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Example sentences for "fearful"

Lexicographically close words:
feared; fearefull; feares; fearest; feareth; fearfull; fearfully; fearfulness; fearing; fearless
  1. Without warning, the black man leaped forward with the ferocity of an animal and struck the other a fearful blow.

  2. For a long moment he stared at her without movement or sign while the drama beneath went on, then he drew back into his retreat with the dazed look of one doubting his senses, yet fearful of putting them to the test.

  3. McNamara aimed a fearful blow, but Glenister met him squarely, beating him off cleverly, stepping in and out, his arms swinging loosely from his shoulders like whalebone withes tipped with lead.

  4. Sin unforgiven will pursue a man into the next life, and exact a fearful penalty.

  5. Even a mild discomfort, if eternally prolonged, infinitely surpasses in amount the most fearful suffering that has an end.

  6. If there is such a fearful possibility for anyone, why should he not be warned?

  7. And it is a fearful thing to quench that inner light.

  8. He will be reclaimed; but the age-long pruning he may have to undergo is a fearful thing to contemplate.

  9. We also know that it has been provided at a fearful cost, and we know that the glory of God is to a large extent bound up in its success.

  10. You may see him on the links six days a week, and yet he goes on from year to year no nearer to the degree of scratch, still driving his short and very wayward ball with that nervous, fearful stance of his, that slow, hesitating swing.

  11. Both recoiled, neither went up in the air, but the white Dog rolled over with a fearful gash in her shoulder--out of the fight, if not killed.

  12. He shook with fear and a sense of helplessness, and the night passed in fitful sleep and sudden starts awake to search the gloom again for those fearful eyes and the great gray gliding form.

  13. Kate then revealed to Giles that she had heard Cornelis and Sybrandt mention Gerard's name; and being herself in great anxiety at his not coming home all day, had listened at their door, and had made a fearful discovery.

  14. Then Denys, depressed by the one error he had committed in all this fearful night, felt convinced his last hour had come.

  15. But could they have been transferred to her deck they would have seen she had not one beating heart but many, and not one nature but a score were coming out clear in that fearful hour.

  16. As the fearful monster crawled growling towards him, incongruous thoughts coursed through his mind.

  17. The invulnerable knight and his men-at-arms met them, and a fearful combat ensued, in which many a figure was seen to fall headlong down off the narrow bridge.

  18. Then he seized the iron bar, and for one fearful moment hung outside from it by his right hand, while his left hand felt for the rope down at his knees; it was too tight against the wall for his fingers to get round it higher up.

  19. Oh, Denys, ought we not to return thanks to Him who has saved both our lives against such fearful odds?

  20. But, just as they were being taken down, a fearful scream was heard in the crowd, and a woman pointed at one of them, with eyes almost starting from their sockets: but ere she could speak she fainted away.

  21. But, while her boy's father was passing through those fearful tempests of the soul ending in the dead monastic calm, her life might fairly be summed in one great blissful word-- Maternity.

  22. I would have drunk some more water, but by then it was fearful to open my eyes and I was afraid to raise my head.

  23. I thought what a fearful difference between Butyga and me!

  24. From this position the enemy poured in a fearful fire.

  25. This was the impertinent decision of the Porras brothers; but it did not quite commend itself to their followers, who were fearful of the possible results if they should persist in their mutinous conduct.

  26. There is no mariner who dares to enter into its deep waters; or if any have done so, they have merely kept along its coasts, fearful of departing from them.

  27. The very bad Indian, placing his feet upon the attenuated bridge of doom, makes a few steps forward, stumbles, falls into the whirling waters below, and is swept downward with fearful velocity.

  28. They were wholly beyond control, plunging down the road at a fearful speed, when, by a slight turn to one side, the wheel struck a large log.

  29. It was made the occasion of a fearful orgy.

  30. At half past four the battle began, the four vessels opening fire simultaneously, and pouring broadside after broadside upon the fort, which returned a fearful fire from its circular battery.

  31. God forbid that this dear land should ever again be visited with that fearful scourge!

  32. Her growth and prosperity since that fearful struggle ended have been something wonderful.

  33. The struggle would no doubt be a fearful one; Gauvain would direct the assault, and perhaps take part in it.

  34. The operation is a fearful one, but revolution performs it with a steady hand.

  35. Illustration 116] It was indeed a fearful scene.

  36. Robbery, however, seldom occurred; the fearful destitution was matched by a stoical honesty.

  37. Amid this stormy sea of faces one man would point out to another the individuals whose tragic votes had caused that fearful din: Paganel, who cried, "Death.

  38. And we don't want none of your lip," ses the carman, who was in a bad temper because he 'ad got a fearful kick on the shin from somewhere.

  39. This morning I began to write, but could only accomplish a few lines, I have such a fearful crowd of people about me, and my head aches so that I know not what I write or what I do.

  40. Indeed, I rejoice to hear it, for I was fearful of some sudden--Oh, why did you not send for me?

  41. Then the maiden burnt the third hair, and instantly the Dark King himself appeared upon the scene, clothed in shining armour, and fearful in majesty and might.

  42. Moving away with her own hands the leaves and branches with which they had covered it over, the fearful sight of her lover's mangled body lay before her.

  43. The cook looked round as he heard the poor little dove beating its frightened breast against the window, and, fearful lest it should hurt itself, he opened the window.

  44. He emitted a fearful scream, whereupon some one boxed his ear.

  45. Is the prospect of a fall so fearful after all?

  46. After that first fearful greeting, in which the half-transformed being refuses the earthly nourishment offered him, how strangely and horribly moves the unsteady voice up and down in that singular scale!

  47. If every old chimney could narrate the fearful deeds whose last records it has cancelled, what sighs of undying passion would breathe from its dark summit,--what groans of guilt!

  48. One might fancy that all men who have an agonizing sorrow or a fearful secret would be drawn by irresistible attraction into the society of the deaf and dumb.

  49. There were a half a dozen rents in his uniform and a fearful slash under his chin--but he was breathing still.

  50. It was Rebel Jerry Dillon, helpless from a sabre cut and frightfully scarred by the fearful wounds his brother, Yankee Jake, had given him.

  51. It is a fearful thing when a man and all his hopes die together.

  52. In this fearful predicament the Son of God took compassion on mankind, and resolved to pay the debt for us, and to satisfy the divine justice by a perfect equivalent.

  53. He cannot help judging, that even in Christian countries, many, a fearful many!

  54. But would you be cured of the fear and fearful questionings connected with the approach of death?

  55. You cannot imagine how fearful it is to see the tender innocent little animals fleeing from me in terror, though I would now die rather than injure one of them.

  56. It was so fearful that several of the fellows turned pale, and all of them started violently.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fearful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afraid; aghast; agitated; alarming; anxious; apprehensive; awesome; awful; bashful; bothered; chicken; chilling; concerned; cowardly; cowed; daunted; deadly; deterrent; diffident; disconcerting; discouraging; disheartening; dismayed; dismaying; disquieted; disquieting; disturbed; dreadful; excitable; fainthearted; fearful; fearsome; fell; foreboding; frightened; frightening; frightful; funky; horrible; howling; insecure; intimidated; irritable; jumpy; misgiving; nervous; nervy; panicky; perturbed; rousing; scared; scary; shaky; shivery; shrinking; shy; skittish; soft; solicitous; spineless; startling; strained; tense; terrible; terrific; terrified; thumping; timid; timorous; trembling; tremulous; troubled; uneasy; unmanly; unmanned; vicious; weak; weird; whacking; yellow; zealous