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Example sentences for "displeased"

Lexicographically close words:
displayed; displaying; displays; displeasant; displease; displeases; displeaseth; displeasing; displeasure; displeasures
  1. It is not beardless boys,' answered the displeased Chief, 'who are to do your Royal Highness's turn.

  2. I felt as I used to when grandmamma was ever displeased with me.

  3. He was not displeased that this gallantry could be attributed to him.

  4. Lagree was as much surprised as displeased at the happy result of this expedition, and Fairer-than-a Fairy waited anxiously for an opportunity of meeting Prince Rainbow and telling him her adventures.

  5. But the King had a wicked mother who was displeased with the marriage, and said wicked things of the young Queen.

  6. Here followed a profound silence; and I was not displeased to observe my friend falling so naturally into a discourse, which I had ever before taken notice he industriously avoided.

  7. And there you shall remember your ways, and all your wicked doings with which you have been defiled; and you shall be displeased with yourselves in your own sight, for all your wicked deeds which you committed.

  8. The said horse was of no use to her; and, on the other hand, she did not wish to keep it because she heard that the Bishop was displeased that his horse should have been taken.

  9. I beg, moreover, you will not be displeased with me if I do not pay you frequent visits, as I should be unwilling to create any suspicions in the King's mind.

  10. Guise in the antechamber, who was not displeased at the prospect of a dissension in our family, hoping that he might make some advantage of it.

  11. No girl was ever yet displeased at one more victim bound to her chariot wheels.

  12. It is unfair for me to speak now, it is not playing the game, but will you tell me at least that you won't be displeased with me if sometime I come to you, when I have won the right?

  13. The young man saw he was displeased and waited.

  14. Peter invested with the keys, will not be displeased at finding at Perugia the same landscape, in a picture of the Marriage of the Virgin.

  15. Marco, either not satisfied with this eulogium, or displeased at the silence of Vasari with regard to many of the painters of Siena, and almost all those of Naples, determined to publish a work of his own in opposition to him.

  16. Noticing her grief, the good man wished to bestow upon her another child and could not, and the poor lady was displeased thereat, because she declared that the making of a child wearied her much and cost her dear.

  17. The sight that met her eyes displeased the lady beyond the power of words to express, as it appeared by her discourse, of which to roughness was similar to that of the water of a big pond when the sluice-gates were opened.

  18. She wished the horse to be sold; what she formerly liked now displeased her.

  19. The Emperor occasionally read in the morning the new works and romances of the day; and when a work displeased him, he threw it into the fire.

  20. One of the ladies of the Empress one day showed less humanity than she, however; and the reply which she made to the Emperor displeased him exceedingly, for he loved gentleness and pity in women.

  21. I have not displeased you, dear mother, have I?

  22. But do not be displeased with me for speaking my thoughts, for I love you as a sister, and cannot bear to have you do anything that would not be right.

  23. The very Pope, perhaps, in his heart would not have been displeased if the Legates had disobeyed the orders which he had given, and had proceeded to judgment, as he had often desired that they might.

  24. With real courage Chapuys reminded Henry that the knights who killed Becket had been encouraged by the knowledge that the king was displeased with him.

  25. He was specially displeased with More, from whom he had expected better things.

  26. When I knew the cause I was much displeased at so wanton an use being made of our fire- arms, and took measures to prevent it for the future.

  27. He thought I was displeased when I refused to go aboard his vessel; and I was jealous of seeing such a force in our neighbourhood without being able to know any thing of its design.

  28. They continued from time to time to ask if we were displeased with them, and seemed to be very apprehensive that our present protestations of friendship were not quite sincere.

  29. All I could do, I could not prevail on the two that remained to call these strangers along-side; on the contrary, they were displeased at my doing it, and wanted me to fire upon them.

  30. But the colour rose darkly in his cheeks above his beard, for he was pleased now as he had been displeased before.

  31. Is it for me to be pleased or displeased with the deeds of my lord and master?

  32. Richard looked very much displeased at his brother's rudeness, and tried to make up for it by great kindness and attention.

  33. Very harsh things have been said of Mr Gladstone and his Cabinet on this point, but considering their views and declarations, it is not so very surprising that Gordon's boldness and originality alarmed and displeased them.

  34. King Leopold, who has behaved throughout with generosity, and the most kind consideration towards Gordon, is naturally displeased and upset, but he feels that he cannot restrain Gordon or insist on the letter of his bond.

  35. Something in the nascent sophistication of Schley displeased Stover.

  36. I must confess that I can not find what should have so much displeased the critics in this word.

  37. But a man, when he is displeased living with those at home, having gone abroad is wont to relieve his heart of uneasiness, having recourse either to some friend or compeer.

  38. In the mean time, I am not displeased to be where I am--I mean, at Venice.

  39. If the abode with my insignificance displeased her, she might have fled; but the traitress should not have robbed me of my most precious treasure, the best friend of my soul, without whom I am nothing.

  40. Go in, and tell my lady that, having displeased my father, I have gone to Friar Laurence’s cell to make confession and to be absolved.

  41. He knew that Olivia would be seriously displeased if she came to learn what had happened, and he was already so deep in disgrace with his niece that he could not with safety pursue the sport any further.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "displeased" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    allergic; averse; complaining; con; cranky; disaffected; disappointed; discontented; disenchanted; disgruntled; disillusioned; disinclined; displeased; dissatisfied; dissenting; envious; grousing; grumbling; hostile; indignant; low; malcontent; murmuring; muttering; opposed; opposing; peevish; petulant; poor; querulous; rebellious; resentful; restive; restless; unaccommodating; unappreciative; uncomplimentary; uneasy; unfavorable; unfriendly; unfulfilled; ungoverned; unhappy; unsatisfied