He said if you sounded like you were in a good temper--" The lessening sounds of footsteps hurrying down the stairs finished the sentence and Harmon chuckled.
The thief showed skill born of experience as he dodged his way toward the door, avoiding a stout lady with two small children in tow one instant and side-stepping a bundle-laden messenger boy the next and scarcely lessening his speed.
By lessening the attraction of cohesion, it makes it more easy of digestion, it is true; but the loss of nutriment and of pleasure to the true appetite more than counterbalances this.
My disease was decidedly increased; as cough, headache, and emaciation; and being of a scrofulous diathesis, was lessening my prospect of eventual recovery.
But it was disapproved by very many members of the Association on the ground that it seemed likely to result in lessening the importation privilege of libraries.
We must therefore look to the oculists to take the first steps towards lessening the number of their prospective patients by inculcating rational notions about the effects of the printed page on the eye.
In art, moral or physical deformity cannot be exaggerated for the purpose of emphasis or contrast without lessening the deformity or injuring the art.
The wind has been getting squally: now the squalls are lessening in force, the sky is clearing and we seem to be approaching the end of the blow.
The sun is now peeping through, the wind lessening and the weather conditions generally improving.
Indeed there is also a little Oil in its composition: but this Oil seems to be in a perfectly saponaceous state; for Gum dissolves wholly and easily in water, without lessening its transparency in the least.
For the same reason, and in consequence of the principles we laid down, it should be so built that its width lessening insensibly from the bottom to the top, it may be narrower where it opens into the fire-place than any where below.
Pour more hot water on the powdered Pyrites, filter as before, and so go on, every time lessening the quantity of water, till that which comes off the Pyrites appears to have no astringent vitriolic taste.
Is not the distance short enough in all conscience without yourlessening it?
As sometimes happens when there is a great disparity in years, the wedded state had widened instead of lessening the gulf between Milbanke and herself.
With an instinctive lessening of her natural fearlessness, she hurried through the vestibule and passed straight to the lift.
Station after station was passed without the least lessening of speed.
These aim at lessening their labour in collecting honey by plundering the store of other hives.
This he can only attain to by regarding the line as the limit toward which tends an ever narrowing band, and the point as the limit toward which tends an ever lessening area.
Perhaps this is a way of lessening the paradoxical in the original hypothesis.
A slackening or arrest of the blood current in the vessels, due not to a lessening of the heart's beat, but presumably to some abnormal resistance of the capillary walls.
The act of lessening dignity or consideration, or the state of being deprived of dignity; a lowering in estimation; degradation; abasement.
The act of taking away from the reputation or good name of another; a lessening or cheapening in the estimation of others; the act of depreciating another, from envy or malice; calumny.
And of the trackers of the deer Scarce half the lessening pack was near.
Nyctitropic movements of plants usually consist in a folding or drooping of the leaves, the advantage being in lessening the radiation of heat.
If, sir, a lessening of their discounts one-tenth per cent.
Then, without lessening his gait, Drake turned half round in his saddle and pointed his revolver.
She, as well as the other servants, no doubt thought of him as having married for money, Mitchell's fortune being so much larger than his own diminished and ever-lessening capital.
When a navy submits to such a line of action, all tone and pride must have departed; but the navy only shared in the general decline which made Spain henceforward have an everlessening weight in the policy of Europe.
There are no intermissions in the anxieties which it keeps awake; and every year, instead of lessening its hold, seems to fix it more deeply within the soul itself, as the bodily covering around it slowly moulders away.
A] The Virginia planters supposed that by lessening the quantity of tobacco, called a "stint," they would improve the quality and enhance the price of it.
There might be a mode of much lessening it to her," he said.
The acceptance of this theory still further leads to a lessening of the sense of our need of Christ that the Bible teaches and man should feel.
There will come declining feeling, lessening devotion, prayer will become perfunctory and there will come increasing occupation with and love for other things.
In the early hours of the morning the lessening of sounds from the causeway seemed to indicate that the work on the walls was nearly completed.
Handsome and brave and young was he, And the maids of Newbury sighed to see His lessening white sail fall Under the sea's blue wall.