If that was Estalle and he was positive it was, he and Freddy couldn't have traveled more than eight or nine miles toward the north during their wild flight last night.
A Stuka bomb drops on me and I wake up hours later and miles away.
The two boys lapsed into silence and for the next two or three miles neither of them spoke.
The two miles to the ancient Channel city of Dunkirk was covered in just about as many minutes.
He was sure Defoe and he had not been seventy miles from Paris when they'd met those refugees.
Nobody but the bombs and the shells but a few miles away, and rapidly drawing closer.
But before he had traveled more than a couple of miles he once more heard the snarl of aerial machine gun fire behind him.
Maybe twice that number of miles going around in circles, but certainly not more than ten miles in the direction they wanted to go.
They stopped talking to conserve their energy, for they had no idea how many milesof bomb blasted roadbed lay ahead of them.
The voice of the Lille hospital orderly came to Dave as though from a thousand miles away.
I couldn't make any more than fivemiles in six hours.
The German blitzkrieg in Poland made as much as eighty and ninety miles in a day.
So from a little after one this afternoon until your friend picked you up you traveled over thirty miles .
When I caught them they were a good forty miles southeast of that city.
Did that exploding bomb blow him over thirty miles away?
In any case he received a substantial gift from some one in the shape of the benefice of Lestines, a village some three or four miles from the town of Binche.
The gate of Perugia, which fronts Monte Subasio, on which Assisi lies, some fifteen miles to the south.
Now who art thou, that wouldst sit upon a bench to judge a thousand miles away with the short vision of a single span?
When sufficiently recovered she was carried by her husband to a villa in the midst of vines and olives, a mile and a half or two miles outside Siena, which commanded a noble prospect of hills and plain.
The first preaching-place was ten miles distant, and the little meeting-house stood on the roadside, nearly a mile from any dwelling, and in an exceedingly poor district of country.
He had five miles to ride; but it was only half-past eight o'clock when he started, and as the hour for preaching was ten, there was plenty of time for him to proceed at his leisure.
NOT many years ago, a farmer who lived a hundred or two miles from the seaboard, became impressed with the idea that unless he adopted a close-cutting system of retrenchment, he would certainly go to the wall.
IN a village not a hundred miles from Philadelphia, resided the Rev.
He lives a little way out of town; about three miles on the Fredrick turnpike.
Mr. Kett, butcher, of Norwich, undertook to ride his horse 50 miles in four hours.
It extended two milesin length, and included 1,000 yeomen on horseback.
He has to walk a half mile every succeeding half hour day and night, but he has the privilege of walking two half miles together, the last and first part of the hour.
On June 14th he undertook to walk 40 miles backwards in ten hours at the same Gardens, but failed owing to the unfavourable state of the weather.
Skipper, the Norwich pedestrian, walked 50 miles in a few minutes under eleven hours at Lynn.
A gentleman well known as Champion of the Yare" undertook to row 100 miles in twenty-four hours.
Skipper, the pedestrian, undertook to walk 60 miles in 12 successive hours on the bowling-green at the King's Head Inn, East Dereham.
What is very remarkable he never was more than four miles from Swaffham.
For many years he delivered letters from the post office there, and he must have travelled some thousands of miles on foot.
The importance of such a treatment of emigrants' effects has already been illustrated by cases in which they caused an outbreak of cholera after having been carried from a seaport into an interior town many hundreds of miles distant.
His two sisters were immediately removed to a rural township three hundred miles away, and to an isolated house where scarlatina had never occurred.
Panum, however, showed that contagion could be carried many miles by an unaffected third person without losing its activity.
Peters as follows: "All these ships and their passengers were quarantined at Grosse Isle, a few miles below Quebec.
No stranger had visited his house, and there was no fever in the district, the last case having occurred eight months previously in a sequestered valley eight miles away.
An outbreak of the disease which occurred in a farm-house situated about eight miles from the city of Philadelphia came under my own observation.
The remaining children were now removed some miles away, and after several weeks one of them was allowed to return.
Another spa which also rose, flourished and then decayed and is now deserted, was the spa of Epsom, a village some miles south of London.
It will be remembered that Houghton, the seat of Sir Robert Walpole, then the minister all powerful, is but a few miles from Lynn.
The wall of Lynn is two miles long: that of London is three miles long, as I am credibly informed by Stow and others.
By this way there are no fens, but the road to Norwich is practicable only by broad wheeled waggons or on horseback, and I doubt if the forty milescould be covered in less than two days.
