The mass of readers have cared less for form than for novelty and news and the satisfying of a recently awakened curiosity.
Jack Randolph" had recently sat to him for his portrait.
Early in the session, one Ebenezer Peck, recently from Canada, boldly proposed that the convention should proceed to nominate not only presidential electors but candidates for State offices as well.
The Mormons who had recently settled in Nauvoo, in Hancock County, had petitioned the legislature for acts incorporating the new city and certain of its peculiar institutions.
He had seen "with his own eyes three hundred of those recently imported miserable beings in a slave-pen at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and also large numbers at Memphis, Tennessee.
An attorney recently from the East witnessed this familiarity with dismay.
The King quite recently (which I could not in the least expect) received me here at the railway station, in the most affectionate way, and demanded a promise from me that I would pay him a visit within a year and a day.
Mr. Haliwell, so recently as 1861, refers to the avenue of upright stones leading from the outer to the inner inclosure.
I was recently shown a miniature figure of Kwannon, in an iron case, which had been carried by an officer through the Satsuma war.
With the fall of the shogunate they went out of fashion; but recently they have been to some extent revived.
Northcliffe himself had recently been the guest of Sir John French at the front.
Satin-wood had been but recently introduced from the East Indies and was instantly popular.
One we refer to was found recently in an old barn in England, where it had lain since the neighbouring manor-house had been pulled down in 1760.
Parliament passed an act prohibiting, under severe penalties, the export of brass, which prohibition was not withdrawn till as recently as 1799.
He almost evinced contempt, at appearing against a young man who had recently been his pupil, and was now going to make his debut.
This belonged to a lateral relation whom her father had only recently struck out on account of a misalliance.
On the Palm Sunday of the year 1703, the mareschale, who had recently returned from Montpellier, invited me to a banquet in his castle, and though not feeling quite well I determined on going.
It seems hard to realise that this was the case as recently as two years ago, now that so short an interval has associated it in one's mind with memories which seem to cover a large part of one's life.
His sight became feebler, and then he abandoned the many novels that had recently solaced his idler hours, and Miss Rossetti read aloud to him.
I fancy I could amaze you if I told you how recentlyit was made.
Instead he became a pupil of Heinrich Dorn, recently come to Leipzig, who promised to be a more progressive person.
The recently levelled Ghetto had, over a course of centuries, so rotted the soil on which it stood that an awful pestilential odour yet arose from its bare site.
And thereupon Pierina ran off before them, her feet in shoes which at any rate had no holes, whilst the old brown woollen dress which she wore appeared to have been recently washed and mended.
The Morning Post of July 6 contained amongst its leaders one on Denmark and Germany, and another on London street-organs, the nuisance of which had been recently brought before the House of Commons by Mr. M.
Mr. Mill had been recently returned for Westminster, and Mr. Hughes for Lambeth.
Gosse, was speaking to me of the experiments recently made in France in its acclimatization.
A protest was lodged with Sir Edward Kemp, who had recently arrived in England as Minister of Militia Overseas.
With the prospect of a German offensive now confronting the Canadians, it was decided that the defenses should be revised, to take advantage of the lessons recently learned and to embody the latest methods.
Axinya had quite recently scrubbed the table and benches, and there was that smell in the kitchen which is found in bright, snug kitchens kept by tidy cooks.
Until recently the Tcheprakovs had lived in a wealthy style, but since the death of the general everything had been changed.
The presence of slavery may be explained by--as it is the explanation of--the mobocratic violence which lately disgraced New York, and which still more recently disgraced the city of Boston.
Ashe had the resources of official knowledge; Cliffe had been recently on the spot, and pushed home the advantage of the eye-witness with a covert insolence which Ashe bore with surprising carelessness and good-temper.
They climbed it, and found themselves at once in one of the great rooms of the piano nobile, to which this quick and easy access from the inhabited entresol had been but recently contrived.
The heir to a European monarchy had been recently visiting London.
Under the colonnades the jewellers and glass-shops blazed and sparkled, and the warm sea-wind fluttered the Italian flags on the great flag-staffs that but so recently had borne the Austrian eagle.
It was at this time that the Danish island of Heligoland was captured by the Majestic, 74, and the Quebec frigate, but being of no possible use, was recently handed over to Germany.
A traveller, who wrote as recently as the seventeenth century, describes a ceremony which took place on board a ship in which he was sailing, when passing through the straits.
As they did not appear, to beguile the time he caused his minstrels to play a German dance, and made Sir John Chandos, who had recently introduced it, to sing with them.
Elaborate ceremonies of a more recently introduced "Messiah" cult were held as late as perhaps fifteen years ago, but these "Messiah" ceremonies contain only a few features common to the indigenous tribal observances.
She had a thorough knowledge of, and had all her life been accustomed to share in, the outdoor sports and occupations of country life, and very recently had been able to ride and drive with the skill of long practice.
She had brought with her a number of picture postcards of herself to give to Alexandra, for recently she had become quite a photographic favorite, and these she showed him.
She had recently succumbed to an attack of that childish complaint, measles, and was more than usually hard-up.
The narrator, Lieutenant Layman, was the same who hadrecently been with Nelson in the Baltic, and who has before been quoted in connection with that expedition.
Parker was now verging on old age, but he had recently married a young wife, who was in Yarmouth with him, and the two had arranged to give a great ball on the 13th of March; altogether a bad combination for a military undertaking.
The commander-in-chief was Vice-Admiral Villeneuve, the same that Nelson recently had pursued to the West Indies and back to Europe.
It, perhaps, ought to be added that the personal American alliance which the Duke has recently made may account in some degree for his ardor.
Herself recently weaned from slavery, she viewed with a convert's intolerance our adhering to that institution.
The light fortifications recently built were demolished, and as wagons to carry the guns away could not be obtained, they were spiked and pitched into a ravine.
Recently the battle at Cerro Gordo showed what you may expect from him.
For military reasons the small trees had recently been cleared away.
It was suspected that Walker made the appeal to Congress in order to display his influence or to relieve that body of responsibility for modifying the tariff it had so recently voted.
The boats had much difficulty in finding the channel, which had recently shifted, and were even compelled to row more than half a mile against a swift current within pistol shot of the shore.
Hoping to win some popularity, he restored the freedom of the press, which had recently been curtailed; but his enemies merely took advantage of it.
The recently captured goods had been in charge of Lieut.
He was looking about the empty place without a word, when a chest being moved aside, a stone was exposed to view, which had every appearance of having recently been lifted.
It has been recently described by Mr. Skuse, of Sydney, as Bolitophila luminosa.
On one occasion I enclosed a full-grown caterpillar of this insect in a pot of earth with a recently formed Noctua pupa, whose internal portions it immediately devoured, employing the empty shell of the unfortunate chrysalis as a cocoon.