The Doctor stretched his head forward to a paper which lay before him, and responded in a low, murmuring voice, as reading something.
On southern slopes, in quiet glades, And where the brooklets murmuring run, The grass unsheathes its tiny blades To temper in the sun.
The manager bent over himmurmuring as he walked beside his head.
Blind, helpless, murmuring little balls of fur, they were tended lovingly by the dam.
The people are muttering and murmuring against you because they were forbidden to attend your especial juggernaut.
The whispering became a murmuring, and the murmuring grew into excitable chattering; and by ten o'clock that night all the bazaars knew that the ancient rites of Juggernaut were to be revived that night.
A low murmuring among the priests ensued, and presently one of their number--the youngest--passed out and stationed himself before the curtain.
The spectators of this little drama which was hidden from them evinced their approval by a murmuring which had something like applause in it.
If we bear what we must bear with murmuring and grudging, we do but gall our shoulders with the yoke, and render that a heavy unprofitable load which might be fruitful and glorious.
The child's murmuring is more and is less than words; there are no notes, and yet it is a song; there are no syllables, and yet it is language.
If I were your only child, I should do as my mother did, without murmuring against my fate; but my brothers and sister shall not perish beside you with hunger and despair.
Hark to themurmuring round my bannered car, And gird your weapons to you for the war!
Surely ye deem that this one shall abide Within themurmuring palace of my pride.
Yet tottering as I am and weak, Still have I left a little breath To seek within the jaws of death An entrance to that happy place, To seek the unforgotten face, Once seen, once kissed, once reft from me Anigh the murmuring of the sea.
Rudyard stirred in his sleep, murmuring as she leaned over him; and his head fell away from her hand as she stretched out her fingers with a sudden air of pity--of hopelessness, as it might seem from her look.
A thousand fires were burning, and there were no sounds save the murmuring voices of myriads of men, and the stamp of hoofs where the Cavalry and Mounted Infantry horses were picketed.
She nodded once to him, murmuring half a dozen indistinguishable words.
In this shadow, seated upon an ivory chair, was the prince, holding the murmuring child fast in his gentle arms.
I went several times to muse in its still, gloomy aisle, and hear the murmuring chant of the Monks, who went through their exercises in some of the chapels.
For a while Rutherford talked of the coming of his brother; then he and Lyle were silent, but from the other boat, at a little distance, came low, murmuring tones.
So sigh'd the King, Muttering andmurmuring at his ear" Quick, quick!
In sleep she breathed in a lower tone, Murmuring as at night and morn, "Madonna!
The youngster leaned back and snuggled up to Jurgis, murmuring contentedly; in half a minute he was sound asleep, Jurgis sat shivering, speculating as to whether he might not still be able to get hold of the roll of bills.
It was like the murmuring of the bees in the spring, the whisperings of the forest; it suggested endless activity, the rumblings of a world in motion.
This murmuring of waters close at hand was already refreshing me.
Listening more attentively, I heard in reality a murmuring of voices.
I heard too a vague and indistinct noise, something like the murmuringof waves breaking upon a shingly shore, and at times I seemed to hear the whistling of wind.
The gallery dipped down a very little way from the horizontal, scarcely more than two inches in a fathom, and the stream ran gentlymurmuring at our feet.
Had he during the silence of the night caught a sound, a murmuring of something in the distance, which had failed to affect my hearing?
This thought has been of great injury to me, as I felt no murmuring at the will of God, nor disposed to act therein contrary to His will.
Our way was along lanes, over which the wood on each side formed a canopy, and a murmuring rivulet accompanied us till it was lost in a lake.
There was discontent and murmuring amongst the true friends of the royal family, but Reuterholm's spies were ubiquitous, and a frowning brow or dissatisfied look was punished as a crime.
He remained a long time in this position, and his murmuring voice was partly audible to the man.
No voice of nature was there, no murmuring breeze, no note of bird, no spirit of man or of God moved in those lone and abysmal depths.
The last time we saw Judas was when he left the feast of Bethany, murmuring at Mary's deed, angry at the Lord's defence of her, and plotting against Him.
He chatters all day In a frolicsome way With the murmuring breezes that blow--heigh-ho!
The woman had already recovered consciousness, and was murmuring pitifully: "A casa, a casa!
Just as Michael dismounted to discover the exact direction of the road, he heard a confused murmuring sound from the west.
And yet a voice was again raised, this time murmuring in a plaintive tone, "Michael!