For if not any thing below or besides blood can yield remission on God's part, how should remission be received by us without our acting faith therein?
We who have had a due sense of sins, and of the nature of the justice of God, know that no remission of the guilt of any one can be, but by atonement made by blood.
If holiness of life be preached as necessary to salvation, then faith is undervalued and set below its place, and works, as to justification with God, set up and made copartners with Christ's merits in the remission of sins.
As to the imputation of folly, he repelled it with affirming that whoever should question his intellect, could not expect the remission of his sins either in this or in the other world.
The postage, however, was to be afterwards remitted in the case of any postmaster who should make oath that the letters in respect to which he claimed remission were on his private business.
I am going to the holy city, where I shall obtain remission for all my sins, and those of generations yet unborn.
Have manufactures benefited by the remission of duties thus purchased for them by the extraordinary sacrifice of so many years?
Seeing therefore he has renewed us by the remission of our sins, he has put us into another frame, that we should have souls like those of children, forming us again himself by the spirit.
Having received remission of our sins, and trusting in the name of the Lord, we are become renewed, being again created as it were from the beginning.
While on the design of baptism, Mr. Hiner remarked that if he believed baptism was for the remission of sins, he would live on a creek or river and be baptized every time he sinned.
John was baptizing for the remission of sins, and required those whom he baptized to confess their sins, and his knowledge of the spotless life of Jesus caused him to shrink at the thought of administering to Him such a baptism.
He was preaching the "baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
These all received the "baptism of repentance for the remission of sins," were converted and saved.
God was, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Were those disciples who received the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins before Pentecost out of Christ--uncleansed--unwashed?
Are they so impudent as to sue for remission without satisfaction and without penitence?
Greatly blessed, sir, is that man commissioned immediately from the heavens to administer baptism unto repentance for remission of sins; and blessed are they who receive remission of sins from the hands of those who act in "Christ's stead.
He knew that baptism for remission of sin was necessary as an example, and also that by his "obedience many might be made righteous" even as by the "offence of one, many were made sinners.
Jesus came by water," and was baptized in water for the remission of the original sin of the world.
He has never said that repentance and faith shall secure remission of sins to any one without baptism.
Hereby he "puts on Christ," When an ambassador of Christ finds a man or woman that heartily repents of his or her rebellion against the laws of Christ, he baptizes him unto repentance for "remission of sins.
And will not such a remission and forgiveness of sins be as valid as though He administered the ordinance of baptism himself?
If Christ has power on earth to forgive and remit sins, may He not send forgiveness and remission by another, even by whom he will?
Some have authority only to baptize unto repentance for remission of sins, as John the Baptist.
He spoke of His blood as "shed for many unto remission of sins.
IV "The Son of Man came to give His life a ransom for many;" "This is My blood of the covenant which is shed for many unto remission of sins.
The gospel which, in His name, was to be preached unto all the nations was concerning "repentance and remission of sins.
Again, if Jesus came on earth to die, and without shedding his blood there could be "no remission of sin" what mockery for him to exclaim "O Jerusalem!
Moreover, he sent messengers through the country, and gave order that they should have a remission of their labors, and should keep a festival many days, on account of his kingdom.
John, the young hermit of the desert, whom we have mourned as lost or dead, has appeared on the banks of the Jordan, baptizing the multitudes and preaching repentance and the remission of sins.
For where there isremission of sins, there are also life and salvation.
Each communicant is assured by the words of Christ Himself that the body which he receives along with the bread was given for him, and that the blood which he receives along with the wine was shed for him, for the remission of his sins.
They are pointed out in these words; "given and shed for you, for theremission of sins.
These words are, besides the bodily eating and drinking, the chief things in the sacrament; and he who believes these words has that which they declare and set forth; namely, the remission of sins.
My baptism assures me that all the blessings of Christ's redemption are meant for me: and the Lord's Supper assures me that Christ's body and blood were given and shed for me for the remission of my sins.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The shedding of Christ's blood for my sins was the only way in which I could be redeemed; for without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
Namely, through these words, the remission of sins, life and salvation are granted unto us in the Sacrament.
He should eye Christ as a prince to give pardon andremission of sins, and as exalted for this end, and should fix his eye upon him, as now exalted in glory for this end.
Now repentance and remission of sins his people have need of, after conversion as well as before conversion.
But what can yield me any ground of peace while it is so, that I see no pardon or remission granted to me?
The believer would remember, that among other things, antecedently requisite to remission of posterior actual transgressions, gospel repentance is especially required, (Luke xiii.
By taking away the sinful causes of such a distance, having laid down his life and shed his blood for the remission of their sins, so that such a dispensation is not flowing from pure wrath, but is rather an act of mercy and love.
He is a Prince, exalted to give repentance and remission of sins to Israel," Acts v.
His blood was shed for the remission of sins indefinitely, and without distinction, Matt.
There are promises of pardon and remission of sins in the new covenant of grace, all which are sealed and confirmed in the blood of Jesus, Jer.
Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins.
And he said unto them This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for many for the remission of sins: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
Messiah) to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day; and that repentance, and remission of sins should be preached in his name, beginning at Jerusalem.
I am not sure whether such power of remissionis or is not in section thirteen.
And would it not be wise to place a power of remission somewhere, so that these persons may know they have something to lose by persisting and something to gain by desisting?
Paul's commission was essentially the same as that given to other apostles to preach among all nations repentance and remission of sin in his name with power from on high; for there can be no salvation without repentance and remission of sin.
He experienced repentance, forgiveness and remission of sin.
According to Luke[10]: Christ commanded his apostles to preach among all nations repentance and remissionof sin in his name, after they should be endued with power from on high.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remission" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.