  64. Except for this companionship it may be said that never since leaving his native land was the spirit of Chandrapal more solitary nor more aloof from the things and the persons around him.

  65. She threw herself down beside her lover, clasped her arms around him, laid her cheek against his, and there under the same cloak they awaited death, half frozen with the cold, half burning with fever.

  66. They haunted the isolated farms around Lurcy-Lévy and Ursay.

  67. Everybody around me knew many such stories, for that matter,--my father particularly, if he had only chosen to speak.

  68. Look at them, the great hypocrites; see how they all press around the prelate's litter to kiss his ring.

  69. A blind singer who sang neither couplets nor popular songs soon excited some curiosity among the passers-by, and in a few minutes a crowd had gathered around him.

  70. In the mean time Santiago, with his arms still around Juan, told him something of his life.

  71. They brought a great quantity of saints and images from other rooms, which they disposed with great art in symmetrical groups, forming a sort of funereal court around the departed angel.

  72. Lucien started, and wedging his way brutally through the group of gamblers, who pressed around him in envious admiration, hurried out into the street and ran as fast as he could toward the stone bench.

  73. The poor little one had ceased to moan; she turned her head slightly and stared with wide eyes at those who stood around her bed; her breath came fainter, fainter, until it stopped altogether.

  74. She felt as though there were a tight band around her waist that kept her from breathing freely.

  75. Here comes old Augustus Cahn, hurrying around the corner of "The Bunch of Blue Grapes.

  76. I have read of many a student who spent the long night in exploring mysteries of the Bible truths; and have seen him sketched by a monkish pencil with his ponderous volumes spread around him, and the oil burning brightly by his side.

  77. We all know the force of example, and are not surprised that the sweet mania which ruled so potently over the mind of Benedict, spread itself around the crowned head of royalty.

  78. The projecting flange must be hammered down all around as at B, soldered and finished with a half round file.

  79. Now take the piping and bend it very gently, to prevent it cracking, around a bar of iron or handle of some tool held in the vise, until it is in the form shown in Fig.

  80. The examination, to be complete, should be commenced at one specified point, and continued all around the engine, until the engineer returns to the place where he began.

  81. Next put a nut at either end, as far as the thread will take it, then smear a little white lead around the holes drilled in the ends of the box, B C, Fig.

  82. Gordon 30 Around the World on Cheek by Howard Austin 31 Bushwhacker Ben; or, The Union Boys of Tennessee by Col.

  83. But in that case I might have found you out; for I want striplings of courage and likelihood around me; and I have thought of you as such ever since the day when you won the peacock.

  84. It must be admitted that the enthusiasm of the prince was not shared by all around him; and the Princess of Wales was one of those who entertained grave doubts as to the policy of the expedition.

  85. No craven fear was in the heart of the son of Bruce as, in the hour of despair, he gathered around him the remnants of his host, and made a last struggle with his victorious adversaries.

  86. Around him were warriors from another land, whose kings had long been in alliance with his ancestors, and whose barons looked to him for protection, and regarded him with reverence.

  87. Before Edward was the river, apparently impassable; behind him a mighty army bent on his destruction; for Philip of Valois had taken the field, and around his banner had gathered half the feudal warriors of Europe.

  88. At length the calamity, after passing through various stages, reached the worst, and gradually a change took place, and men began to look around them, and once more breathe freely.

  89. But few around the prince shared his enthusiasm.

  90. Around him his men fell in heaps; and when he, after receiving two wounds in the face, was beaten to the ground, the survivors lost hope, and began to escape towards Poictiers.

  91. The discovery of enemies is indicated by riding rapidly around in a circle, so that the signal could be seen by their friends, but out of sight of the discovered enemy.

  92. KOHL, made about the middle of the present century, among the Ojibwas around Lake Superior.

  93. Quickly erecting his body he looked around him with surprise--looking with surprise.

  94. He does this by turning his horse around and traveling about fifty paces back and forth, repeating this two or three times; this shows to the other Indian that he is not for hostility, but for friendly relations.

