Give my compliments to the worthy gentleman, who will not permit his child to eat from the broad dish, because his own mouth is formed to take nourishment from the narrow bottle.
Then, through digestion and other degrees of heat and moisture, the superfluous nourishment becomes an homogeneous body, which is then changed by successive transformations into an animal.
It can be no other way, he says, since the blood is the source of nourishment and the liver is necessary for formation of the blood.
These insects in the adult state are hunters, and capture and paralyse by stinging such insects as caterpillars and flies, as well as spiders, which are stored in nests or cells for the nourishment of the predators' offspring.
In the first chapter the plants were referred to as the primary producers of life, and the animals as the consumers; the former not only furnish nourishment for their own growth, but also for the support of the animal world as a whole.
Those plants, and they are many, that derive their chief nourishment from the atmosphere have a decidedly thin diet.
They take the goodness or nourishment out of it and it eventually becomes more or less sterile.
The patients commonly complain of being very low and faint after these evacuations; but the most urgent symptoms being alleviated thereby, a disposition to receive nourishment hourly increases.
The main question is what the patient's stomach can assimilate or derive nourishment from, and of this the patient's stomach is the sole judge.
The fact that their is more nourishment in bread than in almost anything else has probably induced the mistake.
Again, the nutritive power of milk and of the preparations from milk, is very much undervalued; there is nearly as much nourishment in half a pint of milk as there is in a quarter of a lb.
Cheese is not usually digestible by the sick, but it is pure nourishment for repairing waste; and I have seen sick, and not a few either, whose craving for cheese showed how much it was needed by them.
Everything depends on the number of drops of the elixir vitae which Nature mingled in the nourishment she administered to the embryo before it tasted its mother's milk.
Book-tasting is not necessarily profitless, but it is very stimulating, and makes one hungry for more than he needs for the nourishment of his thinking-marrow.
Bread is so vitally important an element in our nourishment that I have assigned to it the first place in my work.
He dug all round it, to loosen the earth, that the root might receive nourishment from the warmth of the sun and the moisture of the dews.
Things disagreeable to the palate, seldom digest well, or contribute to the nourishment of the Body.
Take Food in proportion to the quantity of nourishment contained in it, of which the Stomach appears from Instinct to be capable of judging.
Nature has provided a great Variety of Nourishment for Human Creatures, and furnished us with Appetites to desire, and Organs to digest them.
He understood the character of his people; he knew where to find the nourishment suited to their wants; he knew how to turn their enthusiasms into practical and progressive directions.
No roots could get through the rock nor find nourishmentin it; while the very shallowness of earth and the heat of the underlying stone would accelerate growth.
The broken bread proclaims, indeed, our nourishment from Jesus, but falls short of the deep and solemn truth that it is the very life-blood of Christ Himself which nourishes us and vitalises us.
But he is a stunted, useless Christian, with all the sap and nourishment of his soul given to his worldly position, and his religion is a poor pining growth, with blanched leaves and abortive fruit.
It is not merely that He in His humanity is the bread of life, but that He in His death is the nourishment of our true life.
They include the satisfaction of every desire and the nourishment of all strength, and food for every faculty.
Recourse to artificialnourishment must only then be taken, when nursing the child is absolutely impossible.
If they do not find the ground adapted to their nourishmentand propagation they perish.
If this defective nourishment is continued, scrofula will surely follow and this is a stage antecedent to consumption.
It grows best on dry, rocky ground; for most of its nourishmentis derived from the air.
Beside, the cold brought the buffalo down upon them in large herds, to share the nourishment they had provided for their horses.
It then resembled in taste and nourishment an Irish potato peeling.
For three weeks he refused all food, and was kept alive by nourishment artificially administered.
Hill saw a female die of hunger, who could swallow no nourishment because of a polypus which closed up the stomach, the formation of which was attributed to the excessive use of snuff.
This blood in the breast is bleached white (dealbatur) like milk, and forms the nourishment of the infant.
For the corrupt blood within the maternal body, which forms the nourishment of the fetus, leads likewise to the corruption of the latter.
Many of them lay with wounds several days old, the bandages dried up and dirty, some too weak to raise their heads, hungry and thirsty and needing so much nourishment and attention that we could not give them.
From the air, too, she seemed to draw a peculiar ethereal nourishment of the same sort; she could not remain without an open window in the severest cold of winter.
Every three or four minutes, a teaspoonful of nourishment must be given her, else she fell into faintness or convulsion.
In the same province, at Forges, "many poor creatures eat oat bread, and others bread of soaked bran, this nourishment causing many deaths among infants.