The latter, however, had no fixed or determined proportion of this fund allotted them, but had only a bare livelihood from it, consisting of victuals served out to them in baskets, as before explained.
These are they, who, having the prospect of independence, do not fear the opinion of the world or the loss of reputation in it, like those, who have their livelihood to obtain by their own industry.
At the above age the males could become soldiers and gain their pay; and girls of fourteen were fit either to be given in marriage, or to be employed in such a way as to obtain a livelihood by their industry.
This imposed upon the State the responsibility of making donations of rice to support the fishermen, whose source of livelihood was cut off by the decree.
She replied, "And what hath the Caliph left us of livelihoodand so forth when he marauded our mansion and seized all our seisins?
This paper (gifted to me by my teacher) hath already brought me ample livelihood and prodigious profit, and I have bestowed it upon thee by reason of thine elegance and good breeding and thy courteousness in showing me respect.
In this place there is no return of livelihood to us and poverty hath emaciated us and we are set in the sorriest of conditions than which naught can be sorrier.
What joy a self-sufficing fortune yields, / Such modest livelihood is dear to me.
Numbers who have purchased their discharge, having a good home and livelihood in civil life, enlist again, and remain soldiers for the full period of their service.
We had a gay young Irishman in the same relief, Jerry O'Neil, who had told several good stories in the course of the night and so got the party into good spirits.
The present system of mastery is based on the ownership by one group of people, of the productive wealth upon which depends the livelihood of all.
It seems to have arisen out of the impulse to convey instruction and advice on the management of life generally, and especially on the best means of securing a livelihood from the cultivation of the soil.
This remark reminds us of the fact that one of his father's means of livelihood was 'silvis coemendis.
Here is a troop of poor fellows who doubtless endeavour to earn an honest penny by their agility and skill," said Vernon; "and in a country where mendicity is a crime, even such a livelihood as theirs is honourably gained.
I desired him to call upon me to-morrow, and I assured him that in the meantime I would devise some project by which he should be enabled to earn a livelihood whereof he need not be ashamed.
That poor lad, Harry Gregson, will never be able to earn his livelihood in any active way, but will be lame for life.
Flechier, as I knew, earned a very fair livelihood by going about to dress salads for dinner parties.
She would work away at her sewing as if she were to earn her livelihood by it; the light was gone out of her eyes as she lifted them up heavily before replying to any question, and the eyelids were often swollen with crying.
It is easy to explain this by the fact that a large number of women earn their own livelihood by going into business and the professions.
Fortunately, opportunities to work are so varied in most localities that workers predisposed to tuberculosis may be sure of a livelihood in an occupation suited to their vitality.
We can modify conditions so that earning a livelihood will not compel workers to violate natural law at any or all times.
They gain their livelihood by keeping school for the education of the children.
Ingenious and laborious, sober and thrifty, a dense population found livelihood in innumerable trades, in which men, women and children all labored, producing wealth for themselves and prosperity for the land.
The next visitor was an eccentric but harmless old gentleman who eked out a precariouslivelihood as a Herbalist--whatever that may be--in the most plebeian quarter of the town.
To be sure Edward is going away for a time," she added, with a sigh and a tear, "but it is not to toil for a livelihood or endure privations.
There were times when she keenly enjoyed her independence, perfect liberty to control her own actions and choose her own work; her ability to earn a livelihood for herself; but at this moment all that was as nothing.
Joseph Badger, and with strong hands and indomitable courage commenced gaining a livelihood for himself and young wife, Mary Noyes, whom he married just prior to moving here.
Without railway facilities, with scanty water power, its inhabitants depend for a livelihood upon the products of the soil, from which by industry they gain a substantial income.
His brothers left home to earn their livelihood elsewhere, as soon as they were old enough to do so, and he alone remained under the paternal roof.
A costermonger's life is not an easy one; he truly earns his livelihoodby the sweat of his brow.
At home I had given little thought to the special groove in which I should strive to obtain a livelihood in the Colonies.
The Kaikaris of the Central Provinces say that their original ancestor was one Kanoba Ramjan who handed a twig to his sons and told them to earn their livelihood by it.
In the Central Provinces the Khatiks are primarily slaughterers of sheep and goats and mutton-butchers, though they also keep pigs, and some of them, who object to this trade, make their livelihood by selling vegetables.
It is easy to understand how the more dishonest members of the community would come to make a livelihood by the pretence of being possessed of this power.
Each woman usually has one or two girls in training if she can obtain them, with a view to support herself by their earnings in the same method of livelihood when her own attractions have waned.