  95. When a man is at a distance, I say to him "Go around that way.

  96. There was Henri, Sire de Ferrers, whose name is supposed to have arisen from the vast forges that burned around his castle, on the anvils of which were welded the arms impenetrable in every field.

  97. Glozing congratulations buzzed around him; then there was a flash of lights on his dizzy eyes, he found himself moving through a corridor between Odo and William.

  98. If you wish to see me, come around to our camp in the morning.

  99. If any stranger attempts to fool around that mule he will get the everlasting daylights kicked out of him.

  100. With only her revolver, Grace crept around the outer edge of the camp, making every movement with extreme care, pausing now and then to listen.

  101. If there is good reason why we should not go up this gorge we will go around it on the ridge.

  102. The second shot hit the man in his shoulder, I think, spinning him clean around and dropping him.

  103. Later he must have hurried around to the rear of the camp, and, when the fellow was trying to shoot Hippy, Long put a bullet through our caller's shoulder.

  104. Darting this way and that, the bear finally raced around a tree with Miss Briggs following.

  105. Miss Briggs turned the page around and eagerly read the words that were penciled there.

  106. Turn around and stand still with your hands as high above your head as they will go.

  107. They then untied the prisoner's arms, bound his feet, and placing him in a sitting position, back against a tree, passed a rope around his waist and tied him to the tree.

  108. In a few seconds they were swinging around the room in a waltz, Emma's face flushed and triumphant, the face of the partner of the man she was dancing with growing blacker with the moments.

  109. Emma elevated her chin and stamped around behind the barn out of sight.

  110. Then rising to her feet again, her eyes streaming and lips quivering, she threw her arms around Terry and hugged him to her heart.

  111. And if the poor little urchins had not managed to get around the corner so as to be out of sight, they would slink dejectedly back to wait for a more favourable opportunity.

  112. He was evidently alarmed at the boy's rashness, and looked anxiously around to see if the words had been overheard.

  113. Naturally he shrank from the risk, and looked around in hopes of seeing some of the crew who might undertake it.

  114. Stands of rifles were ranged around the masts and the base of the funnels; and the whole ship had the appearance, as revealed by the light of many lanterns, of being in readiness for an expected foe.

  115. No matter what the mother does, or does not, the cord will be found around the child's neck at the time of birth in one of every three cases.

  116. After the shriveled cord drops off, the skin around the navel contracts, leaving a small raw area which discharges a yellow fluid for two or three days before the healing is complete.

  117. Before very long the circumference of the cell becomes indented as if a knife had been drawn around it, and shortly two cells appear in place of one.

  118. The maternity corset-waist also should extend well under the abdomen and fit snugly around the hips.

  119. Thus, the cracks around the windows and doors let bad air out and good air in; and, besides, most building materials are porous.

  120. In putting on the bandage the heel may be left uncovered; after leaving the foot a turn of the bandage will be taken around the ankle and thence applied upward.

  121. The secretion which issues from the vagina really originates in the glands around the mouth of the womb, and serves to protect the birth-canal against infection from harmful bacteria.

  122. Correctly shaped and worn, it extends well down in front, fits snugly around the hips, and arches forward so as to conform to the curve of the abdomen.

  123. The electric shot around a curve in the road, winner of the impromptu race by an eighth of a mile.

  124. News of the big contest the young inventor was about to take part in, had circulated around town, and there were not wanting many to wish him good luck.

  125. This watch charm which I grabbed off Mr. Berg's chain the night he was sneaking around our house, and crossed the electric wires," went on the lad.

  126. I will when I find out what you mean by sneaking around here," retorted Tom, as he came back toward Ned, dragging with him a lad.

  127. I don't like the way Sam Snedecker is hanging around the shop, either.

  128. It appeared that Andy Foger said he had seen Tom hanging around the bank the night of the robbery, with a bag of burglar tools in his possession.

  129. Around and around the track flew the speedy electrics.

  130. This was instantly followed by the appearance of three men who came running from around the load of hay, down the road toward the thieves.

  131. I caught him sneaking around my machine shop about an hour ago, and when I asked him what he was doing he said he'd been out riding with Andy, and that they broke a wheel.

