The latter smiled, but it was a melancholy, joyless smile.
The answer had a harsh and joyless sound, and the tone in which it was spoken did not soften its asperity.
If power was the word, he scarcely understood how to use it aright, for wholly absorbed in himself, he led a joyless life of dissatisfied longing and gloomy reverie.
Ulrich lived in the lonely little palace to which he had retired, avoiding all society, toiling early and late with restless, joyless industry, at a work which pleased him less with every new day.
He was not very much afraid of death, however; for his life had been a joyless one, a monotonous existence of perpetual toil, unrelieved by any home joys or social pleasures.
His eyes were bent on the ground; there was a joyless contraction of his delicate, dark brows.
His lips stretched themselves into something meant for a smile, but it was a veryjoyless smile.
My last remarks hold good with the fourth mazurka, which is bleak and joyless till, with the entrance of A major, a fairer prospect opens.
Now paused they sudden where the pine grove clad The hoar rock's brow, a dark and joyless shade.
Then why is it that so many professing Christians have such joyless lives as they have?
The joylesslives of so many who say that they are His disciples cast no shadow of suspicion upon His veracity, but they do cast a very deep shadow of doubt upon their profession of faith in Him.
In this seemly home, his thoughts threw off the obstruction imposed by centuries of repression, and by the joyless dogmas of the Church.
Life is over: though the automatic joyless mechanism of living may go on for half a century more.
I was once again the hard, unsightly, and joyless rock.
Sara's joyless marriage was over; and the hour was come in which she was to leave that home and family which had so affectionately received her, and which now with solicitude and the tenderest care provided for her wants in her new position.
II At Worms fast by the minster was fram'd for her to dwell A building high and spacious, and thereto furnish'd well, Where sat she joyless ever among her joyless train.
Let gentle fates my darling prince attend: Joyless and cruel are the warrior's spoils, Dreary the path stern Virtue's sons ascend.
So it happened that when Hal came back to a dreary, empty, joyless London, an unexpected gladness was waiting for her.
Humans condemn millions of women, specially born for motherhood, to purposeless, joyless spinsterhood, all on account of a prejudice.
No joyless forms shall regulate Our living calendar: We from to-day, my Friend, will date The opening of the year.
Must we jog on day after day in this cheerless gloom and this joyless duskiness, until we stagger and fall and rot among the toads?
Think how he has rescued them from a joyless stupor, to place them by the side of thinking, reasoning and happy human beings!
Why should one so young, so beautiful, so gifted as you, cast away the ties of social life and pass within the joyless portals of a convent?
Have I not rightly read the meaning of that lovely but joyless face?
Think of my joyless youth, my sorrowing manhood, my life of perpetual humiliation, and give me one day of independent action.
Very long and weary seemed the remaining hours of that joyless voyage.
Death was very near him, and the savings of the long dreary years during which his joyless life had been devoted to money-making must soon pass into other hands.
He had no desire that his son should ever profit by the labours and deprivations of all those joyless years in which his fortune had been scraped together.
The pale fixed face, the listless hands clasped loosely in her lap, every attitude of the drooping figure, betrayed the joyless spirit, the broken heart.
Full well we know that without the love of each other life would be joyless to both.
Christmas had come and gone; a joyless season to many saddened hearts accustomed to hail it with delight.
Alone in the wide world, with ruined hopes, and a long, long, joyless future stretching gloomily before me.
He smiled bitterly to himself, and looked about him with dull, joyless eyes.
This was chiefly because of the stingy, well-to-do relations, whose goodwill she had to secure in order that he might not have an utterly joyless youth.
And joyless year have I, As thou to-day, put forth my song Beneath a wintry sky.