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Example sentences for "nauseous"

Lexicographically close words:
nausea; nauseant; nauseate; nauseated; nauseating; nautch; nautical; nautiloid; nauy; nava
  1. Now do not fear, I have described sea-sickness once and for all; this paper shall not be nauseous with new details.

  2. It is always the resemblance of a rare species, which is the favourite food of some creature, to a common species nauseous to the mimicker's foe.

  3. Protection is ensured in many ways, and among insects one of the commonest has been the acquisition of a nauseous flavour.

  4. The wish for a speedy release from this nauseous diet now became universal, and our continuance in the high latitudes was disagreeable to all on board.

  5. Methinks I feel all the woman rise in me, when I reflect upon the nauseous rogues that pretend to deceive us.

  6. They differed only in proportion to the degree of dislike between the nauseous and the insipid.

  7. Here is anguish to be endured by a mother, who has to force down the nauseous physic, or to apply the tormenting plaster!

  8. Flour which has been damaged by moisture has a dull or reddish-white hue, and possesses a mouldy, or even a noxious, odor, as well as a bitter and nauseous taste which produces a marked acid sensation in the throat.

  9. The Puritan Elders suffer for their Lust of Money, and are quite nauseous and abominable; And his Morose meets with a severe Punishment, after having sufficiently tir'd you with his Peevishness.

  10. Nauseous medicines have ever been deemed the most efficacious, on the reasoning that as every thing medicinal is nauseous, every thing that is nauseous must be medicinal.

  11. The same facts are observed in vegetables; the celery sprung from the nauseous and bitter apium graveolens, and the colewort, is metamorphosed into the cabbage and the cauliflower.

  12. Now it is utterly impossible, whatever may have been the revolution in taste since the days of Solomon, that the nauseous and offensive mandragore could have been considered as a propitiating present to a lady.

  13. The possession of nauseous qualities would be of little value to an insect, unless it could be at once recognised by insectivorous animals and avoided as food.

  14. Both larva and imago are protected by a strong nauseous scent, or taste, and are uneatable to birds.

  15. This term is applied to those remarkable cases where a harmless or edible species imitates in form and colouring a highly armed or nauseous species.

  16. The clean sunshine struck it, and the mass heaved itself into the air in a nauseous eruption, then fell limply to the earth.

  17. It was warm again--clean--save for a hint of some nauseous odor.

  18. It was formless, shapeless, a heaving mound of nauseous matter.

  19. Without undue pride I would like to record that I was the first to think of putting in a peculiarly nauseous gun oil, and thereby acquired a reputation of making tremendous medicine.

  20. Every hot, biting, nauseous horror in camp went into that pint measure.

  21. The following extracts will show that in the poet's age this nauseous bitter potion was in frequent use medicinally.

  22. It represented reaction against the querulousness, the vagueness, the mere prettiness which have so often resulted in nauseous verse.

  23. The case is interesting, because it shows that nauseous fluids sometimes occur sporadically, and may thus be intensified by natural selection when required for the purpose of protection.

  24. But there's no meddling with such nauseous men; Their very names have tired my lazy pen: 'Tis time to quit their company, and choose Some fitter subject for a sharper muse.

  25. Nor is this more extraordinary, than that the catenations of irritative motions with the apparent vibrations of objects at sea should produce sickness of the stomach; or that a nauseous story should occasion vomiting.

  26. This is true to a certain small extent, and one or two of the disclosures in the Confessions are in very nauseous matter, and are made moreover in a very nauseous manner.

  27. They will doubtless imagine that it is portentous of long rhapsodies on those wonders of antiquity, the description of which has long become absolutely nauseous to them by incessant iteration.

  28. They hung their nauseous relics on its mighty walls, they stuck their tiny tapers about its glorious pillars, they wreathed their tawdry fringes around its massive altars.

  29. And, per contra, it may also have struck you that most tropical fruits have thick or hard or nauseous rinds, which need to be torn off before the monkeys or birds for whose use they are intended, can get at them and eat them.

  30. Persons wanting to be clear’d and kept free of those nauseous venomous Vermin, shall be attended by the Author on the following Terms, viz.

  31. If you neglect this necessary precaution, it will stick to the bottom of the boiler, and the burned part will acquire a nasty nauseous taste.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nauseous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abominable; anguished; anxious; bad; bored; brackish; cheerless; cloying; depressed; disagreeable; disgusted; distasteful; fearful; fetid; foul; frightful; fulsome; grim; hideous; high; horrible; joyless; maggoty; mawkish; monstrous; nasty; nauseated; nauseating; nauseous; noisome; noxious; obscene; offensive; outrageous; overripe; poisonous; queasy; rancid; rank; repellent; repugnant; repulsive; revolted; revolting; rotten; sad; shocking; sickening; spoiled; squeamish; stinking; terrible; ugly; uneasy; unfulfilled; ungoverned; unhappy; unpalatable; unquiet; unsatisfied; vile; weevily