  132. But Tom insisted that they could do it, and the rope was soon attached, the hook of one pulley being slipped around one of the braces of the bridge.

  133. It's might unpleasant, too, for there doesn't seem to be any place around here where we can spend the night in any kind of comfort.

  134. As the car turned around a curve, passing through a lonely stretch of country, with woods on either side of the highway, Tom glancing up, uttered a cry of astonishment.

  135. Suddenly the tones of mournful, discordant music sounded around him.

  136. So now she and her family control the Moghul and everyone around him.

  137. When he heard the sound, Hawksworth felt a surge of fear and stared around wildly at the faces of the guards.

  138. The old Jesuit turned and moved trembling into the crowd that had pushed around the sides of the pavilion.

  139. As Hawksworth watched, he began to sense some alien power growing around him, enveloping him and his despair, just as she had said.

  140. The fire swirled around the woman, and in an instant her oil-soaked robes flared, enveloping her body and igniting her hair.

  141. Then he began to search the chest for a sheaf of papers and finally his fingers closed around them, buried beneath his spare jerkin.

  142. After the third cup, the world around began to acquire a light sparkle of its own, and he realized the sap was more potent than it seemed.

  143. Hawksworth swung down from his dark mare and stroked her one last time, wiping away the lather around the saddle.

  144. He stopped to watch as Mumtaz and her women emerged from their quarters and gathered around the fountain in the garden below.

  145. Then he noticed the slight traces of gray around the sides beginning to darken, taking on the color of the lead.

  146. The mullahs had formed a ring around Samad.

  147. In the spellbound silence that followed, the nobles around Hawksworth burst into cheers.

  148. They wore body armor of black steel and they ignored the infantry battling around them as they charged directly for the circle of Jadar's elephants.

  149. Deftly she uncoiled the white silk sash from around her waist and in a single practiced motion bound it over his eyes.

  150. Under the stands and around the booths, tabernacling beneath costermongers' barrows, and even lying out openly sub dio, were still the hundreds of human beings.

  151. There are sundry small mouths around me, too, of quite disproportionate capacities in the way of bread and butter, to say nothing at all of biscuits, buns, and tartlets.

  152. I looked around for the stalwart attendant, who is generally to be seen on duty, and to my dismay found he was quite at the other end of an exceedingly long corridor.

  153. Passing back again to the King Street Mission Hall, I found assembled there the band of fifty missionaries, male and female, who visit every Sunday afternoon the kitchens of the various lodging-houses around the Seven Dials.

  154. A third of a tumbler of water laid on the lap of the Indescribable Phenomenon was drunk, and the great Pail Sensation consisted in the bucket being put on her lap and then discovered slung by the handle around her neck.

  155. But I myself, who have seen Mr. Home float around Mr. S.

  156. A happy thought came to me as I lay enjoying the delightful freshness of all around me: "I will go to church: my little Innocence will be there.

  157. They passed along the moorland ways, through rude little villages built of stone and by the outskirts of level and cheerless farms, until they got into the beautiful woods and avenues lying around Penzance.

  158. They were mortified, but had a deeper pang in the grounds around Bothwell Castle, for here they were "hurt to see that flower-borders had taken place of the natural overgrowings of the ruins, the scattered stones and wild plants.

  159. Once inside them, however, vessels may anchor safely anywhere, for there is in effect a continuous roadstead all around the island.

  160. So Jones strapped his belt of gold-dust around his waist and prepared to depart.

  161. After it all the country beaux flocked around to pay her attention, and she looked upon them as Cinderella might have viewed her other suitors after the prince had danced with her at the ball.

  162. Tables and chairs and carpets and curtains are just so many chattels that will bring in, if rented, just so much more income: around them gleams no vestige of the tender halo that surrounds the appurtenances of an American home.

  163. The more clever would use strategy, shivering as if in a draught of air, and looking around in my direction to see if a window were open, while the mammas eyed me steadily through spectacles.

  164. The sea was of a cold purplish gray, but all around it, on the eastern horizon, there was a band of pale pink in the sky.

  165. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "around" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    around here; around him; around the; around them