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Example sentences for "unhappy"

Lexicographically close words:
unhappie; unhappier; unhappiest; unhappily; unhappiness; unharassed; unharmed; unharmonious; unharness; unharnessed
  1. I have said any thing improper--you know my unhappy failing.

  2. An enormous and unconsecrated grave had swallowed them up alive, in their unhappy obstinacy against the will of a people to be free.

  3. I, unhappy wretch that I am, have done an evil deed, in that I have become the cause of the tearing out of your eye!

  4. But Indumati urged her vehemently to take it, saying, "We shall be quite unhappy if you refuse to accept it, but if you take it, we shall consider our affliction alleviated.

  5. And after he had gone, Kesata, feeling unhappy without Rupavati, left his house without his parents' knowledge, and went to roam about hither and thither.

  6. Once on a time an ant bit the boy on the thigh as he was crawling about on his knees, so that he was very unhappy and sobbed loudly.

  7. There I was so unhappy that I conceived the design of abandoning the body; so at nightfall I went into the cemetery and proceeded to construct a pyre with the logs there.

  8. This unhappy woman, her hands tied behind her back with strong stalks of mavacure, was then dragged to the mission of Javita.

  9. Thus the unhappy natives, before they came into immediate contact with the Europeans, suffered from their proximity.

  10. These whips of manatee-leather are a cruel instrument of punishment for the unhappy slaves, and even for the Indians of the Missions, though, according to the laws, the latter ought to be treated like freemen.

  11. An apothecary who had been ruined by an unhappy propensity for working mines, accompanied us in our excursion to the Serro de Chacao, very rich in auriferous pyrites.

  12. The whole weight of labour being supported by these unhappy women, we must not be surprised if, in some nations, their number is extremely small.

  13. Separated from her other children who had accompanied their father on the day in which she had been carried off, the unhappy woman showed signs of the deepest despair.

  14. Such daring expeditions could not be carried out without all the apparatus of war; and the weapons, which had been destined for the defence of the new colonists, were employed without intermission against the unhappy natives.

  15. And she constantly suggested to the unhappy girl that her youthful lover had forgotten her amid the distractions and gayeties of Europe.

  16. Always have I loved our unhappy land, and I am sure that I shall continue loving it till my latest moment, in case men prove unjust to me.

  17. Chihun was very kind to him, but he felt unhappy and forlorn notwithstanding.

  18. Falstaff and Romeo are the extremes of what Mr. Lipkind was the not unhappy medium.

  19. For example, I ought to be a very unhappy girl, but I'm not; somehow unhappiness doesn't seem to come easy to me.

  20. Of course, if any of them should stray by any unhappy accident into the lake, it will be a misfortune.

  21. Unhappy Pierre was St. Louis' chamberlain and had been present at his death.

  22. But in 1547 the fanatical king, a mass of physical and moral corruption, soured and gloomy, went to his end amid the barbarities wreaked on the unhappy Vaudois Protestants.

  23. The tower in the interior of the Palais de Justice, where the unhappy Scottish noble was imprisoned after his capture, was known as the Tour Montgomery, until demolished in the reign of Louis XVI.

  24. Europe was now in travail of a new era, and unhappy France reeled under the tempest of the Reformation.

  25. As the unhappy wretches were being led to execution, Constance leaned forward, savagely struck at her old confessor and gouged out one of his eyes.

  26. When the unhappy player came to the first scene, he was set upon by the king's friends, stripped and beaten almost to death with thongs.

  27. I am so unhappy and--and scared, and you--you are making fun of me.

  28. I've been unhappy about that ever since I came.

  29. I was with him for less than twenty-four hours, and I was very unhappy indeed all the time.

  30. In the blessed years which lie before her, the memory of her unhappy pilgrimage will grow dim and faint.

  31. For your idleness and wickedness is generally found it, and your bodies suffer for it here; and, what is far worse, if you do not repent and amend, your unhappy souls will suffer for it hereafter.

  32. Indeed he was so unhappy when away from her that she used even to take him railway journeys, because she did not like to leave him behind.

  33. But there is another part of God's message to us, and it was when Johnny had learned it that he was not afraid or unhappy any more.

  34. And now I want to tell you about another boy, older than Georgie, who was made very unhappy by the thought that he could not get away anywhere to hide from God.

  35. No," said Mrs. Beaver unhesitatingly, though she had in her pocket a note for him from the unhappy Mittie.

  36. Orou would have been a thousand times more unhappy among the Perfectionists under Mr. Noyes than in Paris or London.

  37. Tis you who are beings much to be pitied, if you cannot imagine that one rises above one's lot, and that it is impossible to be unhappy under the shelter of good actions.

  38. Out of all the pictures that are here seek the very worst; and know that two thousand unhappy wretches have bitten their brushes in two with their teeth, in despair of ever doing even as badly.

  39. It is not my habit to take any share in public life; the unhappy circumstances of France have made this impossible for years.

  40. I owe it to you that this unhappy drunkard has been sent to disturb me in my feebleness and the discharge of a public duty.

