The one difference between the saint and the sinner, between the hundredfold hearer and him whose life is spent in throwing out promises of a harvest which never ripens, is their different attitude towards the word of God.
He shows us Zacharias and Elisabeth, true saints of God, devout of heart and blameless of life, down into whose placid lives an angel came, rippling them with the excitements of new promises and hopes.
If we but half believe in the promises of God or in the eternal realities, then the sinews of our soul are houghed, and there comes over us the sad paralysis of doubt.
Because I like to keeppromises and I can't say now what I shall be like in a year, can I?
Sylvia stayed in Brussels for a week and left with manypromises to return soon.
Sometimes the spirits sought to be exorcised refuse to leave the victim, unless the sorcerer promises them a habitation in his own compound (grounds), and arranges for daily offerings being given.
It is easy to see how tempting these promises were to working-men; and yet the better class among them mourned their loss of steady employment.
Be that as it may, Louis Napoleon knew that if he failed to keep his promises as to the liberation of Italy, assassination awaited him.
He promises complete amnesty, and employment under his government to men of all parties; and finally he pledges himself to secure effectual guarantees for the Pope [then trembling on his temporal throne in Italy].
In vain, threats and promises were urged upon the colonel.
Hope, is indeed, very fallacious, and promises what it seldom gives; but its promises are more valuable than the gifts of fortune, and it seldom frustrates us without assuring us of recompensing the delay by a greater bounty.
For promises of friendship are, like all others, useless and vain, unless they are made in some known sense, adjusted and acknowledged by both parties.
It remains only to be considered, whether promises extorted by force, without right, can be thought consent, and how far they bind.
Frank was twenty, and had fulfilled all the promisesof his boyhood.
To contrast this treatment of poor Worcester with the fervent written promises of the ungrateful 'C.
My son promisesto be as perfect in his way as I in mine.
But, in this instance, one who does not trace his origin from them takes tithes from Abraham, and pronounces a blessing on him to whom the promises belong.
It learns to see through the hollowness of promises and threats before it knows the words in which they are framed.
With the progress of recent years, however, a new factor has been entering into the problem which promises to make the situation still more serious for the traction systems.
Accustomed to take reasonable chances and to make large returns in his own business, he fails to detect anything fundamentally wrong in a proposition simply because it promises to pay well.
One of the most important distinctions is that between promises to pay and equities.
Again we were reassured, and our confidence in the Premier's pledge remained unshaken throughout the campaign, although Mr. Lloyd-George continued to throw out hints that the promises of facilities for the bill were altogether illusory.
Well he knew that those promises were incompatible, that the fulfilment of both was therefore impossible, and Christabel told him so bluntly and fearlessly.
The Liberal Party went to the country with promises of taxes on land values.
Quite naturally the Liberal candidates went to the country with perfervid promises of reform in every possible direction.
Even as a child I had begun to wonder at the naive faith of party members in the promises of their leaders.
Among those unmoved by French promises were a number of brilliant women, who were outspoken in their hostility, and who gathered about them many of the most able men of the time.
At first, in the early days of his power, he smiles upon every one and salutes every one; he, to be called a tyrant who is making promises in public and also in private, and wanting to be kind and good to every one!
Is it no good that we should keep our silent promises on which others build because they believe in our love and truth?
Pitt promised equal laws when the union was formed, but the broken promises made to Ireland are unhappily written in indelible characters in the history of the country.
There will thy image be traced, but not with that bold aspect which promises victory.
For certainly he does not see them with a larger navy than you, nor has he acquired an inland empire and renounced that of the sea and the ports, nor does he forget the professions and promises on which he obtained the peace.
Almost at once, in answer to his ring, Doctor Balys' voice sounded over the wire in hasty congratulations and promises of immediate assistance.
The silvery air was soft with promisesof leaf and bud.
And in The Merry Wives of Windsor Mrs. Quickly promises Jack Rugby a posset at night.
Their speech was cleare contrary to their designe, and promises inviolably ffriendshipp.
So again a member of the royal house does homage andpromises service in return for his appanage.
The townsfolk, on the other hand, assume that promises of free tenure and free trade will be worth nothing unless accompanied by the permission to elect all magistrates and councils.
Adam greatly satisfied and recomforted by these Relations and Promises descends the Hill with Michael; wakens Eve, who all this while had slept, but with gentle dreams compos'd to quietness of mind and submission.
Will you not be called to cut out another slice next year, or in five years,--and may not the Park be reduced from that form and those proportions it promises to enjoy?
Here let me confess that I find this law especially valuable, because it promises more time for education and general improvement.
Thus far, in constant efforts for the colored race, I have sincerely sought the good of all, which I was sure would be best obtained in fulfilling the promises of the Declaration of Independence, making all equal in rights.
In just association with this humanity will be the triumph of Equal Rights, when the promises of the great Declaration are all fulfilled, and our people are united, as never before, in the enduring fellowship of a common citizenship.
In the organization of his Administration, and in the conduct of affairs, Horace Greeley will naturally lean upon those who represent best the great promises of Equal Rights and Reconciliation made at Cincinnati.
There is no question so supremely practical; for it concerns not merely one nation, but every nation; and even its discussion promises to diminish the terrible chances of war.
On the contrary, they have in his election not only the promises of the platform, but also his splendid example for a full generation, during which he has never wavered in the assertion of their rights.
It is also in the belief they arepromises that they are here translated "for others.
It is not such true life, and promises much less for the future than the life that used to be guided not by science, but by instincts and powerful illusions.
Horace is awkwardly placed between these two friendly remonstrants, to whom he promises perpetual love.
Crispinus acquaints her that they were poets, and, since she admires them, promisesto become a poet himself.
And, in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, he promises to reform his religion to that prelate's liking!
The other ran toward the high-road, and seeing a car loaded with hay, induced the driver by tears, threats and promises to come to Ireneus's aid.
That you are sincere in all your promises I firmly believe.
When he became sober, however, he had no recourse but in reconciliation, and he wrote letters and induced acquaintances to call upon Mr. White with professions of repentance and promises of reformation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "promises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.