The forbiddenthing protrudes itself upon consciousness as a negation.
The scandalmonger, inhibited from doing the forbidden thing, enjoys himself by a vicarious indulgence in rottenness.
Inevitably his thinking would wander into what his crowd considered forbidden paths.
In other further Articles it was laid down that a belligerent is forbidden to force the inhabitants of territory occupied by him to furnish information about the army of the other belligerent, or about its means of defence.
The train, she said, was packed; all windows were closed, and the blinds drawn, and the passengers were forbidden on peril of their lives to raise them.
It is specially forbidden “To kill or wound an enemy who, having laid down his arms, or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion.
It was forbidden to confiscate private property, and also laid down that family honour and rights, the lives of persons, and private property, as well as religious convictions and practice, must be respected.
I know that you care nothing about liquid spirit at this season of the year, other than as it is forbidden you.
The orchard was literally the place of forbidden fruit to the little folks, who were not allowed there save in company of older people.
In his covenant he is forbidden expressly to take any allowance above 400l.
Ramage seemed always fencing about the forbidden topic, probing for openings, and she wondered why she did not give him them.
I shall still wear your favor--even if it is a stolen and forbidden favor--in my casque.
His first idea as a man of the world was to explain her unrest by a lover, some secret or forbidden or impossible lover.
Musicians were forbiddento play for Von Büllow, and many obstacles were placed in his way.
I expected to sleep, but on finding that I could catch a sight of the sick tent from under the canvas, I experienced such fascination in watching this forbidden spot that midnight came before I had closed my eyes.
Though forbidden to allow her to speak on the one tabooed subject, I had wit enough to know that nothing would keep her from it, if the fate of Mrs. Fairbrother occupied any real place in her thoughts.
But I was no enemy to his gentle daughter and the relief I felt at finding myself thus cut off by my own promise from even the remotest communication with her on this forbidden subject was genuine and sincere.
Turning away from this forbidden paradise, we proceeded to examine a fine old plane tree, in the trunk of which three people live and keep a coffee-shop.
The Greeks being forbidden to carry arms, their costume is less picturesque than formerly; but, on some of the noble-looking figures I saw, it still appeared handsome and becoming.
Lennox was forbidden to appear with more than six followers, and his efforts to obtain a postponement were fruitless.
To spoil the pleasure of the people, the plague was raging in the City, and the inhabitants were by proclamation forbidden to enter Westminster.
He instantly summoned the offenders before his Council, where they were severely snubbed and forbidden to marry without the king's permission.
On his appearance the porter demanded of the Usher of the Black Rod whether the axe should be borne before him; but the Usher said no, the king had expressly forbidden it.
He sent the lady word that as she had eaten of the forbidden fruit, she must now pay the penalty of it.
The clerk of the Crown refused to receive the return, and sent it back to the sheriff as contrary to the proclamation; for Goodwin had formerly been outlawed, and James had forbidden the return of outlaws.
The French Envoy was forbidden the Court and soon after ordered to leave the country.
The fruit Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the world.
Physical and mechanical causes are exclusively to be treated of; volition is a forbidden subject.
He felt as a man who had burst asunder the swathes and trammels which had kept him galled and miserable with the sense of captivity, and from which some wizard spell that took strength from his own superstition had forbidden to struggle.
I then could say, 'Open sesame' to whatever recesses, forbidden to vulgar footsteps, the adventurer whom I took by the hand might wish to explore.
I was forbidden all fatigue of mind: my books were banished, but not the new self which the books had formed.
Then, Signorina, you are forbidden to undervalue the gift of song.
Say as mysteriously as you can that parties you are forbidden to name instruct you to treat with M.
The Egyptians, like the Jews, wereforbidden to eat swine's flesh.
But intoxication was in general looked upon by the Egyptians as a forbidden and despicable vice.
High though she stands, and clear by thirty miles of such shelter as the mountains can give, by some queer trick of Nature's, upon the map of Æolus Pau and her pleasant precincts are shown as forbidden ground.
For this the loss of our forbidden fruit was indirectly responsible.
The sixteenth century would have had little sympathy with the sentimentalists who hold that womanhood in itself is a burden so heavy that all active occupations should be forbidden to the married woman.
You know you are forbidden to go gallivanting round with those chaps, and that 's the reason you 're in a pucker now.
Now, it suddenly occurred to her that Mr. Shaw did n't like such amusements, and had forbidden Fan to indulge in them.
But it was not, and Polly's fun cost more than the price of gloves and bonnet, for, having nibbled at forbidden fruit, she had to pay the penalty.
The officers are forbidden to have private servants.
The form of punishment held in most awe is to be forbidden to row in the boats.
In the Catholic Church, by the canon law, the ownership in or control over a pew is forbidden to laymen.
The question of the parent's being obliged to send his child to the public schools or being forbidden to send his child to a private or parochial school, is not settled in some States; but it is being settled in favor of the parent.
So again there was a service, and I went forth as an outcast and a wanderer, knowing that I must do many things that were forbidden to my caste; that I must touch unclean things, must eat forbidden food, and must take life if needs be.
Mr. Bastow had had a quarrel with his son, and had forbiddenhim the house.
You have forbidden me to use it, and I, as your obedient slave, venture no opposition to your command, but obey!
The doctor has forbidden him to stand, and I am an incorruptible nurse.
The nurse was strictly forbidden ever to take it out of the apartments appropriated to her; if she was obliged to leave them herself, she was ordered to leave the child in the cradle and lock the door after her.
As the "Citadol" is the chief attraction, we penned a highly polite letter to his Excellency the Governor of the Province, asking for his permission to visit this otherwise forbidden ground.