This primary ore, or protore, was clearly formed after the solidification of the igneous rocks, though soon after, by solutions from igneous sources which followed fractured and shattered zones.
These minerals are formed mainly under high temperatures, either during the original solidification of igneous rocks, or as constituents of the pegmatites which follow the crystallization of the main igneous masses.
It is chiefly in the case of calcareous rocks thatsolidification takes place at the time of deposition.
Mr. Mascart is content to say: "Some experiments seem to indicate that the solidification of a body produces electricity.
We understand why the temperatures of fusion and solidification are fixed for the same body.
The crystals were very minute, and adhered together by the solidification of the brine, effected by exposure on heated flues.
In the absence of the author, Professor Dewar's paper on the solidification of hydrogen was read in the British Association by Sir William Crook.
The primordial cause is, as we have had frequent occasion to repeat, the cooling of the earth, and the progressive solidification of the external crust, the nucleus of which still remains in a fluid or viscous state.
During a long series of ages the solid crust of the globe went on increasing in thickness, as the process of solidification of the underlying liquid matter nearest to the surface proceeded.
The effect of the first would be solidification at the surface, followed by condensation at the centre through pressure.
By extending this phenomenon to the whole surface of the globe, the solidification of its entire surface would be produced.
In other words, solidification would proceed from the centre until the diminishing power of pressure was balanced by radiation, when the gradual abstraction of heat would allow the particles to approximate and become solid.
This action, to which all its liquid and movable particles were subject, would singularly accelerate the commencement of the solidification of the terrestrial mass.
Hence, as a result of the solidification of the internal parts of the globe, the outer envelope would be too large; and would no longer fit the inner sphere, which had contracted in cooling.
Several of the differentiations due to the gradual cooling of the Earth have been already noticed--as the formation of a crust, the solidification of sublimed elements, the precipitation of water, etc.
They comprise implicitly every equation deduced from a virtual movement compatible with the pre-supposed solidification of the system.
Exposition of the phenomena which accompany the liquefaction of solids and the solidification of liquids.
The apartment in which this is done ought to be as cool and dry as possible, to favour the solidification of the glue, and should be floored with stone flags kept very clean, so that if any glue run through the seams, it may be recovered.
The solidificationcommences at the edges, and advances towards the centre.
They have tended to solidify and unify the national character, and it is just this process of solidification that gives significance to the whole fabric of beliefs, legends, and festivals of the people.
The direct product of the solidification of a vapor is called a sublimate.
During the solidification of this fluid, which is commonly conjectured to have been gaseous and primordially heated to a very high temperature, an enormous quantity of latent heat must have been liberated.
If the process of solidification began as Fourier conjectures, by radiation from the cooling surface exposed to the atmosphere, the particles near the center would have continued fluid and hot.
To the demurrer thatsolidification cannot commence at the surface, because the solids formed would sink, there are two replies.
The solidification of the lung tissue is found irregular in shape and high around the root of the lungs and the large bronchi, and is generally covered by sound lung tissue.
Then, again, when the whole process comes to a standstill, and recovery takes place with solidification of the bones, and even eburnation, the teeth will come in rapid succession.
Post-Atlantean humanity was formed physically from those Atlantean ancestors in whom such a solidification of the bodily form had taken place that it no longer yielded to those powers of the soul which had now become perverted.
He designed as a means of greater glory the complete solidification of his empire under his own supreme control.
Socialism, also, found in the Dreyfus affair, a pretext for the solidification of its forces.
During the consolidation of the flow much of the magma-residuum that still retained its fluidity was extruded on the surface, where after solidification it became palagonitised.
This surely proves ice to possess a special power of solidification over water.
The process of solidificationand the architecture were alike beautiful.
It is evident that every mixture except the eutectic mixture C will have two halts in its cooling, and that its solidification will take place in two stages.
Now crystals of B begin to form, simultaneously with the A crystals, and the composition of the remaining liquid does not alter as the solidification progresses.
Let us consider a little more closely the solidification of the mixture represented by the vertical line PCRS.
Neville proved that when one metal is alloyed with a small quantity of some other metal, the solidification obeys the law of F.
This halt in the cooling, due to the heat evolved in the solidification of the first crystals that form in the liquid is called the freezing-point of the mixture; the freezing-point can generally be observed with considerable accuracy.
In the sense that this term is used by Mr. Williams and Mr. Morgan, the appreciation or solidification of roadbed was considered in the Michigan work, but given no place in the appraisal.
As evaporation continues, solidification goes on, and we finally obtain, through the clustering together of innumerable molecules, a finite crystalline mass of a definite form.
The process of solidification and the consequent architecture were alike beautiful.