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Example sentences for "displeasing"

Lexicographically close words:
displeasant; displease; displeased; displeases; displeaseth; displeasure; displeasures; disport; disporte; disported
  1. But as soon as he began to attack them, and to show that their wicked mode of life was displeasing to him, and that he was minded to put an end to it, they immediately raised their heads.

  2. Observe, O reader, how displeasing and hateful to God it is to impede or divert those who wish to serve him.

  3. That is, they shall be blessed according to their deserts; and ought, therefore, instead of displeasing God by envying of others, to endeavor to merit his favour by good works and to apply to him by prayer.

  4. It is really monstrous to see how unaccountably it prevails among Men, to take the Liberty of displeasing each other.

  5. The giving of Thanks is displeasing to him.

  6. Yes, Sire, she loved you, and she would have proved it had it not been for dread of displeasing you: she had conceived an idea.

  7. After having addressed the Government collectively he ended by addressing the First Consul individually--a sort of compliment which had not hitherto been put in practice, and which was far from displeasing him who was its object.

  8. As to Bonaparte I had not seen him since he sent for me after the condemnation of Georges, when I saw that my candour relative to Moreau was not displeasing to him.

  9. These compliments were far from displeasing to the First Consul, who had no objection to flattery though he despised those who meanly made themselves the medium of conveying it to him.

  10. I cut him short in the midst of his harangue: too much eloquence in any line is displeasing in one's dependant.

  11. Not content with this, he went on in his usual gross and displeasing manner to enumerate or to forge those various particulars of her personal charms which he thought most likely to steel me against her attractions.

  12. GOD does not forbid patient, submissive pleading, but murmuring fears are displeasing to Him, and He withdraws from the soul that will not lean on Him.

  13. To-day I will pray more fervently, try to realize Thy Presence, Thy Goodness, Thy Love; and my heart shall be a sanctuary into which nothing shall penetrate that could be displeasing unto Thee.

  14. Presently the ball was struck towards Oliver, and the group instantly gathered round that young gentleman, and snatched him from Randal's eye; but the elder brother heard a displeasing din, a derisive laughter.

  15. He therefore observed, that he should be very sorry to do any thing displeasing to his benefactor, but that his father had been naturally anxious that he should not appear positively to slight the friendly overtures of Mr. Hazeldean.

  16. Luther also impresses on the monks and clergy that they must not pray for what is displeasing to God .

  17. Such counsel was displeasing to the zealous, but it was followed.

  18. The very qualities which existed in the character of the inhabitants to render them displeasing to the late King, operated as much with the Protector in their favour; and he diverted all complaints of their enemies against them.

  19. The notion of being a dead man is not entirely displeasing to me.

  20. We may now readily conceive how little predisposed was Sibyll to the blunt advances and displeasing warnings of the Lady Bonville, and the more so from the time in which they chanced.

  21. Now, we have Edward's own authority for stating that his first grudge against Warwick originated in this displeasing intimacy, but the English king was too clear-sighted to interpret such courtesies into the gloss given them by Rivers.

  22. I was afraid of displeasing him, so I simply bent my head.

  23. Everything, say they, that the one is entitled to should be conceded to the other; everything that pleases or displeases in the one is necessarily pleasing or displeasing in the other.

  24. But this interval of forty days was not free from the displeasing fatigue of often setting sail, and being as often obliged to return; nor exempt from dangers, greater than have been sometimes undergone in surrounding the globe.

  25. If possible, he was to keep this part of his instructions secret, for fear of displeasing the King.

  26. He would gladly have pleased Henry could he have pleased him without displeasing Charles.

  27. This answer was not at all displeasing to the Najashi.

  28. The advice given was not displeasing to the stubborn rivals and they finally agreed to follow it.

  29. Fearful of displeasing him, I repressed the natural frankness and social warmth of my nature, and I am sure our visitors often departed, chilled and disappointed.

  30. I was fearful of displeasing him by showing too much pleasure in what did not appear to interest him; but when the door was closed on the departing guest and he exclaimed,-- "Thank heaven!

  31. The levity of an Ionian was ever displeasing to him.

  32. A peculiar, but not strong nor displeasing odour, came from this drawer, which was lined with a wood that we afterwards discovered to be hazel.

  33. In the adversity of our best friends we always find something which is not wholly displeasing to us.

  34. Presently, when it was broad day, some of the men began to rouse up, and in a little we broke our fast, which was not displeasing to me, who had spent the night watching.

  35. At that, I got hastily to my feet; but she bade me sit down, and therewith she took a seat opposite, and so bantered me with a gentle playfulness that was not displeasing to me, and at which I played so good a second as I had ability.

  36. It's extremely displeasing both to David and me.

  37. She seems to be displeasing some of those in authority.

  38. I shall make half my property over to you for good; then if I disapprove of what you do with it, you'll at all events be free to go on pleasing yourself and displeasing me.

  39. However, the Queen preferred to drop negotiations, in fear of displeasing the Duke; and so I remained here, much to my regret.

  40. Messer Gabriello Cesano was quite the opposite, as ugly and displeasing as the other was agreeable; accordingly he spoke as he looked.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "displeasing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.