The prolific sun, and the sudden and rank plenty which his heat engenders, makesubsistence easy.
The supplies required for its subsistence were scattered in useless profusion from Leavenworth to Fort Laramie, and assistance and action were alike hopeless until the arrival of the spring.
It happened that the cavalry a short time before had captured a train of cars containing subsistence for Lee's army, and the train was lying not far from our camp.
Our movement from Moorefield had been a rapid one, and all subsistence and camp equipage had been left behind, except what the men could carry.
For the last three or four days we had had in the way of subsistence little or nothing except coffee, sugar and very poor beef, of which latter the men became very sick, getting it only partially cooked by roasting it over a fire.
If the original purpose of these houses was to afford general accommodation, the shelter which cannot be refused is rendered nugatory by withholding the supplies necessary for the subsistence of men and cattle.
A few basketfuls would afford subsistence to all the party for a day or more.
If so large a portion as a third or a fourth of the annual subsistence is imported almost entirely from three countries, Russia, Prussia, and America, how are we to withstand the hostility of these states?
It was found that the means of subsistence on that island where the whole party was now settled would not suffice for all.
The moment I do mean things for subsistence I feel as if He had turned His back, and, what’s more, I believe it.
By the labour of the one sex subsistence became less precarious; by that of the other life was rendered more comfortable.
The dollars alone chink in his sordid mind, and he assiduously plies the trade which no man would ply who had the talents and industry to procure subsistenceby honorable means.
That murderous weapon is the means of procuring them subsistence during all their wild and extensive rambles, and is the source of their principal sports and pleasures.
How all the vultures manage to find subsistence is a problem, for even in Spain the earth is not strewn with carcases, as on a battle-field.
A margin of unemployed labour means a bare subsistence wage for low- skilled labour, and it means this wage earned under industrial conditions, such as we find under the "sweating system.
The existence of a constant standing "pool" of unemployed was, as we saw, responsible for keeping the wages of low-skilled labour down to a baresubsistence wage.
There are, at least, three classes of female workers whose competition helps to keep wages below the point of bare subsistencein the employments which they enter.
Where there is an abundance of labour, as is generally the case in low-skilled employments, this minimum subsistence or lowest standard of comfort practically determines wages.
Wages have fallen during the last few years to the barestsubsistence point, and even below.
The worse quality forms a permanent addition to the mass of inefficient labour competing for bare subsistence wages.
Much of the work is extremely laborious, hours are long, twelve hours forming an ordinary day, and the wage paid is the barest subsistence wage.
It appears likely that few unmarried women or widows can undertake this work, because it does not suffice to afford a subsistence wage.
To an ordinary labourer "beer" is a part of the minimum subsistence for less than which he will not consent to work at all.
This struggle for life in the shape of work for bare subsistence wages, is the true logical and necessary outcome of free competition among an over supply of low-skilled labourers.
No other body is needed for either the subsistence of the heaven, or for the functioning of its natural revolutions.
The subsistence of the Good implies that of choice and will, because He could not exist without these two.
This changed attitude is in part due to the policy recently pursued of reducing the amount of subsistence to the Indians, and thus forcing them, through sheer necessity, to work for a livelihood.
The fee system should be entirely abolished, and a due equivalent made in salary to the officers who now eke out their subsistence by means of fees.
The whole of this region seems peculiarly adapted as a range for buffaloes, wild goats, and other wild game; incalculable multitudes of which find ample pasturage and subsistence upon it.
Not, we suppose, that the origination and subsistence of the non-intelligent thing should be dependent on the intelligent principle; for in that case your example would not help to prove your contention.
Of those who have a certain office there is subsistence (of their works) as long as the office lasts.
It is for the reason that the subsistenceof the organs depends on breath, that the organs themselves are called prânas.
In order to prove this, it would be requisite to show that all your labour is scarcely sufficient to procure your subsistence--a subsistence that does not require or admit the smallest redundancy or the least indulgence.
These were not men to take advantage of the impressions they produced, and to gain a subsistence by art and fraudulence.
After a precarious subsistence in different families, and being driven from one hut to another, they are suffered to expire without help or notice.
Finally, let us deduce motives for consolation under the pressure of sorrow, and for the limitation of our wishes to the necessary subsistence of life, from "a greater than Solomon.
This moor affords nothing forsubsistence or pleasure.
To distribute this privation equally, and to prevent the labourer from consuming subsistence so freely as before, the price rises.
But gold and silver will naturally exchange for a greater quantity of subsistence in a rich than in a poor country; in a country which abounds with subsistence, than in one which is but indifferently supplied with it.
Labour, it must be remembered, is the ultimate price which is paid for every thing; and in countries where labour is equally well rewarded, the money price of labour will be in proportion to that of the subsistence of the labourer.
Diminish the cost of subsistence of men, by diminishing the natural price of the food and clothing, by which life is sustained, and wages will ultimately fall, notwithstanding that the demand for labourers may very greatly increase.
To distribute this burden equally, and to prevent the labourer from consuming subsistence so freely as before, the price rises.
It is doubtful whether this method of establishing a minimum wage based on the standard of bare subsistence could have been used successfully in the new conditions.
Burke declared that his opinion was against "an overdoing of any sort of administration, and more especially against this most momentous of all meddling on the part of authority, the meddling with the subsistence of the people.
Grashopper; For them the bitings of Grashoppers and flies killed: whereas we have declared before, the Cicada hath no teeth, but is conceived to live upon dew; and the possibility of its subsistence is disputed by Licetus.
This is slovenly husbandry; but in a country where immediatesubsistence is wanted, it is perhaps necessary.
He was, perhaps, the only native who was ever attached to us from choice; and who did not prefer a precarious subsistence among wilds and precipices, to the comforts of a civilized system.
The emigrants generally are represented to be prosperous and contented, the country suitable to their wants and habits, and the essential articles of subsistence easily procured.
The author states that it is the custom among the peasants of Norway that when the eldest son or the daughter of the house (when there is no son), marries, the parents surrender the property, but retain a right of subsistence upon it.
The right of subsistence was admitted by the establishment of the ateliers nationaux, and asserted by the insurgents of June, 1848, under the nobler and more dignified guise of the droit au travail.
No class is so hard to want, so ruthless to idleness, as a peasantry which wins for itself a bare subsistence by constant toil, and provides for the future by constant self-denial.
They obtained a miserablesubsistence from roots and herbs.
These supplies were, however, by no means sufficient for the subsistence of such a multitude.
He dreads every species of dependence, and consequently would have preferred being in France, gaining his subsistence by copying music, to receiving benefits even from his best friends, who are anxious to make up for his misfortunes.
I am even of opinion that if any other method of subsistence offered, it were preferable to this scheme of paying the length of L1000; at least such would be my sentiments, if the case were mine.