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Example sentences for "incumbency"

Lexicographically close words:
inculcates; inculcating; inculcation; inculpate; inculpated; incumbent; incumbents; incumbered; incumbrance; incumbrances
  1. The progress of religion among the people of Gairloch cannot readily be traced beyond the incumbency of the Rev.

  2. This was during the long incumbency of the Rev.

  3. St. Gregory's church, during the incumbency of the Rev.

  4. A native of the city, and educated at the Cathedral school, he became Bible Clerk at All Souls College, Oxford, and in 1837 was ordained by Bishop Stanley, and presented to the incumbency of Aldeby.

  5. During his incumbency he undertook the great work of re-building his parish church in the Early Decorated style upon the old ground plan.

  6. In April, 1903, he started on a long trip, and at that time felt that, as the years of his inherited incumbency were drawing to a close, he could forward his own gospel.

  7. That first winter of his incumbency was one of special interest.

  8. And now the time of Theodore Roosevelts incumbency as President was drawing to a close.

  9. It was impossible that Mr. Gryce, living at North Aston, should know anything of a small country incumbency in the North.

  10. Among the brilliant events which entered into his life was that of a participation in the emancipation of the slaves in Brazil during his incumbency of the diplomatic ministry to that country.

  11. Endowed with peculiar powers which fitted him for a crisis, these powers were brought into active requisition during his incumbency of the gubernatorial chair of the state.

  12. Manly took charge of the University of Alabama, and with the beginning of his official incumbency began a new era of prosperity in the history of the institution.

  13. He then accepted the principalship of the high school at Northfork, during his incumbency of which he has served as a member of the Advisory Council to the State Board of Education of West Virginia.

  14. Ross began in 1909 an incumbency of five years.

  15. But the latter part of his incumbency was not peaceful and William Bush, and others of the church withdrew.

  16. During his incumbency in Congress the question of the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi and the protection of life and property from the periodical inundations of that stream was of much concern to the whole country.

  17. We shall not, however, I am sure, be able to put our civil service upon a nonpartisan basis until we have secured an incumbency that fair-minded men of the opposition will approve for impartiality and integrity.

  18. But, on the other hand, it is not true that incumbency is a conclusive argument for continuance in office.

  19. John McCallum had taken such a hold upon the Selkirk settlers that it was deemed advisable to ordain him, and for several years he carried on the school along with the incumbency of the parish church.

  20. After an incumbency of fifteen years Bishop Anderson returned to England and resigned the bishopric.

  21. Johnson was appointed to the incumbency which he continues to retain.

  22. This "in memoriam" act was done out of affection and not because the incumbency was changing hands.

  23. Mr. Beardsell was translated to the incumbency of All Saints', and he still holds it.

  24. An event happened in the first few months of the incumbency of Francis Harvey which would long linger in the minds of his flock, and which for years to come would be spoken of by the cottage and farm house evening firesides.

  25. After a valued incumbency of nearly forty years, the Reverend Maurice Pridmore was succeeded in 1889 by the Reverend Jocelyn Barnes, who, with self-denying generosity, set about the restoration of Breage and Germoe Churches.

  26. It was during William Orchard's incumbency that Breage for the first and last time was favoured with a royal visit in the person of Charles, Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles II.

  27. This curious motto supplies a hint at the cause of the casting of this bell; the event happened during the incumbency of the Reverend Edward Marshall.

  28. Madam," I said, "I think that there will be no great search for you as yet.

  29. Within the village is Croft Hall, the old seat of the Chaytors; but during Mr. Dodgson's incumbency the then Sir William Chaytor built and lived at Clervaux Castle, calling it by an old family name.

  30. During his incumbency a fine school-house was erected.

  31. He owned and used slaves when he lived at Frostburg, and also during his incumbency as landlord at the old Tomlinson tavern, and brought eight with him when he located at Somerfield in 1824.

  32. During Brown's incumbency it had the patronage of the Good Intent Stage company.

  33. He has accomplished during the period of his incumbency a great deal of remarkable work.

  34. He served as president of the Board of Trade and it was during his incumbency of the office that the site for the present building was selected.

  35. John Wolcot was now given the incumbency of Vere, but lived most of his time in the Governor’s house, leaving a hired deputy to perform the duties of his cure.

  36. The institution passed later into the hands of Thomas Lee, during the incumbency of whom the school was closed by the "Snow Riot.

  37. To meet this need the Society set the example of maintaining catechetical lectures for Negroes in St. Peter's and Christ Church of Philadelphia, during the incumbency of Dr.

  38. There seemed to be no enthusiasm on either side, but there was less dissatisfaction with the existing administration than is usual during the incumbency of a President.

  39. His incumbency in this office led to a story worth telling.

  40. At its close the venerable Chief Justice Taney administered the oath of office, thereby informally but effectually reversing the most famous opinion delivered by him during his long incumbency in his high office.

  41. To return to immigration problems during my incumbency as Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, a minor though nevertheless annoying matter needing adjustment was the regulation with regard to the head tax.

  42. During the incumbency of her father she did the honors of the executive mansion with a dignity, grace, and affability which won all hearts, and added greatly to the popularity of the Governor.

  43. He made a splendid record as United States Attorney, and am informed that during his incumbency of that office, he never lost a case before a jury.

  44. Deneen, although a citizen of Chicago, has lived in Springfield for nearly six years, during his incumbency of office.

  45. But, nevertheless, this incumbency of Hogglestock was his all in the world.

  46. But he had ever been respected as a clergyman, since his old friend Mr Arabin, the dean of Barchester, had given him the small incumbency which he now held.

  47. It remained for some years at "Lake View," the private residence of Mr. Addison; but during the incumbency of Dr.

  48. During his incumbency of this charge he received several calls from various churches, all of which were declined.

  49. His incumbency has been marked by most gratifying results.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incumbency" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appointment; assignment; bale; berth; billet; burden; cargo; charge; curacy; cure; deadweight; drag; employment; encumbrance; engagement; freight; gig; handicap; incubus; incumbency; job; lading; liability; living; load; loading; millstone; moonlighting; office; opening; oppression; overload; place; position; post; pressure; rectory; responsibility; seat; service; situation; station; surcharge; taxing; tenure; term; vacancy; vicarage