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Example sentences for "nutriment"

Lexicographically close words:
nutlets; nutmeg; nutmegs; nutrient; nutrients; nutrition; nutritional; nutritious; nutritive; nuts
  1. Multitudes find a delicious nutriment in excrements of various kinds.

  2. Barton doubts whether the flowers that catch insects, being only temporary organs, can derive any nutriment from them; and he does not think it probable that the leaves of Dionaea, &c.

  3. The common snake also is said to receive part of its nutriment from them.

  4. For an instance in which an insect, usually subsisting upon animal food, derived nutriment from a mineral substance, see Philos.

  5. Besides these, the waters swarm with insects of every order, as numerous in proportion to the space they inhabit, as those that fill the air, which form the sole nutriment of multitudes of our fish, and the partial support of almost all.

  6. The most healthful food is that which is best fitted to the wants of the user: the cheapest food is that which furnishes the largest amount of nutriment at the least cost: the best food is that which is both healthful and cheap.

  7. The albumen will rise as a scum to the top, but should not be skimmed off, as it contains the most nutriment and will settle to the bottom as sediment.

  8. These, though he knew it not, afforded precisely the kind of nutriment best adapted to sustain life under intense cold.

  9. It is said that some even died of starvation, while others found unwholesome nutriment in the unripe corn and the raw vegetables that grew along their route.

  10. Some of our best doctors claim that there is much nutriment in beer," he suggested.

  11. You see," continued Benjamin, "that all the nutriment there is in the barley is destroyed to convert it into beer.

  12. Your beer is very dirty water made bitter with malt, out of which nearly every particle of nutriment has been squeezed.

  13. And every one of them knows that there is more nutriment in a pennyworth of bread than there is in a whole gallon of beer.

  14. It is here, where Nature herself is all vital with youth, that the nutriment of youth must be sought.

  15. I resupplied their nutriment from the crystal vessel.

  16. The soil for its nutriment may there be well nigh exhausted.

  17. This alimentary canal runs across the middle of its length, and from it extends, as in the Medusæ, a series of gastric canals, which carry the nutriment into all parts of the body.

  18. Yes, at present; but deep down there lies in your hearts a need which will awake and speak out some day; and you will find that the husks which the swine did eat are scarcely wholesome nutriment for a man.

  19. It now contains but little nutriment of any sort, but supplies some mineral salts, especially nitre.

  20. The oak springs from a parent oak, the conversion of nutriment into organic tissue is due to the agency of already existing organic tissue.

  21. And Aristotle adds that locomotion makes its appearance at this level; animals do not, like plants, have to trust to their supply of nutriment coming to them; they can go to it.

  22. Such light nutriment is unfit for the souls of women--such ethereal diet can never satisfy the cravings of an immortal mind.

  23. Much of the nutriment of food is lost in cooking.

  24. It is said to be good for consumptives on account of the great nutriment in sugar.

  25. The stems of flowers for bouquets are cut very short, as most of the nutriment of the stem is lost to the succeeding ones by cutting long ones.

  26. Cut in blossom, it contains more nutriment than any other known grass.

  27. An osmotic growth has an evolutionary existence; it is nourished by osmosis and intussusception; it exercises a selective choice on the substances offered to it; it changes the chemical constitution of its nutriment before assimilating it.

  28. Like a living being, an osmotic growth absorbs nutriment from the medium in which it grows, and this nutriment it assimilates and organizes.

  29. Indian meal is the cheapest, and a bushel furnishes more nutriment than the same quantity of wheat.

  30. Proportions of Nutriment in articles of Food.

  31. While the egg is fastened to the ovarium, it derives its nutriment from the vessel of the common pellicle.

  32. All animals procure nutriment from vegetables, or other animals which feed upon vegetables; there is, therefore, one common matter to both, which serves for the nutrition and expansion bf every thing which lives or vegetates.

  33. It has been imagined, that the liquor of the amnios is a nutriment the foetus receives by its mouth.

  34. An animal procures nutriment from an animal or vegetable substance, and the vegetable can likewise be nourished from an animal or vegetable in a decomposed state.

  35. No physiologist doubts that a stomach adapted to digest vegetable matter alone, or flesh alone, draws most nutriment from these substances.

  36. The store of nutriment laid up within the seeds of many plants seems at first sight to have no sort of relation to other plants.

  37. Nutriment is converted into these before being assimilated by the system.

  38. And they must be well supplied with nutritious food each year, because the crop of next season depends largely upon the nutriment stored up this season.

  39. Allow no grass or weeds to grow close to it and force it to dispute with them for its share of nutriment in the soil about its roots.

  40. It is a good plan to fertilize it well in fall, thus enabling the roots of the sward to store up nutriment for the coming season.

  41. It cannot produce fine, perfect flowers with a poorly-developed root-system to supply the strength and nutriment needed for such a task, therefore the plants are not in a condition to do themselves justice.

  42. Figs, blossoms, and young leaves of various kinds, constitute the chief nutriment of the Orang; but strips of bamboo two or three feet long were found in the stomach of a male.

  43. With confidence I opened then my mouth, And I began: "How can one meagre grow There where the need of nutriment applies not?

  44. The more important myths and the best illustrative poems should provide not only nutriment for thought, but material for memory.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nutriment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alimentation; diet; food; fuel; keep; meat; nourishment; nurture; nutriment; pap; refection; refreshment; subsistence; support; sustenance