My impotent brother excused himself by saying that he loved her so well that he thought cohabitation with her would restore the missing faculty; he deceived himself and her at the same time.
Cohabitation (see Fornication), made a crime in many States.
Seven States make voluntary cohabitation a crime, and six pass what are known as curfew laws.
Intermarriage or Cohabitationof Brothers and Sisters.
In fact in civilised communities the fulfilment of legal forms and ceremonies constitutes marriage, whatever might be said of a union sanctioned by legal forms but unaccompanied by the cohabitation of the parties.
At what point does mere cohabitation pass into marriage?
If the cohabitation complained of is at all indicated by the mixed-blooded offspring, then the proof of this cohabitation will be far overbalancing on the side of this floating population.
We now ask, under the teachings of which school will the pupils be the best prepared for this cohabitation with the negro?
Even a casual cohabitation is often caught at by the master, and sanctioned, as permanent, if he can do so in accordance with the conduct and feelings of the negroes themselves.
Our object alone, in presenting these facts, is to show, to give proof, that slavery is not the cause of the debasement which urges the white man on to cohabitation with the negro.
But the leader of the party must still abstain from cohabitation with his wife for two days more.
When either party joins a sect opposed tocohabitation between husband and wife.
The desertion must be a deliberate and obstinate withdrawal from cohabitation and companionship.
Limited divorces are granted to women only on the grounds of husband's cruelty, abandonment, or such conduct on husband's part as makes cohabitation unsafe.
The cohabitation of the parties coupled with the general reputation of being husband and wife is, however, at the best prima facie evidence sufficient for the purposes of a civil suit.
If the agreement referred to some future time, however, they were not considered as actually married until cohabitation had taken place.
Marriage cannot, however, be attacked on this ground if cohabitationhas endured for three months after the party has been legally adjudged to be once more of sound mind.
This method of procedure is resorted to particularly if cohabitation has taken place subsequent to the betrothal, but in the absence of such cohabitation various causes can render the promise of marriage invalid.
Since that time a "common law" marriage, or one established simply by cohabitation and reputation, has not been recognized.
Usus, the acquisition of a wife by prescription through her cohabitation with the husband for one year without being absent from his house three consecutive nights.
Cohabitation with the Baches proved so agreeable that he wrote Polly Hewson that he was delighted with his little family.
Hence unlawful cohabitation is under the ban by our state enactment; and I am not arguing that polygamous living is not against the law, and am not attempting to justify any one in the violation of that law.
They know not but their impediments of cohabitation may be removed.
But many sad instances might be given, in which cohabitation may be a constant calamity to both, and distance may be their relief, and further them both in God's service, and in their corporal concernments.
The real object, however, of this cohabitation on trial is to make sure that the characters of the two young people will harmonize and that their affections will survive continuous personal contact.
Marriage is only the consecration of a cohabitation of long standing, and sometimes there are several children of the union before either party thinks of putting it on a legal footing.
Cohabitation is the first step in the proceedings.
In Mr. Havens ministry, the number of cases of unlawful cohabitation increased to an alarming degree.
The church had ever in this place required of its members guilty of unlawfulcohabitation before marriage, a public confession of that crime before the whole congregation.
The sexes learned to cultivate the proper degree of delicacy in their intercourse, and instances of unlawful cohabitation in this town since that time have been extremely rare.
He used to dream of finding an exit from his painful situation by cohabitation with some coarse, boyish girl of the people; but his dread of syphilis stood in the way.
Though having several female friends, whose society I like and to whom I am sincerely attached, the thought of marriage orcohabitation with any such has always been odious to me.
The crime of cohabitation or sexual commerce between persons related within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
An other kinde of cohabitation / or dwellinge together there is which ys not free / and that ys where men are compelled to communicate withe wicked supersticions / to be presente at Idolatries / and so to defyle them selues.
It is not directly understood by these words that a cohabitation in modern sense (coition) is meant.
It is not incestuous cohabitation that is sought, but rebirth, to which one might attain quickest by cohabitation.
A clear case is the emasculation of Uranus by his son Kronos, who thereby prevents the further cohabitation of the primal parents.
Schleicher,[78] and the celebrated lectures of Prof.
It certainly is not a true instinct, as every language has to be learnt.
See Codjour Cohabitation of husband and wife enjoined as a matter of ritual, viii.
Darwin, in Australia, conception in women not regarded as a direct result of cohabitationamong the tribes about, v.
It is needless to say that cohabitation was not permitted in the latter case.
Prenatal marriage contracts are rare, but child marriage without cohabitation is practiced to a certain extent, especially among the more influential members of the tribe.
Cohabitation is under no restrictions between the sexes.
Marriage is in law the conjugal union of man with woman, and is the only state in which cohabitation is considered proper and irreprehensible.
If cohabitation is only a marital prerogative, the law should not stultify itself by recognizing it as possible to occur in any other relation.
He had received directions from those English merchants, who well knew that cohabitation would lessen their consigned trade.