Was then, the town of Lynn at any time able to raise and to defend a wall two miles in length?
Three minutes late the party landed forty miles across the river before the headquarters and armored dining hall of the Oriental General Staff.
The adventurers reached the point of destination, six miles from the last cabin, on the borders of the Indian country, in season to make a crop.
I had this morning seen the sun rise from the summit of the Rhigi; and now, after walking thirty-five miles in nine hours, under his hottest beams, I saw him set on the Lake of Zurich.
After a brief repast of dried venison, the party continued their route, and at sunset were fifty miles from their habitation.
This camp was sixty miles from the nearest settlement; and it was speedily arranged that the hunter should accompany the family back to the house, to inter the dead husband.
No; but you wish most devoutly that you were some nine miles down, notwithstanding--and are looking eagerly for that consummation.
We passed the palace of the Grand Duke of Nassau, a fine edifice, near the river The classical Brunnens of Langen-Schwalbach are a fewmiles in the interior.
YOU can lie on your pillow at Catskill, and see the god of day look upon you from behind the pinnacles of the White Mountains in New-Hampshire, hundreds of miles away.
Just then the Boer came slowly sidling up, smoking hard the while, to know if they had seen anything of the war, and he seemed deeply interested on hearing that a skirmish had been going on not so manymiles from his farm.
But the sun was well up before a suitable kopje came in sight, one so small that it did not appear likely to contain enemies, but sufficiently elevated to give an observer a good view for miles through the clear veldt air.
A good four miles must have been passed over in this way, and at last a fresh sensation began to attack West, filling him with anxiety lest they should be going in the wrong direction.
The dirty-looking room smelt hot and stuffy, but a little window at the back had been thrown open, and the soft air blowing from off miles of plain made the place a little more bearable.
The ground was now perfectly level, stretching for three or four miles without an obstacle, and then the horizon line was broken by one of the many kopjes of the country, one which lay right in their line of flight.
I think it lies out here, but whether Kimberley is five miles away or a hundred I don't know.
After a hasty meal they carefully searched the ground within two or three miles of the house.
They called aloud for Lucy again and again, and in all directions; they scoured the woods for miles around; they hunted on the shore of the lake for the tracks of little feet.
My camels have tracked the sands hundreds of miles from Saranazett, and there are places where the words of Nasrulla the King mean less than the words of Mehrab the merchant.
So I talked on until I saw the smoke of the approaching train away down the valley seven or eight miles along the old Kantopey trail.
The neighbors cum from miles erbout An' fetched the cane ter mill.
At four o'clock the next morning they came within two miles of Oswald's home.
Oswald and Karl Ludwig have taken a ride of several miles from camp.
Up and down the Thames, from the boathouse to a point miles above the rustic seat, this search is continued that day and the following night without avail.
For many miles on both sides of the range the country is explored, and numberless cipher annotations are placed on the charts.
Dick received the promised coin, and was advised to go back a few miles and rest up.
In a short time after bidding Paul Lanier good-night, I was asleep aboard the steamer, and did not awake until miles at sea.
Well, I must be forty miles away to-night sometime, and here are three half-crowns for the drive.
Having quite thorough knowledge of places within several miles of Northfield, he never has heard about the "lane up by the meadow, down by the woods.
The routes of navigation around the north of the Shetland Islands in the eastern part of the North Sea and in a strip thirty miles wide along the Dutch coast are not open to the danger-zone.
If only thirty had been lost, that would have left fewer than fifty submarines to blockade more than fifty seaports, great and small, scattered over more than twenty-five hundred miles of coast.
She went down within fiftymiles of the resting place of the Lusitania.
Professor Fessenden receiving a message sent through severalmiles of sea-water by his “Oscillator.
But don’t forget that an enemy’s ship carrying a pair of oscillators can hear a submarine coming two miles away.
Elbert Hubbard, Charles Klein, Justus Miles Forman, and more than a hundred other Americans died, and died bravely.
Once it sailed for seventy miles down the English Channel.
Wet, torn, and soiled, they still struggled on in their aimless flight, crashing through hedges and clambering over obstacles, with the one idea in their frenzied minds of leaving miles between them and that fair accusing face.
The vessels in question were miles away, but Ezra brightened up at the sight of their destination, and he once again arranged his toilet and that of his father.
If she could only gain the open air during the night there would be nothing to prevent her from making her way to Bedsworth, whence she could travel on to Portsmouth, which was only seven miles away.
For the first few miles the party galloped in silence.
There's Combrink about two miles further on," said the sergeant; "we will hear news of them there.
