It has been already observed that, owing to the unaccommodating disposition of a neighbouring farmer, Lord Nelson had been unable to enlarge the grounds of his retirement at Merton, till he agreed to purchase the whole of Mr. Axe's estate.
If, then, it is a relative pronoun, it is, to say the least, a veryunaccommodating one.
Well, I hope we may get on better in time," said Caroline, taking up a book, and settling herself in a most luxurious attitude in spite of the unaccommodating furniture of the schoolroom.
The despotic arrangements enforced by the Ras el Kafilah, although doubtless materially conducive to his own personal convenience, and to that of his unaccommodating followers, were moreover far from enhancing the comfort of the Embassy.
But the despotism of the Ras was light in comparison with the tyranny exercised by hisunaccommodating train.
To lose an entire porker at one fell swoop, and the household to be so very unaccommodating as not to eat him, was a really serious thing.
Mr. Powell immediately acceded to the arrangement, but the unaccommodating Evans insisted on having the horse without the payment, and made some tart remarks on conniving at a rascal’s tricks and villanies.
I will not deny, but I have no unaccommodating prejudiced habits.
Every lady must doubtless be incommoded by having to do with that proverbially unaccommodating animal, the mule.
Where is that simplicity, where that undisguised attachment to virtue and integrity, where that unaccommodatingsystem of moral truth, that used to live in the bosom of my friend?
It did not become me, who had aimed at the character of unaccommodating virtue, to appear in defence of an action that my heart disallowed.
There is nothing less poetical than this sort of unaccommodating selfishness.
The silver fir, too, is a very unaccommodating tree, as also all the other firs, and indeed every kind of tree that tapers to a point.
Instead of that rich and tufted bed of foliage, which the distant forest exhibits, the copse presents a meagre and unaccommodating surface.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unaccommodating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.