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Example sentences for "unfavorable"

Lexicographically close words:
unfastening; unfatherly; unfathomable; unfathomably; unfathomed; unfavorably; unfavourable; unfavourably; unfearing; unfeathered
  1. This will place your victim in the least unfavorable light, and will, in some measure, repair the evil of detraction.

  2. Gossip is small talk, idle and sufficiently discolored to make its subject appear in an unfavorable light.

  3. The story of the war must be told elsewhere; here it is enough to say that the result was unfavorable to Athens for reasons for which Pericles was only in small part to blame.

  4. The result of this meditation was an opinion exceedingly unfavorable to the religion of his countrymen.

  5. Fortunately for himself, and still more so for the kingdom he was afterward to govern, he possessed a mind too active to be entirely subdued by the most unfavorable circumstances.

  6. With soil and climate both unfavorable they wrought out general plenty and comfort.

  7. Read what his biographer tells of the unfavorable circumstances of the preparation for the argument and how he overcame them by superhuman effort.

  8. A hostile power, with a vast empire of land, will spring up under the very nose of the States, where our adversary will acquire a base of operations in the highest degree unfavorable to us.

  9. To them the favorable is morally right, the unfavorable morally wrong.

  10. Sundays, days and even seasons of unfavorable weather, in long do-nothing intervals succeeding the making and also the gathering of the crop, they cost him just as much as when he can work them from sun to sun.

  11. Rudolf of Hapsburg, elected in 1273, revived the royal authority and strictly enforced justice, but his rule was unfavorable to the growing privileges of the towns.

  12. No sooner was he set at liberty than he secured from the pope a release from his oaths, and renewed the struggle, but again with unfavorable results, and was compelled to make another disastrous peace at Cambrai (1529).

  13. In consequence, all favorable or unfavorable omens are carefully treasured up in the memory, quite as much pains being taken to guard against evil prognostics as to propitiate good fortune.

  14. Quite naturally, dealers in gems have no patience with those superstitions unfavorable to the sale of their wares, although they show no particular dislike toward those of a different nature, if their sales are thereby increased.

  15. The contrary is the fact; for in Hamburg, as every where else, are to be found many bright examples of chastity in the midst of poverty; of patient, persevering industry and integrity in unfavorable circumstances.

  16. The climate is unfavorable to female beauty, and it is generally conceded that the men are handsomer than the women.

  17. There was no law that I could discover against my speaking in the street and I was convinced and am still that it was the result of the petty tyranny of town officials unfavorable to women.

  18. Of the unfavorable votes, 74 were from Democrats and 32 from Republicans.

  19. The division in Republican ranks resulted in putting into power the Democratic party, with an unfavorable record on woman suffrage and a President who was opposed to it, but "votes for women" was now a national political issue.

  20. In spite of most unfavorable conditions this was accomplished and the amendment received a majority.

  21. How perfectly the coming generation is protected under the most unfavorable circumstances we have been given a striking object-lesson in one family of the lower animals.

  22. The dunes are so far from being an unfavorable soil for the vine, that fresh sea-sand is regularly employed as a fertilizer for it, alternating every other season with ordinary manure.

  23. This life of incessant flitting is unfavorable for the execution of permanent improvements of every sort, and especially of those which, like the forest, are slow in repaying any part of the capital expended in them.

  24. The climatic conditions unfavorable to the spontaneous growth of trees on the prairies may possibly be an effect of too extensive clearings, rather than a cause of the want of woods.

  25. Is n't it with that same cant of an unfavorable time these men always add so much to the premium on every undertaking?

  26. The original panel of forty-eight men contained only four who had not expressed opinions unfavorable to the prisoner, and of these four all but one admitted some degree of prejudice against him.

  27. To an eye witness the situation at this moment would have looked very unfavorable for Ixtlilchoatl and his prince, if not absolutely critical.

  28. The institution people are afraid of unfavorable publicity, Dad's alarmed about his story, while you and I are just plain indifferent.

  29. She could not help feeling that the institution officials seemed far more worried about the prospect of unfavorable publicity than over the missing child's welfare.

  30. And that's certain to bring unfavorable attention to the Home.

  31. We'll give the institution no unfavorable publicity.

  32. For the present every circumstance is unfavorable for you, and we must be careful.

  33. But," he went on, "you will remember that if the report of Captain von Liebknecht is at all correct matters look rather unfavorable for you at present.

  34. In all deserts there are very large areas entirely without plants, due to shifting sand or other local conditions, which, added to the generally unfavorable climate, make plant life impossible.

  35. While Entada scandens has spread in spite of unfavorable adaptation for seed floating, there are some plants whose seeds always float, and in spite of the sea water retain their power of germination.

