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Example sentences for "fall back"

  • As for water--beside having my condenser to fall back upon--I felt pretty sure that until I got well out toward the open sea I could trust to the morning rains.

  • After night had settled down the troops were still continuing to fall back.

  • They had arrived in time to attack von Kluck on the banks of the Ourq, obliging him to fall back or be completely overwhelmed.

  • We also heard that it was the intention of the Boers to attack them at this point and to fall back on my house and the hills beyond.

  • Moreover, each time that the Russians appeared in force, there was nothing to be done but to fall back; and each day during the month of March the news became more and more depressing.

  • But after a movement by the French army towards Chaumont, by the road of Langres, the Emperor of Austria, finding himself separated from the Emperor Alexander, was forced to fall back as far as Dijon.

  • However, late in the evening, after the fight, General Wheeler visited us at the front, and he told me to keep myself in readiness, as at any moment it might be decided to fall back.

  • We were subjected to a heavy fire from the forces on San Juan Ridge and Kettle Hill; our position was untenable, and it became necessary to assault the enemy or fall back.

  • I answered, "Well, General, I really don't know whether we would obey an order to fall back.

  • Many a tired hero will have nothing but tobacco, with spring-water, to fall back upon.

  • The Prussians are again repulsed; fall back, down this slippery course, in more disorder than the first time.

  • At this time Minna, with her truly comforting assurance and firmness of bearing, was a tower of strength to me and the one thing I had left to fall back upon.

  • Under these circumstances it seemed better, if only to gain time, to fall back on the more thickly populated town of Chemnitz.

  • But when I say so, he denies it, and says that in the end we, the men who work and make provision, will have to fall back on him.

  • Well, all I can say is, that SO FAR he is in far greater danger of having to fall back on me, than I on him.

  • And if you are ever quite without success--and nothing to fall back on?

  • In the end, he will have to fall back on charity.

  • Therefore, they conclude, it is necessary to fall back on scarcity and opinion.

  • The great army was therefore obliged to fall back to Berwick without having struck a single effective blow.

  • In a moment the hot flames leapt up, causing the knights who had pressed after the retreating Scots to fall back hastily.

  • The chief advantage we had gained was that a considerable supply could be stored on the spot, and it might be useful to fall back upon in case of delay or other mishaps.

  • The shelling was so violent that it was difficult to get up the supplies, and some of the boys had to fall back on their iron rations.

  • It was thinking of the next defensive line upon which they would have to fall back if the pressure of the British offensive could be maintained--the Longueval-Bazentin-Pozires line.

  • It's something to fall back on--a good deal.

  • I beat the chandler up the steps, and took stand in front of the merchant, and I called out to them to fall back.

  • We've got something to fall back on in case the employers don't live up to their agreements.

  • I should not make such a speech as that, you know, without having pretty substantial indorsers to fall back upon, in case my credit should be disputed.

  • I think they will find that they had better at least limit themselves to certain specialties, and always have an expert of the other sex to fall back upon.

  • So does everybody that considers himself as having a right to fall back on what he calls his idiosyncrasy.

  • Notwithstanding Cornwallis claimed a victory he resolved to fall back on Wilmington, near the mouth of Cape Fear river, where he could recruit his troops and obtain supplies and reinforcements by sea.

  • Pickens was directed, when he could no longer keep his ground, to fall back with a retreating fire and form on the right of the Continentals.

  • The object aimed at was, by throwing out detachments which might capture the forts and cut off the supplies in his rear, to compel him gradually to fall back.

  • It was determined to fall back to Khushk-i-Nakhud, a point distant thirty miles from Girishk and forty-five from Candahar, where several roads from the Helmund converged and where supplies were plentiful.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fall back" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could judge; even the; fall away; fall down; fall down the chimney; fall short; fallen cold and dead; fallen down; fallen leaves; fallen snow; fallen trees; falling away; falling back; falling bodies; falling body; falling down; falling short; falling stars; falling water; falls short; farther away; head wind; just published; make inquiry; personal danger; public duty