In a wheezy voice, "d'ye think I came five miles to do that?
The government not only frequently forbade new buildings within ten miles of London, but sometimes ordered them to be pulled down--after they had been erected for several years.
It is scratched on a small pane of red glass, and has been removed to Nuneham Courtney, the seat of the Harcourt family, on the banks of the Thames, a few miles from Oxford.
Only if you think 'tis for the sake of a twiddling sixteen shilling a week that I traipse all these miles every day--" Taffy fingered the seal.
One or two things which happen to Sir Harry Vyell did actually happen to a better man, who lived and hunted foxes not a hundred miles from the "model borough" of Liskeard, and are told of him in my friend Mr. W.
Don't abuse a bird that's come twelve milesin a bag on purpose to cheer you up.
William Pellow he was called: his mother lives but ten miles up the coast: she never heard of it until six weeks after.
Five miles a day was an average march for the English army, but it was not till twelve days after their departure from Calais that Bluemantle summoned the town.
On the 8th the company was within a few miles of Abbeville, and at St Nicholas d'Essarts[306] the princes left Mary to rest and change and put herself in order, while they rode on to Abbeville to announce her coming to the King.
From out its three miles circumference rose ninety towers and it was second only to Paris in population.
He was at this time nearly three miles from any human habitation; and as he looked into the darkness, his heart began to palpitate with an alarm almost bordering on hopelessness.
Beyond this glen the mountains stretched away for eight or ten miles in swelling masses, between which lay many extensive sweeps, well sheltered and abundantly stocked with game, particularly with hares and grouse.
No view of Amiens cathedral but from the last hill, a fewmiles off, and then it looked small, I suppose from the vastness of the plain in which it stands.
Very striking indeed is the approach to Venice, on a bridge two miles long over the Lagune, very striking because so appropriate to a city which is like no other.
The thing seems marvellous enough to go a hundred miles out of one's way to see it.
At 6 o'clock we started by the diligence to Amiens by Peronne--had the coupé with an English woman, who got in a few miles on the road.
Laughing gaily they mounted and started west for the herd which toiled toward them many miles away.
Why, he was ordered to build a hundred an' fifty miles of wire fence around his range, an' he jumped ruther than do it.
If followed it would lead one to Dunton's Ford on the Comanchee, forty miles above West Bend, where the Diamond Bar aimed to cross the river.
As a matter of fact there were no cows within three hundred miles of it, and there never had been.
This he did, and in his report he stated that the "ranch" was split in two parts by about forty square miles of public land, which he recommended that he be allowed to buy according to his judgment.
Three strands high, an' over a hundred an' fifty milesround that pasture.
Then suddenly he swore and spurred forward to cover those miles as speedily as possible.
Arriving at an arroyo several miles north of the ranch he turned into it and, leaving his horse picketed on good grass along the bottom, he climbed to a position where he could see the trail without being seen.
Sixty miles north," replied Jimmy, making a great effort to stop with the reins what he was causing with his shielded spur.
Miles must hear all about the mines, and piled question upon question till his brother cried for mercy.
She usually rode the three miles on her bicycle, but she had met a tack on the road the day before, and must now wait a day or two till the injured tire could be mended.
Mrs. Merryweather and Mrs. Grahame were already taking off their wraps, and Miles Merryweather and Phil brought up the rear, with Willy.
There is only one young woman in the world who would address me in this manner, and she is a hundred miles away.
The green seas tumbled and foamed about them; the dark clouds hurried along overhead, while about three miles off appeared the land with the harbour they had left a few miles along the shore on the port bow.
Well might he ask the question, for the junk had been driving away before the wind, and had by this time got nearly a couple of miles away from the brig.
If one boasted he had ridden fifty miles without stopping, the other had always gone ten miles farther.
By daylight they came to a broad channel some miles wide.
In another minute the little schooner, close hauled with her sails like boards, was standing away to the westward, while the brigantine lay dead to leeward at the distance of at least two milesand a half.
Scarcely was his body sent into the deep, than a fair wind sprang up, and the sail being hoisted, the raft went along at the rate of three or four miles an hour.
A few days after this, on taking their observations, they found that they had in this last twenty-four hours made good no less than forty miles, and two days after that they went over fifty miles of ground.
When the frigate first made out the chase she was standing to the eastward, and was about a hundred miles off Cape Palmas.
For four miles they pulled on till they reached a fort on an island in the middle of the stream.
The frigate lay about eight miles off and of course had not perceived the escape of the Don.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.