  41. Though indeed your supposition that I should have taken the trouble to annoy you, and your description of that good-for-nothing as an unhappy drunkard, are signs of intolerance which I should not have expected in a man so favoured.

  42. May not I be unhappy if I like, with my brother in this state?

  43. She was becoming happier than she knew, and at any rate felt it a delusion to imagine the post of governess an unhappy one.

  44. Those unhappy men and women are lured into the gaudy palaces at the corners of the streets to purchase a moment's oblivion of conscience, by stinting their children of bread, that we may wear fine clothes, and call ourselves county people.

  45. She drew back, for all her involuntary unhappy experience with Henri appeared before her.

  46. You are unhappy with Henri; he was not made for you; his spirit is earthly, and yours is exalted in a high degree.

  47. But she is always discontented; an unhappy disposition!

  48. It is black; it is a mourning ring, the only kind appropriate to our unhappy love.

  49. Unhappy is the cause which is upheld by impure men!

  50. Unhappy Poland will fail to secure liberty, for her a forbidden fruit!

  51. I have only one sorrow,--to see our native land in such an unhappy condition.

  52. The unhappy physician died of aconitine poisoning five hours after taking the medicine.

  53. There is none of that aspect of desolation and pity-my-sorrows so common at the faded resorts of the unhappy South, yet a pleasant rurality is impressed on the entertainment.

  54. When people get married and begin to experience the cares of the world, they must expect to be unhappy sometimes.

  55. She would be unhappy if you caused her to neglect them: she would take her pleasure with a bad conscience.

  56. It is a shame that such horrible figures are allowed to appear in public as some of the loathsome ones which belong to these unhappy people.

  57. There can be no doubt of it: but it appears to be a point of honour with these unhappy men to make no statement which may incriminate the witnesses who appeared on their behalf, and on their part perjured themselves equally.

  58. Nor was the weather, implacable towards young lovers and unhappy buck-skinned postillions shivering in white favours, at all more polite towards the passengers of her Majesty's mail that runs from Derry to Ballyshannon.

  59. In a corner was an old man groaning in the agonies of death or colic, and a woman got off her knees to ask us for charity for the unhappy old fellow.

  60. Now she looked from one to the other and finally at the unhappy Archibald.

  61. But long after he had disappeared, she stood there gazing into the dusk, the unhappy Wickie pressed tightly against her breast.

  62. He remembered his own words: "There is only one distinction between men--the unhappy and the happy, the cursed and the blessed.

  63. He wore a red silk button in the lapel of his coat--an order given him by King Leopold in recognition of short but effective service in the unhappy Congo.

  64. And he was only a boy, with wasted features and restless, unhappy eyes.

  65. The unhappy folk in the village are beginning to die off like flies, and when the famine comes----?

  66. His silhouette, cut sharply against the fast-fading light, rose up from the midst of his unhappy followers like a tragic, heroic statue out of a black, uneasy sea.

  67. And under his unhappy eyes her expression changed and grew careless and indifferent.

  68. For she had been very unhappy in her life.

  69. She was smiling as one does at an obstinate, unhappy child.

  70. She ruffled her hair with an unhappy hand.

  71. The unhappy Colonel listened, tugging painfully at his moustache.

  72. The sorrows of an unhappy love are sung with a passion and a fervor such as one finds only in the higher forms of poetry.

  73. They might pass for unhappy ghosts (if a little more ethereal in composition), or for deformed trees.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unhappy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afraid; anguished; anxious; awkward; bad; bleak; blue; bored; bumbling; cheerless; clumsy; complaining; con; cranky; dejected; depressed; desolate; despondent; dire; disagreeable; disappointed; disconsolate; discontent; discontented; disenchanted; disgruntled; disgusted; disillusioned; dismal; displeased; displeasing; dissatisfied; dissenting; doleful; dreary; envious; fatal; forlorn; funereal; futile; gauche; gloomy; graceless; grim; grousing; grumbling; halting; hapless; heartbroken; heavy; hopeless; hurt; impolitic; improper; inadvisable; inappropriate; inapt; inauspicious; incongruous; inconvenient; indignant; inept; inexpedient; infelicitous; inopportune; intrusive; irrelevant; joyless; late; low; luckless; malcontent; melancholy; miserable; moody; mournful; mouth; murmuring; muttering; nauseated; nauseous; ominous; opposed; opposing; peevish; pessimistic; petulant; poor; premature; querulous; rebellious; regrettable; resentful; restive; restless; revolted; rotten; sad; sombre; sorrowful; sorry; sunless; terrible; tragic; unaccommodating; unappreciative; unbefitting; unblessed; uncomplimentary; undesirable; uneasy; unfavorable; unfit; unfortunate; unfulfilled; ungoverned; unhandy; unhappy; unlucky; unpleasant; unpropitious; unprosperous; unquiet; unready; unripe; unsatisfied; unseasonable; unseemly; unsmiling; unsuitable; untimely; untoward; unwise; wooden; wretched; wrong