  36. The distribution of the rain mostly through the growing season also makes a condition peculiarly unfavorable for trees during the winter.

  37. They are some of the most peculiar and fantastic of nature’s devices for allowing plants to grow in apparently unfavorable places.

  38. No matter what apparently unfavorable condition arises and often in spite of an almost unbelievable wastage of potential life stuff, the renewal goes on, or else there is the total disappearance of the species.

  39. While deserts seem to be the most unfavorable places in which plants can exist, and their very existence in many deserts is often a precarious affair, it should be kept in mind that the soil of such places is often by no means sterile.

  40. But the really great difference is the long, unfavorable season in temperate regions where the forest must drop all its leaves, after, in at least our own Eastern States, the most gorgeous foliage coloring of any forest in the world.

  41. Should any thing unfavorable occur, send to the office immediately.

  42. To put it off for a single day might cause a reaction in her feelings and produce an unfavorable condition.

  43. His having been once my companion entitles him at present to my particular attention; yet I will here mention to your Excellency a circumstance which may appear, if known, in an unfavorable light, viz.

  44. Her mind was constantly busy laying plans to keep them apart, and to put the cardinal in an unfavorable light, though she used the most flattering terms both in speaking and writing to him.

  45. An unfavorable answer was therefore given to the English ambassadors, who were very much displeased at their failure.

  46. The Reformers fondly hoped that Anne of Cleves might be restored to her former position, and regarded Katharine in the same unfavorable light as Anne Boleyn had been looked upon by the Catholics.

  47. He threw it open with a bang, as if to express an unfavorable opinion of me, and I drove through, and stopped down by the stables.

  48. The producer who works at the greater advantage is foreordained to underbid and supplant the one who works under more unfavorable conditions.

  49. The introduction of a regime of monopoly may insure a period of much saving by the class that profits by it; but the later career of the monopoly is unfavorable to the growth of capital.

  50. Many inventions cancel one another's unfavorable effects in a way that we shall later examine.

  51. Shortly before the opening of the fair, however, and at a moment when the Exposition Company was passing through most trying experiences and needed all possible funds, it was found that unfavorable aspects had arisen.

  52. The commissioner-general then made a report that was unfavorable to Russia's participation at the exposition, and he was then informed through the minister of finance of the withdrawal of Russia as a Government exhibitor.

  53. When the unfavorable report came, Seward was confined to his bed and the minister was advised to drop it and leave it to the United States to take it up again.

  54. He was profoundly affected by the unfavorable reception he met with, and his tears flowed freely.

  55. The appearance of this pamphlet created so much unfavorable comment (even Hyrum Smith denouncing it "as from beneath") that Joseph deemed it best to condemn it in the Wasp, although men in his confidence were busy advocating its teachings.

  56. Mormon assertion that Buchanan was compelled to change his policy toward the Mormons by unfavorable comments "throughout the United States and throughout Europe.

  57. Such will mostly sell, though many of them, owing to the distance from the river and other unfavorable circumstances, only at a very great sacrifice.

  58. Mr. Calhoun also declined to discuss the question whether banks were favorable or unfavorable to "public liberty and prosperity.

  59. All of these events were unfavorable to the Whigs; still, they did not probably determine the result.

  60. These are things, moreover, you would never know by public statements, since all the good bargains are smothered in silence, while those that may possibly have been a little unfavorable to the tenant are proclaimed far and near.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfavorable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adversary; adverse; alien; antagonistic; anti; antipathetic; antithetical; apocalyptic; bad; baleful; baneful; black; clashing; competitive; con; conflicting; contradictory; contrary; counter; cross; dark; deleterious; destructive; detrimental; difficult; dire; disadvantageous; disappointed; discontented; disenchanted; disgruntled; disillusioned; displeased; dissatisfied; dissenting; dreary; enemy; evil; fateful; foreboding; foul; fractious; gloomy; hard; harmful; hostile; ill; improper; inappropriate; inauspicious; inconvenient; indignant; inexpedient; infelicitous; inferior; inimical; injurious; inopportune; intrusive; invalid; irrelevant; jaundiced; late; low; lowering; malevolent; menacing; miserable; negative; obstinate; ominous; opponent; opposed; opposing; opposite; oppositional; peccant; perverse; poor; portentous; prejudicial; premature; recalcitrant; refractory; repugnant; rigorous; rival; sinful; sinister; somber; stressful; threatening; troublesome; troublous; trying; unappreciative; unbefitting; uncomplimentary; unfavorable; unfit; unflattering; unfortunate; unfriendly; unhandy; unhappy; unlucky; unprofitable; unpromising; unpropitious; unready; unripe; unseasonable; unskillful; unsuitable; untimely; untoward; useless; vicious; wicked; worthless; wretched; wrong