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Example sentences for "puckering"

Lexicographically close words:
puce; puch; puchero; pucker; puckered; puckers; pudden; puddin; pudding; puddings
  1. For an hour Sammy Durgan sat there, scratching at his red hair, puckering his leathery face, and kicking at the rail to the detriment of the toe-cap of his boot.

  2. Lucile pleaded, puckering her mouth at the thought of the lemon.

  3. Tired and happy, she flung herself upon the bed, a little meditative frown puckering her forehead, and began a mental checking up of all the hundred and one things she would need.

  4. She carried the photograph to the light of the candles on the mantelpiece, and gazed at it attentively, puckering her brows.

  5. He hesitated, puckering his brows, and looking at her with dark, questioning eyes.

  6. She lay back in her seat, and stared dreamily at the wall, puckering her brow in thought, the while Hannah chuckled in the background.

  7. Winking was his foible, as puckering of the face was Coyne's.

  8. The result which necessarily follows, if these fasciae contract energetically, is the oblique drawing up of the eyebrows, the puckering of their inner ends, and the formation of rectangular furrows on the middle of the forehead.

  9. To prevent puckering when the tensions are correct, reduce the pressure of the foot by loosening the thumbscrew D (Fig.

  10. The top of the stomach seems to be closed by the diaphragmatic pinchcock in the same way that the top of a bag is closed by a puckering string.

  11. The esophagoscope encounters only the diaphragmatic pinchcock which seems to be at the top of the stomach like the puckering string at the top of a bag.

  12. None of my business to say so," he answered, puckering the corners of his eyes.

  13. The sniff that accompanies puckering of the nose indicates the engagement of the muscles of inspiration.

  14. I can see little," she answered, straining her eyes and puckering her brow, as one who would fain clear her sight.

  15. Up rose Sergeant Bagby, his face puckering in a grin and his hand outstretched.

  16. The other did not detect these things--neither the puckering of the lips nor the small forward bend of the judge's head.

  17. Barbara examined them, puckering up her forehead; she knew that he was working at a book on the land question; but she had never realized that the making of a book requited so much writing.

  18. Women ought to know about all house matters," said Eleanor, puckering her brow to a gloomy extent.

  19. Puckering up his face though smiling, and showing his short strong teeth, he began with stubby fingers of both hands to ruffle up his thick tangled black hair.

  20. Bilibin inquiringly, puckering up his forehead to indicate that he was about to say something witty.

  21. Kutuzov was chewing a piece of roast chicken with difficulty and glanced at Wolzogen with eyes that brightened under their puckering lids.

  22. When he entered the private room Count Rostopchin, puckering his face, was rubbing his forehead and eyes with his hand.

  23. The stranger looked down sharply, his dark brows puckering in astonishment.

  24. She surprised a puckering of the large lady's face, and hastened to supplement the description.

  25. Now, listen, father," she said, puckering up her forehead prettily.

  26. Consequently Brangwen himself had a humorous puckering at the eyes, a sort of fat laugh, very quiet and full, and he was spoilt like a lord of creation.

  27. By the very puckering of her face he knew that he must stand back, leave her intact, alone.

  28. It was a funny sight, and while the Sick-A-Bed Lady was puckering her forehead trying to think out what it all meant the Young Man's Face smiled at her and said "Boo!

  29. Like a puckering electric tingle the simple announcement seemed to run through the room, and a little wise, mischievous smile spread from face to face among the guests.

  30. With my jack-knife to rip, and some puckering strings, I went at it, right after lunch.

  31. He could hear none, and as he stooped his wrinkled face puckering into tears, a voice behind him said quietly: "She is dead!

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "puckering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.