What was the use, then, of all the money which Leo XIII drew from his hidden treasure of the Peter's Pence to subvention Catholic schools, with the thought of forming the believing generations which the papacy needed to enable it to conquer?
He obtained, nevertheless, from the regent an annualsubvention of three thousand francs for the training of school-masters (1718).
The number of the hospitallers decreased from year to year, and in 1731 the royal government withdrew from them the annual subvention which supported them, however poorly.
Tooth & MacLean trade in Salon and Academy pictures, so the notices the Press prints are the equivalent of a subvention granted by the Press for the protection of this form of art.
In England it is customary for art to enter by a side door, and the enormous subvention to the Kensington Schools would never have been voted by Parliament if the bill had not been gilt with the usual utility gilding.
A subvention may be raised by a perfectly orthodox fiscal process.
It is of course necessary, however, in examining a question of subvention to look at it on its merits.
Therefore it seems to me that the method of subvention is on all grounds to be preferred to the method of preference.
Almost all the villages now possess "national" (narodni) primary schools, maintained by the communes with the aid of a state subvention and supervised by departmental and district inspectors.
The Mahommedan community is rapidly diminishing; it is organized under 16 muftis who with their assistants receive a subvention from the government.
This sum was added to the subventionalready granted to the spy department.
They do not receive a subvention from the "directors," but a certain number of places each night, which they sell for their own benefit.
The Government subvention was not formally withdrawn, but it ceased to be paid.
Mission work among the Indians is entrusted to the Propaganda Fide, which has five colleges and a large number of missions, and receives a small subvention from the state.
These figures suffice to prove the colossal benefit princely patronage and subvention bestow on the theatre-goer, in putting a favourite entertainment within the reach of the masses.
Another provision, as a special encouragement for American shipowners to enter the Philippine trade, added a subvention of thirty per cent above the regular rate, or six and a half dollars a ton.
In 1901 the subvention to the East African line was increased to one million three hundred and fifty thousand marks.
Being without property or subvention of any kind, I have to rely for my income upon my operas.
On the one hand I am, as usual, greatly in want of money, and shall decidedly not be able to send my wife to Loden for a cure, unless I receive the subvention I had hoped for.
I should prefer to remain without subvention from that quarter which would make any subsequent relation to the Weimar Court much easier to me, because it is my nature to give rather than receive.
Especially good is The Greeks on Religion and Morals, also The Soul of Capitalism, Trust-Busting as a National Pastime, and Our Government Subvention to Literature.
We wish, however, that Uncle Sam would keep his subvention in his own pocket, and so lead to a higher plane all competitors in the magazine business, including some of those who don't want to rise to a higher plane.
Partly to enable us to do that, as long as the subvention is given, we follow the example of the excellent Pooh Bah, and put our pride (and the subvention) into our pockets.
We are receiving complaints of delay on all sides, and an appreciable part of the unwelcome subvention Uncle Sam is giving us, goes in sending duplicates of lost copies.
Belgian Intelligence Agency for Prisoners of War and Persons Interned (monthly subvention of 3,000 frs.
This subvention to domestic, agricultural and pastoral industries would balance the tariff on foreign manufactured goods, and the farmer of England, Scotland and Ireland would share amply in the stimulus of a new fiscal policy.
For instance, thesubvention of Education in Ireland out of the "Whisky money" recently broke down owing to the diminution of the Revenue from this source.
Occasionally, too, the necessary operatic subvention was furnished by some local magnate, who either made a liberal donation or constituted himself director of the theatre.
Would the withdrawal of the subventionbe a good beginning?
To get a further idea of the literary pabulum that the government subvention is creating for us, let us consider an average magazine of the so-called popular sort.
Are we forced to the conclusion that at the present stage of evolution, a helpful subvention to literature is beyond the power of a pure democracy?
The cheap carriage of our periodicals was avowedly enacted as a government subvention to literature.
The subvention is not to extend to sums payable in respect of criminal injuries, nor to sums payable in respect of extra police in disturbed districts; these charges are properly to be borne by local areas as before.
For the subvention from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace we thank the American Peace Society, through whose agency it comes to us.
The annual subvention of $1200 from the Carnegie peace fund is wholly inadequate to meet the growing needs of this association.
The balance of the prizes are paid out of the subvention of $1200 that has been allowed for the past three years out of the Carnegie endowment fund.
Since this subvention was first granted, the number of states has been more than doubled, and it takes about $600 a year to run the secretary's office.
This factory, which monopolized the tobacco crop of the island for the benefit of the royal government, received a subvention from Spain which at this time was increased to fifty thousand pesos annually.
At the fifth congress of the Bourses du Travail (1896) in Tours, a report was presented showing the Bourses how they could exist without the subvention of the municipalities.