I find no diminution of the conviction that at the present moment a war with Germany would be fatal to France, and that very many years must elapse before France will be able to undertake such a war with any prospect of success.
I do not find the least diminution of the French opposition to Turkish intervention in Egypt, even if it were only moral.
Yet, to show my ingenuity rather than wit, would not a less model have given a full representation of that subject, not by diminution but by contraction of parts?
Never did we see a case in which the increase of the bulk was so evidently a diminution of the value.
The strength of a brigade is fairly estimated from the average of our own, for in people of similar race and education, the models of organization are essentially the same, and subject to the same causes of diminution during a campaign.
For these reasons concentration on a large scale takes place in industry without any diminution in the number of establishments, even with an increase in same.
This diminution of sexual desire, so Tarnowsky believes, might explain the slow increase in population in mountainous regions, and by becoming hereditary might be one of the symptoms of degeneration leading to perversity.
Until now, nations have been ruined by a diminution of their numbers, but never yet by an excess.
The premiums placed on marriage and the birth of children, to prevent a diminution of the ruling classes, remained ineffectual.
But, what would be the many results of a diminution in the level of our imaginary range?
If they are caused by pressure, this diminution of their number toward the middle of the glacier would be inevitable, since the intensity of the pressure naturally fades as we recede from the motive power.
More like evaporation or sublimation, except that there was no gradual diminution in volume, and there was no detectable residue, either solid, liquid, or gaseous.
The hiss of air from valves, a noise which by its constant and unvarying and universal presence soon becomes unheard, became noticeable because of its diminution in volume and tone.
It was plain that while the losses of the Federal army were shocking, and were sufficient to have unnerved the army and the people of the North, the "attrition" of General Grant had caused a fearful diminution of the Confederate armies.
A very perceptible diminutionof what had hitherto been unlimited confidence, not only in the genius, but even in the good fortune of Beauregard, was the result of his declared failure at Shiloh.
The Crusades lasted two hundred years, and contributed to the overthrow of feudalism by the increase of general intelligence and the diminution of the baronial estates.
This supposes a loss of 23 per cent of Germany's industrial undertaking and a diminution of 13 per cent in her other requirements.
You are sure of a diminution in the power of the clergy.
The day of insensate conquests ending in a diminution of territory had not yet come.
There was as yet no very marked diminution in the number of executions, but other forms of punishment were growing into favour.
During the night he had some imperfect sleep, but the succeeding morning his symptoms were aggravated, attended, however, with a diminution of pain.
It is extraordinary that all these medical experiments, and a total abstinence from food for three days, has produced no diminution of strength or spirits.
The changes that have taken place among the orthodox in India since the period of the Institutes are in consequence of the diminution or disappearance of the highly philosophical classes, and the comparative predominance of the vulgar.
A famine fell upon Italy, bringing in its train an inevitable diminution of the population.
It was highly desirable that this rapid diminution should take place, both to strengthen the credit of the country and to convince its citizens of their entire ability to meet every dollar of liability without bankrupting them.
Certain it is that the English burnt Maysilo, and re-entered Manila with their field-pieces, without any diminution of their numbers.
Diminution is going on this age; and I have not that form now.
When a man is once affected, however much he may keep it under control, and prevent its increase, there is never a diminution of the disease till the remedy of the Great Physician is applied.
Summer comes, and with it increasing weakness, but no diminution of his trust in God.
The gradual decrease in the degree of activity is plainly shown in the gradual diminution in size of these tuffs, until they acquire the fineness of a clay.
Well, but, dear, you always told me that there had been no diminution in our income.
This peace had for a while been lost to him, and he had felt a strange change and diminutionin the inward satisfactions.
Black surfaces begin to scale off their snowy covering, not by thawing attended by moisture, but with a manifest diminution in the tenacity and adhesiveness of the snow.
A series of flame-colored strata, alternating with an incomprehensible black cloud, was so completely eclipsed by the vertical column, that it seemed to cut its way without a diminution of its brightness.